Chereads / First To Reincarnate / Chapter 14 - Ch 14 -A Painful Past

Chapter 14 - Ch 14 -A Painful Past

As Albion got to his house he opened the door his mother again running to him and picking him up. Hugging him tight.

Souvee: I missed you Albion!

Albion: I missed you too Mum.

Souvee then looked down and saw the sword around Albion's waist. Her eyes widened as she saw it was one of high quality.

Souvee: Where did you get a sword?!

Albion: Oh Mrs Winchester gave it to me and this book as a gift. She had to leave for the holy city though. She said it was nice to know you. She also said to say bye to Dad for her.

His mother's face got more serious as she looked at Albion. Placing him down on the ground and looking at him. She was much taller and this was the first time Albion had been intimidated by his mother. Gulping as she looked serious.

Souvee: Did she say anything else?

Albion: I… erm… maybe.

Albion spilled out. It seemed that his mother took her past very seriously and Albion tried not to shake. He didn't want to show his mother that he was a bit intimidated by her.

Souvee: Albion tell me what she said.

Albion: I… She… She told me your class… was Berserker.

Souvee: I'm assuming she told you more.

Albion: N… Not much more. Like… a tiny tiny bit. P… Please don't be mad. I… I was just curious.

Souvee: *Sigh* It's ok. I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry if I scared you.

Souvee pulled Albion into a gentle hug as Albion took slow breaths to calm his nerves. Resting into his mother's chest as she was crouched down.

Souvee: I just… I just really didn't want to give you a bad impression of me.

Souvee began slowly crying as she hugged Albion.

Albion: I'll never have a bad impression of you. I love you, mum.

Souvee: I love you too. But… I have to tell you the truth.

Albion: You don't have to.

Souvee: No. I do. I can't hide it from you. You're getting so smart you'll figure it out eventually.

Scene change

Souvee and Albion were sitting down. Souvee sitting down on the floor with her legs crossed and Albion was sitting in between her legs. His head rested in between her soft chest.

Souvee: So… what do you know about orcs?

Souvee was gently playing with Albion's hair to calm her down. Twirling his longer hair in between her fingers.

Albion: Well they're a race that closely resembles humans besides their tusks, green skin and bigger bodies. They thrive off fighting and hunting. They live in tribes. Their females are usually stronger than the males and there are two distinct types of orcs. Regular orcs with their variations such as warriors, shamans, mages etc. The chief is the strongest in the tribe which either specialises in one of the variants or is a combination of them. Then there's high orcs. Instead of green skin, they have red skin and more muscular bodies than normal orcs. They don't normally come in variations due to their lower IQ but they tend to live among other red orc tribes or with green orcs. They stick to the standards of females being stronger than males. But the chief in red orc tribes isn't a variation but a title of the strongest red orc.

Souvee: Wow. You did memorise the monster encyclopaedia. But you're also missing stuff.

Albion knew what he was missing. The book was extremely detailed and some parts were disturbing.

Albion: I… I didn't want to mention that stuff.

Souvee slowly rubbed Albion's head and hugged him closer to her chest.

Souvee: It's ok. You can say it.

Albion: Ok… While Orcs come as both female and male and both have high fertility they can't… make babies with each other because of how mixed their genetics have become. On rare chances, it happens and if the baby survives it becomes extremely strong. But to… to keep their population healthy… they…. they…

Souvee: It's ok. You don't have to say that part. Goddess I've been a bad parent. A child shouldn't even know about this stuff.

Albion: No! You're a great parent. YOUR AMAZING!

Souvee gave a slight giggle as she rubbed Albion's head.

Souvee: Thank you. But I assume you already have an idea of what happened. I'll give you a brief summary. So… when elves attacked an orc tribe they saved those captured. One of those was… my biological mother who was kidnapped while travelling in the forest to the human kingdom. She had me… and even though I was the only variation to still look like an elf. She hates me. The only reason I'm still alive is because I still look like an elf. The rest were killed at… killed at…

Albion: It's ok mum. You don't have to. I understand. You… you don't have to tell me anymore.

Albion said as he hugged his mum. Regretting ever trying to dig up information on why his mother didn't leave the house. Albion never meant for his mother to cry. Albion and Souvee were both in tears.

Souvee: Then after being mistreated by my mother. And I started to grow much bigger than a regular elf. It was decided I didn't belong. So I was banned from the elf kingdom.


Souvee: My… my biological mother… was someone of high power. She convinced them that I would be a danger to the kingdom. That a variant such as myself would bring chaos. But they couldn't kill an elf for such an unjust reason. So I was kicked out. After that, I left wondering through the forest. But I was alone, angry, annoyed. I hated them. I lived in the forest roaming around for years. Bandits often attacked and I… got rid of them. I often threw fits of anger hating myself. And then after many years of just wandering around, not knowing where to go, I finally found a village. But… I couldn't put myself around them. I… I was dangerous. So I went back to the forest. Then I met your father, Mrs Winchester and more adventures. I tried to get them away from me. I… I didn't want to hurt them. But… your father slowly calmed me down. And after that, they kept watch of me. I travelled around with them because I couldn't trust myself.

Albion: And the more dad got to know you the easier he calmed you down. And then you both fell in love and had me!

Souvee gave a small giggle as she hugged Albion.

Souvee: That's a quick way to sum it up but yes.

Albion: But… why don't you come outside?

Souvee: I still don't trust myself. I had to train so much just so I didn't hurt you when holding or hugging you. I had to train so I didn't crush you while giving birth. I… I still think I may hurt you sometimes. I can't do that to other people. And if I accidentally get angry. I can't hurt people like that.

Albion looked up at his mother.

Albion: Mum. I… I'm not going to force you to go outside. I'm not going to try and convince you. But I want you to know you have never once hurt me. You're the softest and kindest person I know. And I love you.

Tears were falling from both of them as they cried hugging each other. They stayed in each other's arms not wanting to let go. Albion was happy that he got to know his mother better. But he hated how her early life turned out because some elf couldn't treat his mother with an ounce of kindness. An elf that was supposed to be his grandmother.

Then they both heard the front door open as someone rushed to them.


Souvee: I just had a talk with him about my life and how we met. It's ok honey.

Souvee said softly. Wiping her tears away. Caressing the back of Albion's head as he hugged her.

Alekia: Wait so he…

Souvee: He knows everything.

Souvee continued to stroke the back of Albion's head as he cried into his mother. For some reason, he couldn't stop his tears flowing. Though he didn't know he was also sad that Mrs Winchester had to leave. She was like a grandmother to him. He didn't just help her in the clinic but she was his teacher too.

Alekia: Why is he still crying?

Souvee: Mrs Winchester left for the Holy City.

Alekia: Oh. She's already near that age. I'm… I'm very sorry Albion.

Alekia joined the hug as they all hugged as Albion cried.

Alekia: {I… I hope you meet someone like you Albion. Like I met your mother. Or my mother met my father. I… I don't want you to go through this pain again.}

The pain of someone leaving. Never seeing them again.