"Life is not a bed of roses, so is marriage ".
The room was very dark, filled with clouds of smoke, I could barely manage yo see anything. I had almost bumped into someone, I got a grip of myself and stood to my feet.
A wooden table filled with liquors of various sizes and brands and some meters away was Mr Bratch Wilson seated with a call girl on his lap, caressing his bare chest, with a cigar fixed in between his fingers. Two hefty men were guarding the door to the room, without paying close attention to what was happening.
"Spencer, why don't you come over and sit down, drink with me kid". He spoke in his Russian accent.
I was a bit shocked to have realized that he knew my name, so I was kind of speechless. He realized and told me that he had always known me ever since I was a child.
" The last time I met you, you we're still about six years old then. You see, your father and I had a pretty good relationship, and that's why I considered giving him a chance ".
"You don't drink alcohol?….". He asked after he found out that I hadn't touched the glass of liquor poured for me.
" I don't sir".
"There's nothing wrong in taking alcohol, it's refreshing, here have a taste". He offered.
" I just prefer non alcoholic drinks sir, no offense, my choice ".
" It's alright, let's cut to the chase ".
He signaled one of the men to get the documents required for the transfer properties. I had to sign them, as he signed his too.
" You are a nice man, Spencer- why don't you loosen yourself and enjoy a bit … huh?".
I bit my bottom lips, before I gave him an answer.
" Sir, I'm… I'm a Christian, and my religion forbids me from having sexual relations before marriage sir". I answered in a very polite way, which made him laugh to his hearts content.
" Sinful?. Spencer, does your religion also forbids you from signing a deal, for the closure of the military bases?". He asked with a hint of mockery evident in his tone. I hissed at his words , but he got up from his armchair and approached me .
" You need a break, from all these…. You really do- anyways…"
Going back to his" pleasure call girl ", and allowing her kiss him…. It disgusted me just to know how, how much he values those group of women. And he got to find out about my reaction.
" You see, we need a moment of relaxation, do you know that?. Our lives are like a candle wax, which can fade anytime, especially we in the military. It's either we kill or get killed, in both ways, death is involved, and since it's like that we feed our minds and lives living life to the best. Best, I mean is this….Pleasure, before our time runs out. I know you're still chaste right?".
" Yes".
" Really?- I've never seen someone like you before. You have an intriguing personality, but I advise you son, life can be bitter and sweet, so , enjoy the best of it, before it fades way. Till next time son. Send my regards to your father ".
" I will …. Thank you sir".
I quickly took the documents and hastily left, without any second thought. Gosh! . "How devilish this place could be?". I thought to myself. My mind drifted off to the strange lunatic, that I encountered earlier, that drove me crazy. I've never met that person before, let alone seen someone stupid, I had accidentally bumped into some one, without realizing it. Pieces of paperwork from the documents scattered round the area. I looked up to see whom, and was blessed with a beautiful sight. A lovely lady, serving as a waitress, but was done with her sight. I quickly gathered my piece of scattered works, of which she helped, apologizing. My eyes met with her almond shaped eyes, which were soul- capturing and her ox- blood lips which were enchanting and seemed soft…. . I lost my need to blink for a while, without realizing it. I enjoyed the way her hair flowed down in tumbles of coral black as she bent to help me.
" God!. What is wrong with me?". Snapping back to reality, I wanted to hastily leave, till she told me he name.
" I'm Alicia George….".
Oh well, I couldn't remember asking for her name. Seriously?. But surprisingly, I gave out my name too. Seems too foolish, I guess.
"My name is um…. umm.. Spencer, Spencer Octavian Wright "
She gasped. Spencer Octavian Wright?- you mean son of the wealthy Wright. Christopher Wright?".
Oh, yeah, this girl is just crazy, I quickly managed a smile, and made my way to leave, not until, she spoke again.
" I mean, you are every girl's dream man. I've heard a lot about you and your father. His delicious recipes, which I have been longing to catch a sight of one of those….". She clasped her chest with her empty tray. I watched the smile on her face, as I started feeling funny, due to her smiles. We talked a lot after that, and we kicked off.
Alicia was living in the slums, and needed to find another place. Together, we found a suitable place near Old hills, Canderva City. Our relationship, kicked off as mere friends,but grew into a height of falling in love. When I told my parents, of our relationship, they debunked the idea of the two of us being together, because Alicia was a black American, and my family- well, they are committed racist. Alicia's parents passed away, when she was a kid , her uncles have been maltreating her, denying her the good life she deserved.
She moved in the slums, not until I met her, he had to love her, telling her the need to move out to a better place. I choose a very comfortable place for her. Yet she….betrayed me, with her venomous words.