Chapter 44 - Big guy delivery

So, the big guy name is Balgur, apparantly he's a mercenary that goes around city searching for job from smart dude, because he's strong as fuck. He basically choose his boss, he's a selective mercenary.

But there something about him, like he knows some shit, I don't know what but he does !!

" So, you arrival here only means that jobs here finally suit your liking. Now what do you want from me ? "

" Mister Gold, my new boss, invite you to his place, to talk to the famous Tristian, the seller. "

Sticking out his long arm and strangly short hand, a letter slide from his hand to his finger than onto the table. Trist than take the letter, well it just more like a fancy looking piece a paper that has text on it, a fancy letter yeah.

Trist than put it under him and look down at it before smiling and giving it back to Balgur. Speaking in the typical Trist way he just say: " Yeah we'll be there, hope YOU will too "

Balgur than makes a mouvement, probably, like he would probably be there.

Getting up from the counch he walks away from the office and basically get out of the place without even saying a goodbye, not that I care, but Trist did. At least I got a glance, from Balgur, I don't fucking like that dude.


After, probably minutes of not being completly punch til bleeding, Marki finally stand up, still sitting on the stone bench, gently putting Rocky on his side. He then strech a bit before standing back up.

He looks for Col, finds him walking back into the inside, turning right into the hallway that leads to Amaral office.

" Wait ! "

Running towards him, towards where he was, and is not because he just trying to open the door.

" What are you trying to do ? "

" Well open the door dah ! "

" Why ? And did you intend to open easily ? "

" No ? I thought you were going to help me "

Looking right into Col eye, without speaking, gives out his mind. No, he will not help Col break into his "future boss" office.

" Please ?? "

But no, whatever face he could make, whatever he would say, whatever happens, no he would not do that.

Then he hears something, or someone, two people coming back from...theres are coming back from the training area !

Without thinking more, Marki grab Col by the shoulder and praticly yeet him behind a pillar, than Marki himself jump behind a crates. He barely fit inside it and painfully curl in a way that he is sure that he won't be seen.

After that whole thing he start thinking again. Why did he just stuff himself behind crates and yeet Col, when he could have just said that they were going back to the training area ?

Calming himself, he would just accept that he didn't slow think and just act fast. But thats probably what Frade would have done so...its was a good decision.

" So now, what happen the situation ? With the lord daughter ? "

" In my office, later, because its still important and sensitive information. You know that "

" Yeah, I'll be there after Marki finish his training, just, make sure I don't wait too much behind the door "

" Of course, I'll see you later "

" Bye big ass ! "

Angry she just punch him in the stomach before leaving him. Marc punch the wall in pain, trying his best not to scream, because she clearly hit something important. But a second later hes back up to his feet.

" Alright ! Marki ! Get your ass in here ! Your wait time is over ! Lets get back into training "

Marc then went searching for Marki, walking to the garden? Its then that Marki remember that Rocky is still in the garden, meaning that they have to play fast, since Rocky will find them easily, and Marc will have to just follow her.

Marki push the crate over, stoping one from falling into the ground and one from hiting his head. He then replace them before looking back at Col who has an immense smile on his face. He looks right at Marki like making sure he sees that his way right.

Smiling at him he just laugh a bit before making a move towards the garden. He opens the door to it and has pratically an heartattack when Rocky jump into his shoulder. Barely able not to jump in shook he takes his breath back and laugh a bit.

Then he's join by Col and Marc. Feeling more joy now he decide that effort had to be brought even more, he has to put more effort into training, just to even reach Frade level would take yeaes, but he will, he is going to try is best and then maybe, he will hear his name, coming out of Frade mouth.