Chereads / First To Reincarnate / Chapter 11 - Ch 11 - Adventures Guild

Chapter 11 - Ch 11 - Adventures Guild

Albion was on his way running through the quiet village as the sun again started to set on another day. The moon was rising again and the day slowly finishing. All but one place was quiet. A central place for the village where visitors would often go and where many people worked. The Adventures guild.

One of the few brick buildings in the village. A large sigil of a shield with claw marks on its front. The sigil hanging as a sign above the doors.

As Albion walked in there was the same atmosphere there was in here every day. People celebrating or drinking. Those finishing escort quests were happy that it was finally over. People celebrating about a good hunt. And others that just wanted a drink. While this was an Adventurers guild it was also the village bar. There were a few lights from confined flickering flames. The bar directly in front of the door. Adventures getting discounts. A wooden board with many notes pinned to it adjacent to the bar on the wall.

As Albion walked up to the front desk which was also the bar, he was only just tall enough to see over it. None of this was designed for a child but Albion was one of the few exceptional children allowed in. There were a few other children that came in here. All older than Albion.

Albion climbed up and pressed the bell as the bartender came over. A young adult wearing a waistcoat, shirt and suit trousers. She had long back black hair and blue eyes. A slim figure. A single scar going across the entire face. Her right eye blind because of this.

???: The same again Albion. 100 completely shattered blue slime cores.

Albion: You make it sound like there's another way to defeat them! Even when I take the core out they still move about. They just attack more.

Albion complained. The woman in front of him treated him differently from the others since day one. It was like she was more strict and mean to him.

???: I guess you're still just a child after all. Not even knowing the basics.

Albion: Hey if you know a method tell me!

???: Hmmmm.

Albion: Jolene pleaseeeee.

Albion begged.

Jolene: Fine. But I want half of your payment as a tip.

Albion then quivered his lip and widened his eyes. A secret technique that convinced his mother and father all the time.

Albion: You… you wouldn't stiff a kid out of his money would you?

Albion tried to make his face look as adorable as possible. It even worked on Marcus and Mrs Winchester. An unblockable technique of cuteness.

Jolene: Not happening kid. Pay up for the technique.

Albion was shocked. His secret technique even the system didn't know…DIDN'T WORK!


Albion said with a frowned face. Jolene emptied half a small pouch she was going to give Albion. In the end, he only got 3 bronze coins. The equivalent of two loaves of bread for a whole day's work.

Jolene: Ok kid so listen close. I'm not going to say it a second time.

Albion: Yes ma'am.

Jolene: All you need to do is surround the core in your mana. The core is linked by a small mana trace. Like a string connecting it to the rest of its body. If you take it far away the tether will naturally break, but if you want to break it you have to use your mana to interfere with it. This maintains the core's natural glass-like material without making it turn jelly-like.

Albion was confused. It was that easy?

Albion: Is that it?

Jolene: It's not hard to do. In fact, I don't know why you haven't been doing it. You could have been making 2 times your money if you didn't break it.

Albion: That's… that's not fair! Why didn't you tell me when I first came in with shattered cores?

Jolene: *Pfff* I thought it was funny you didn't even know the basics even though people call you a genius. Not so smart are you?

Jolene teased. Albion stared at Jolene with wide eyes as tears began to fall down his face and he began to cry out loud. Everyone in the adventures guild looked at Jolene.

???: Jolene! How could you make Alekias's kid cry?!

???: Wow. I knew you didn't like kids but that's cruel even for you.

Everyone started blaming Jolene for causing Albion to cry. For ruining the mood. Jolene had a sad and worried face on. Honestly not meaning to.

Jolene: I… I didn't mean to.

Jolene rushed over the counter and knelt next to Albion. Giving him a small hug as he cried.

Jolene: Kid I'm really sorry! You can have your money back if you want.

Albion got close and cried into her. But his crying stopped for a bit as he whispered.

Albion: Keep the money. But give me the monster encyclopaedia.

Jolene widened her eyes in complete shock as she hugged Albion. Albion was faking it. He wasn't really crying. He just wanted a book he couldn't afford.

Jolene: That costs a silver coin though.

Albion: I'll cry even louder.

Albion threatened with a slight giggle. Sweet payback for making fun of him. Jolene began to sweat as she looked at Albions slowly welling eyes. He began to sniffle. As if he was about to burst out in tears.

Jolene: Fine! Please just don't cry. You'll make me look bad. I don't really hate kids. So please don't make me look even worse.

Jolene went over to the desk again and passed Albion a large book. He stopped sniffing as he looked at her and smiled.

Albion: Thank you! I forgive you!

Albion smiled widely as she sniffled. There was a synchronised "Awww" from the people in the adventures guild as Albion happily walked out with his new book.

Jolene: {I just got conned by the kid… why am I weirdly proud about that… DON'T TELL ME I HAVE FEELINGS FOR THAT BRAT!! HE JUST CONNED ME! But he's adorable when I tease him and he's pretty impressive… NO NO NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I CAN'T FIND THAT KID BEARABLE! NOT WHEN HE CONNED ME!}

Jolene stood there conflicted as the other adventurers looked in amusement.

Scene change

Albion was walking back home as he held his book close to him. Making sure his hard work didn't fall into the dirt.

Lily: You finally got it. You've had your eye on that for months.

Albion: Yep! Oh by the way. Why didn't you tell me the technique?

Albion looked up at Lily who was floating above him.

Lily: Because I didn't know it.

Albion: You didn't?

Lily: Nope. I may know a lot but I'm not omniscient. I'm just really wise with my age. Plus I haven't been to this planet in over a 1000 years. So anything they may have figured out in those many years I don't know.

Albion: So wait. If I live that long I may become smarter than you!

Albion was hopeful. Becoming smarter than Lily would be a massive achievement. Smarter than his Guardian Angel.

Lily: Never going to happen. Even if you live a dragon's lifespan my age will still far outweigh yours. I'm immortal after all.

Albion: You are! Wait then why are the demons doing so well in the war if angels are immortal?

Lily: That's with age. We are actually pretty weak. We're about… dragon level of power. But even then some dragons can outclass me in power. Besides, the Angels can't directly interfere.

Albion: What about a high-rank angel?

Lily: Angels aren't ranked by power. They all have the same power. Angels are ranked by age. More experience-based ranking.

Albion: There are those older than you?

Lily: There are beings much much older than me.

Albion: Woah. Wait. What happens when I die? Will I get reincarnated again?

Lily: Yeah. But without your memories. Creating new souls doesn't happen often. Instead, they're recycled. What you and the others are now is an exception to compensate you while helping for a bigger cause.

Albion: Will… will you leave me in my next reincarnation?

Lily looked at Albion. Hugging him softly. Kissing him on the forehead while she was upside down in the air. It seemed as if gravity didn't work for her as her dress was still perfectly down at her legs. Her hair not falling but maintaining its perfect position.

Lily: I won't ever leave you. Not ever.

Albion: Thank you.

Lily flipped over to Albion's side and stepped on the floor. Albion held Lilys' hand as they walked the rest of the way home together.