Marki walk for days it seems, the same hallway, nothing to say about it, no painting, no decorations of sort and not even a little bit of colour, that isn't red. For the past three days, he has done nothing but training, if being beat up by a more experience person can count as training. Every morning he wakes up, seeing he is the last one to wake up, even he always tries not to be, and that his breakfest, is, always at the same coldest and heat as the past two breakfest.
Around this time, Frade and Mabel had been less and less present during the night diner, even tho the four agreed to it, the two didn't wait a day before breaking the promess, even tho they would try, mostly Mabel would, to take more time for Col and Marki. Frade, clearly didn't care for Marki, even after all this time of more than a week togethere, nothing has change between them.
Marki, thought, did progress, at least thats what Col says...but thats still something.
Opening the door to the training area, althought the hallway didn't move, that room, its not the same anymore. Everytime Marki enter, its just to get beat up, or more "special training".
Looking straight up to Marc, Marki can only sigh as Col jump of his chair, that he had put beside the table holding the long range weapon. Amarel salute him with respect, Marki could see it, he was, not good at reading people, more guessing what they wanted or what they feel, which isn't bad, comparing to the average kids in the orphange he was just as normal as everyon else.
Marc, he knows, that he is the total opposite of him, skilled, highly respected by everyone he meets, without even knowing there name. But know Marki can't reflect on others, be casue Marc doesn't give him the time too.
Like those past three day, training all over, same weapons, a short bow and a dagger. Marc insisting one choosing different weapon but Marki refused multiple time. And for the first time in three days, Marki pratically landed a shot on Marc and had the advantage for at least two second, before being throw into the ground. Which determine the end of his energy.
" That, was at least better than the last time. Altough you should really considere training outside of this place "
" I think the hours he pass with you is enough for someone like him. Look how fragile he is, it'll take month before he even will be ready for a simple mission "
" Yeah but we have more experience and better place to train, our training is not so- "
Amarell silence him with a wawe of her hand, meaning that he better not say another word.
Marki didn't understand, trully he didn't, why did she speak higly of him just to says he would never work for the job. This is the time and place he would really like to be able to read people mind, just to know what she wants out of him, or if there is anything at least.
" I'll grant you this, it doesn't cost much, but it takes time to get into our level. And its much more harder to train with us then the military "
" What I was trying to say is, that because we are not like them, we don't teach like them, we don't treat people the same "
" Marc, your experience with the military training of simple soldier cannot be compare to our, cannot be compare to mine "
" Yeah I know, your better than everyone else because you got train by your father ! And you know what I don't give a crap, because this boy, has potential, and I'm gonna prove it and show it to everyone ! "
" Oh do as you please, but don't, because your in MY manor "
" Marki, take your friend with you, its not good for him to be around the next minute "
Sundenly Marki is a bit scare, what are they going to do that needs the both of them alone ?? They are going to fight !
Before Marki could respond Marc promply tap in on the back, and with a glance over the man, Marki understand that he better get out too. Taking Col with him by the hand, he tries to formulate an excuse to not telling the truth but Col doesn't question Marki actions and follows him without saying a word.
Before walking up the hallway, he close the door and reflect on if he stays to try and listen to the conversation but Col, being, Col. Makes Marki stop thinking about whats behind the door and focuse more on Col.
The two walk up to the living room, where the second entrance of the training area is, opening up the door, they found themself alone, with nothing to do. But then Marki decide to explore a bit of the manor. Col, wanting to do that himself tries to convince Marki to seperate but Marki refuse.
" Please ? " ask Col
No, no he won't let him do that. Because he knows Marc and Amarell would destroy him for it.
Marki then wonder where to go next, he didn't feel like behind inside the manor, but again he has to, but the garden.
" I mean, I do need to breath some air ! "
" You ? I need it too "
" You, you trained so much this past three days, you deserve a little rest time ! "
" Yeah... "
Marki than went to grab Col hand but the kid just walk hahead from him and wait for him. Smilling a bit Marki follows Col, pratically running to him. Surprisingly he still has energy, but thats because of Rocky, this time, Marki took her with him, he still thinks its a her. Whatever Frade says, its a girl !
But right now she just has her head on his shoulder her mouth open with her tongue sticking out of it. It is too cute to not look at but just barely avoids a pillar that would have put him to good rest for the rest of the day.
Stepping into the garden, the fresh air just blows right into his noze, passing right into his lungs, this feelling alone relaxe him, and the presence of Rocky makes it even better. Taking her out of his bag he puts her down onto the stones walkway, he then walk around a bit, just taking the atmosphere and the air.
The calm sound of the wind blowing into the leafs of the tree. The smell of the flower make him feel at ease, but he doesn't to think, he just want to be in the moment, before he is being pull out by someone else.
Sitting on a stone bench, he lay his back against the hard stone, but surprisingly confortable. Rocky then instantly jump on Marki stomach and roll into a ball.
At the opposite side of Marki, Col is using a stick as a sword, playing as a knight ? A soldier ? A fighter thats for sure. But without ever constent eye on him he can just do what he wants, meaning swinging the stick around like he knows what he's doing.
Marki back to the stone he stays and think of what he found in this manor. The training area, where he would pass most of his day, the kitchen, the living room, the other basement, the garden, the library which doesn't countain that many books, of diversity, all talking about the same subject, the art of mercenary, if it can be call one.
But he always would found this, room, at the end of the same hallway, apparently it is Amarell office, but something about seems off, not just the long, empty corridoor before you can access to the door. No, just a glance of the room lock door bring shiver down Marki spine, he doesn't know why, but it just happen, but not real shiver, more like a heat sensation comming from the back of his hand and heading for the very end of his body.
Is it fear ? It can only be, a sensation like that he had it, never had it before...
Not wanting to think more on it he close his eye, smilling as finally, for probably a couple of minute, he would be at peace and this time, Marki thinks he earned it well.