The thought of encountering hundreds of those demon class monsters discourages, but well, if I can't at the first time I'll keep trying, although reborn this is still a game world and I can reappear infinite times.
Well, it's time to check my status, but before that I have to call my companions who are still descending in depth.
With a shout they begin to ascend and catch up with me.
- Status. With the verbal order all the data appears before me.
Name: Hel Race: Grand Dolphin Alpha
HP: 40 MP: 0 EXP.Faction: 0/50
Physi/attack: 10 Physi/defense: 5
Magi/attack: 0 Magi/defense: 0
Sab: 0 Int: 5 Agi: 15 Vit: 5
Active skills:
Passive skills:
[Deep Diving] / [Lung Breathing] / [Sonar]
(Author's note: Statistics subject to change, in the future the format as it looks will be replaced by one that I find more convenient when the stats and skills numbers start to grow).
Basic stats pretty good, agility is the strong point and the intelligence stats are not empty, this only happens with the dolphin, snake and monkey. With this the orders given will be easily interpreted and better carried out, you could almost call this statistic productivity, but as it refers to the level of information processing of the AI minion intelligence fits well.
Without active skills unlike some races and with the failure of lung breathing, which will make it difficult to dive, but in return I have obtained one of the best skills in my faction mission, Sonar.
Active skill that allows to have a control of the position of targets and structures underwater. Sonar is a racial skill and does not consume MP.
It will be super important to avoid enemies in the central ocean and now to find food and avoid both players and more powerful animals, the nursery is not a resting place, it is just a zone where the enemy limit is monster level and PK is allowed in the whole LAZ world except for faction neutral territories for now and the nursery is not one of these territories.
The nursery is where players and reincarnates start and develop their faction until they reach the first humanization, which is when they develop the first form of community: Tribal.
This way they will not be quickly destroyed by beasts or players with high development.
It's time to start, checking around me I can't see anything, only water, in the nursery there is only one place with so much water, the central lake. For now we can only look for food and try to get to the tribal stadium as soon as possible.
With a follow command the 7 of us move to the surface to breathe.
Sure enough, above us the 3 moons of LAZ are in a corner, the sky was darkening fast and with it many players will start to hide so as not to be preyed upon in the dark, not all races have night vision or a method of detection.
With my group ready we went back to sink in the lake, I order them to spread out a bit and not to stop using [Sonar] in order to find food. We move quite fast due to our high agility and with that we can catch a few fish.
[You have fed yourself and your minions too, you get 10 exp. Due to omnivore you only get 8].
8 experience for over two hours of hunting and just over twenty river fish.
It doesn't seem fair.
While I was lamenting the ordeal a huge shadow passes by our hunting area, for others it would have scared them but I was at least a decent LAZ player and I knew that more than fear I should be happy.
A crowd of river fish forming a huge black moving blob. Without any hesitation I order five of my minions to surround them and don't stop urging them to the center, while with the last dolphin we move under them to urge them to the surface.
Thanks to our speed we can get into the right positions, when they become aware of our presence it is too late to flee and they start to ascend due to our aggressive movements.
From the air, if not at night, in a remote area to the west of the central lake a black spot could be seen in the water, if someone approached the surface of the water they could see several thousand river fish jumping into the air trying to escape the predators.
When they are at the highest point I give the order to attack and with that the whole surface was filled with splashes of jumping fish and dolphins following closely. In no time the whole area was full of blood attracting more dolphins and the aggressive sharks, although before this feast none decided to attack each other for now, among the animals involved no player was present, they are marked with an aura that only among players can be noticed. While I was literally bathing in food a horrible message occupied my field of vision.
[Both you and your minions are full, you can eat no more. Any food that is not saved will not count as experience.
Experience gained: 50 pts, the amount will be reduced by omnivore, you have gained 40 pts]
Holy shit ..... You've got to be kidding me, moving to the next evolutionary stage on the first day will surely give a nice prize and you take it out of my hands... just 2 more pts and I'd have it. If I wasn't underwater right now you could see a dolphin crying giving the best picture for environmental groups.
[You won't be able to get points until tomorrow, rest up]
I'm sure the system is laughing at me....
- Cough, cough. System next time can you tell me the points already deducted please. If I don't see how much I lost I won't suffer, ignorance is a virtue, at least to my heart.
[Order accepted, the total experience will not be shown again before being requisitioned].
- Pfff. Quick as when we hunted we left the banquet and moved away to the south, there was nothing in particular we wanted from there, we simply moved in that direction to get away and with that we were able to rest taking turns getting everyone to sleep, I was obviously exempt from that cumbersome task.
The next morning we managed to complete the first day.
[Congratulations, you have completed your first day, you have gained 5 pts of experience.
The experience limit has been broken, you have a new evolutionary choice.
Because you have achieved it on your second day, you get a lower quality award compared to achieving it on your first day ]
- Holy shit....!!!!