Chereads / Ratel / Chapter 8 - Breakoff 1

Chapter 8 - Breakoff 1

A male drove down the highway on a Motorbike. It was a chopper with a bobber look. The guy himself wore a gray leather jacket, with a KH on the back. He wore blue bike pants and black shoes. He wore a black helmet with yellow dashes down it. The glass of the visor was slightly dirty and he quickly whipped a small bug off that just got smashed on it. He drove paying attention to everything like one should. He flicked his turn signal left, wanting to take the road off the highway. He looked into his sidemirror and looked next to him before switching lanes. He needed to get home. His name was Bastian Fichter. He was driving home from work. He checked the watch on his digital display.


He smiled and blinked again and switched line onto the highway exit, named 'Hall Mitte'. He suddenly felt a lot of pressured air shoot past him. He tightened his grip on the wheel of the bike and pressed his legs into the frame. He checked the mirrors, just seeing yellow flashes. Another wave of air pressure lifted him into the air. He pressed a button on his bike. The emergency off. He let go of the bike to avoid more injuries than he would probably get anyways. He was thrown into a small traffic island in the middle of the roundabout he needed to drive past to get home. He groaned and gasped, having the wind knocked out of him. Bastian managed to back off a bit, just enough so his bike didn't land on his legs.

A female stood in the middle of the road laughing like a maniac. She was a villain. Hikaribaku. She was just a crazy girl good at making all sorts of bombs. She was often referred to as Baku. The girl was blowing up the highway.

Bastian knew he had to do something. He saw an emergency phone nearby. He started to army crawl towards it. He had high doses of adrenaline rushing through his veins. He put the front of his helmet up and managed to reach the phone. He looked at the girl, who was running down onto the highway. He started to call. "Now or never Bastian. Now or never you fucker!" He told himself. He heard the person on the end of the line picking up. "Hikaribaku! Highway exit Hall Mitte. She is destroying the highway!" He yelled and was asked who he was. "Bastian Fichter but send a hero as soon as you can!" He hung up the phone and felt a hand on his shoulder. "Who do we have here?" A female voice asked. It was Baku. Bastian swallowed. He felt something icy cold at his throat. 'A knife? A device when I force it out of Bakus hands it explodes? No. Its slim, feels sharp. A knife.' He thought and pushed the hand away and twisted it in a way that forced the knife out of Bakus hand, mostly because it caught her of guard. Bastian held the knife in his left hand. "You son of a bitch!" Baku yelled and went to hit him. She was strong but the fact she never went to the gym, unlike Bastian, meant that he had the upper hand. If Baku needed to, she could lift 25 kg. Bastian could lift 30 kg if forced to, ignoring any help from a machine. He knew he wasn't very strong but had managed to lift his bike up easily a few times, even if he had a special technique to do so. The bike still weighed in at 298 kgs. He ducked and felt himself falling, having ducked too far forwards. He fell and the fall felt like ages for him. He closed his helmet and rammed the knife into the back of Bakus left knee. He fell onto the asphalt of the road. He turned around and looked at the female that was screaming and flailing around, trying to keep her destruction going but not able to use her left leg properly. Suddenly a change in the air reassure. Then a female stood Infront of Bastian. Timhi. She was thin and an accelerator. A person with super speed. Yet she sacrificed in strength sightly. Her costume was a faint pink, almost white. She wore a mask that covered the bottom of her face. It was the same color as the rest of her suit. It was all a one-piece. The mask was formed like a medical FFP2. She had a purple T on her back, standing for her name. She had short brown hair and blue eyes. She had a few things in a belt around her waist. A rope, a small baton, probably extendable, a carambit knife, cuffs and most noticeable pepper spray. She tapped on Bakus left shoulder and tied a quick tight knot around her right leg. Timhi ran around the female villain, that screamed and tried to throw bombs. The female hero tied the woman up. She threw Baku onto her stomach. Timhi pulled the knife out and bandaged the wound. She called a transport for the crazy woman.

Bastian looked at the scene. "Thank you..." He managed to mutter as he got up. The adrenaline rush that caused him to fight like before had gone away and he felt his whole body hurt. "You were brave. What's your name sir?"

"Bastian Fichter."

"You were braver than you needed to. You need mentioning."

Bastian thanked her and was taken away to a hospital.

Timhi sighed. She ran off. She went into an ACS building in Hall. She took an elevator to the 3rd floor. She entered a room. It was hers.

She took her costume off. "I hate that work. Just glad it pays well." She mumbled and put her suit onto a rack before she dropped onto a sofa in her underwear only. She grabbed a remote and turned on the TV, watching the report about her actions. She scoffed and her phone rang. She turned the TV off and picked up. "Great work there." A male voice talked into the phone. The man had a slightly teasing and suggestive tone. "Just come over Lukas. You know I don't enjoy work like you. Or should I call you now Nr. 1 Hero Waspsage?" Timhi asked and chuckled. She hung up before the male could reply.

A male entered her room. He had a nice tan and closed the door behind him. He saw Timhi and chuckled. "Did you specifically not put on clothes? Timhi Nr 4 Hero?" He asked and smirked a bit before he sat next to her.

"Oh shut up Lukas. How many times? Use my real name when out of costume. And yes, there is."

"Thought so Emily. Guess you want to go at it right? Judging from how I know you."

A simple nod of approval from Timhi, aka Emily. Lukas picked Emily up and carried her to the bed. He undressed her and then himself.