Chapter 40 - The First Contact


Letting go of his hand Marki stood up just before he hears Col talk.

" Hello Marc ! Did you come to help us ? "

" Maybe. Probably, in a way, theres a chance "

" Your going to help us ?? " Col ask

" Yeah. Although I don't know what I need to help do " he says

" We- "

Marki stop Col from saying anything, knowing him he would just say everything in one go.

" Oh, I know, you don't want to tell me here ? Don't worry, whispering was invented for a reason "

He then lean forward, Marki than explain what there are looking for.

Marc look intrigue and also surprise by the demands.

" Okay, well, by chance. I maybe, in contact with someone, that can probably, help you out "

" Oh great ! Thanks you so much Marc " Col says

" Yeah, don't thanks me until I actually help you " Marc says

Marki then ask who the suppose that can probably help them out.

" We can meet him now " Marc says

" Right now ?? " Col ask

" Not directly of course, but face to face maybe " he respond

" What ? "

" Just wait I'll guide you to him " he says

" N-no ! W-we waited long enough...We'll me-meet him now ! " Marki says

Marc look at Marki, surprise, but smiling.

" Alright. Okay. Then lets go ! " he says

He then grab Marki arm and yunk him on his feet. He looks at him surprise by this action but try to fake a smile so not to offence his friend.

" Come on ! " Marc says letting go of Marki arm

Col follow Marc as he walk out of the library, saying goodbye to the librarian. He didn't say a things, just ignoring him. Marki leave too, not saying goobye, feeling like the librarian didn't deserve one.

Marki rush too join the other who surpringly are way forward then him. Taking back his breath from the sudden run he still has to walk fast too catch up with Col and Marc.

" For what reason do you want to join it ? Because I suppose you want to join them "

" Its actually for our friend " Col says

" Can I ask who they are ? " Marc ask

Marki answer the question before Col could.

" Oh. But where are they ? If they want to join...them. Why aren't they here ? " he ask

" They're working " Col says

" Oh what kind of work ? "

" In a restaurant, they guard the place " Marki respond

" Oh, then they must be pretty strong ? " Marc ask

" Yes ! Mister Frade is ! " Col says

" Hmmm I'd like to meet him one day. But for now, you both will meet them " Marc says

" Who's them ? " Marki ask

" One of the member " Marc says

" But who ?? 

" What you need them to be the chief ?? You want them to be the Emperor himself or something ?? His a member, thats how far your gonna get " Marc says

" Logical, you don't get to meet the chief without meeting the member first " Marki says

" Just like I said " Marc respond

They continue to walk, behind building, through halley way. After minutes of walking without a stop, they arrive at some kind of big mansion. Immidiately they are being stop by some town guards.

" Yeah what are you doing here ? " The first guard ask

" You don't look like your suppose to be here " The second guard says

Before one of them could do anything Marc pull out a card and show it to the guard. They immidiately, back off, saluting Marc before going back into guarding the place. 

" What's the card ? " Col ask

" The friend your about to meet gave it to me a while ago. Pretty useful "

Marki didn't ask any question, wanting to meet that friend as quickly as possible.

Marc open the gate before letting Marki and Col enter, he then close the gate behind him before knocking at the door.

Just a second after a well nice, dress person open the door.

" What does the sir wants ? "

" I'm here for the meeting I arrange " Marc says

" My good sir I'm going to ask you to leave " the man says

Then Marc pull out another card, a golden card that the dress take and analyse it. Turning it around, up and down to see anykind not being a real one ?

After, the nice man gives back the cards and let Marc enter, but when Col and Marki want to, the man block them.

" Hey its okay, there with me " Marc says

" No more eye and ear inside the mansion. You know the rule well sir "

" Come on ! They want to join "

" Mesure has to be follow, especially when people are trying to join "

" Listen, they want to join, I allow them in. So its all good " he says

The man then sign before stepping out of the door way before closing it after Marki and Col enter. 

" I'll guide you to miss Amarel "

Marching before them, the man doesn't once look behind him but Marki know, feels, sent. The man is watching them every second.

They walk up a set of stair before the man open a door, leading to a giant open room with verious weapon on the walls, inside glass case, some in the open air and some put onto the wall.

Looking at it Marki knows, probably enough to determine who Amaral is as a person. Which, won't get him very fare, as long as he doesn't see her complitely.

" Miss Amarel. The meeting arrange has arrive. With compagny "

" Marc, I've told you already. You don't get hooker in MY MANSION ! " Amarel yell

" Hey ! There too young to be one " Marc respond

" What ?! " she yell

Then, in the back, someone stand up from a chair. And walk rapidly towards the group.

" Who did you bring in my mansion !? " she ask calmly

" They just want to join " he says

" Join what !? I'm not sheltering anyone anymore ! " she yell

" They want to join your group ! " he says

" My ? Oh " she says

She then stop, looking down at Col then she look at Marki.

Seeing her up close Marki can only stare at her form and her-

" So boys. This is Amarel, my wif- " he almost says

Marc succefully dodge the kick Amarel was about to throw at him. 

" YOUR NOT MY HUSBAND !! " she yell

" yeah sorry. I'm just her boyfriend that stays at her home, and sleep in the- " he says

" Stop !! " she yell

They both run around, she try to hit him, he dodge each hit. Laughing while doing this.

Marki wonder, no, he didn't thought of something. He just stare, stare at the two, surely old friend.