Chereads / Ratel / Chapter 13 - Part 12 - Imprisonment and Escape

Chapter 13 - Part 12 - Imprisonment and Escape

I arrived at home and yawned. "God they are idiots. How could a bunch of worms and maggots kill Peacemaker? Or a pile of nanobots?" I asked myself and burst out laughing. I was getting what I wanted. Fusion out of prison, now that mustard was also locked up, El gone and Ruler as well. Their gangs could start to fight in the city but I and other heroes would be there. "I should get my own logo at some point. I often go against the ACS." I mumbled as I opened the secret compartment and put the key inside. I covered it again and smirked.

Ruler, Elnyomni and Mustard heard the sirens and stopped their discussion and they chose to ally. The soldiers of the ACS entered and burst to the room they were in. El was soon captured and mustards power was neutralized and Ruler managed to escape through a window. He landed on the street. "Fuck you, Ratel." He mumbled, seeing the other soldiers. He stomped the ground and his power skyrocketed and the kicked a bike into action. He bolted off, being followed by soldiers that were waiting at the end of the route. His motorbike had attachments to the point where you weren't sure if they were normal saddlebags or weapons. But it was weapons only. He even had a revolver attached to his waste, for fights but it was barely useable against this amount of soldiers. He pressed a button at one end of the steering wheel. Oil spurted out the back of the bike over the whole street. One bike crashed and the male passed out. The soldiers were down to 3 bikes and 1 car, that carefully drove over the oil and after drove after Ruler faster than before, to catch up again. They caught up after a few minutes. Ruler bolted onto the highway and the soldiers followed. He pulled his revolver out and took aim and shot the tires of 2 bikes flat, drivers that died due to the speed. The bikes caused the third to crash as well. The car still bolted after Ruler. They started to fire.

Ruler activated his power, ineffective on them. He began to panic and his motor started to roar loudly and scream as he went to the highest speed he could go. He noticed the military and police barricade too late and pressed another button on his bike and it jumped over the bike and came to a slow halt, as it scraped along the crash barrier a few seconds after landing. He had to slow down, causing him to be surrounded and curse. Ruler was forced to give up. He was koed and pumped full of power-suppressants and thrown into a transport.

A transport bolted down the highway to Italy just as a barricade was put up behind it. Suddenly the drivers smelled something funny. They immediately pressed a button, filling the back of the transport with a gas. A power-suppressant, a very strong one on top of that. The smell didn't stop. They opened their windows and closed a second hatch that connected the back, where the villains were in, with the drivers and passengers seat. Still nothing. They lowered the passengers window. A spray of red from the head of the passenger, who fell sideways and the driver showed him back into his seat, not caring that his coworker just died because a bullet had hit his head. Suddenly something entered the cabin. It was a circular object. Then a click and a hissing sound. The window closed and was locked by the car itself, due to this being put in place to lock in a villain if they breached to the front. The smell of mustard filled the front cabin. The circular object had been a gas grenade. The driver couldn't help but breathe the gas in. He died, falling onto the steering wheel, creating a loud and long honk, until he slammed into the side of the mountain, when a turn came, crushing the front yet not the armored back of the transport. The back was blown open and Fusion hopped out, wearing Mustards gasmask, yet the top was missing. He had taken his subordinates power into his ever-expanding arsenal. The man stretched and smirked under his mask and stretched his fingers, each now having a small hole in them that could release poison gas at will. In the palm of his hands were also a few holes for his 'invisible flames', which were part of his pyrokinesis. "Let's go to that meeting with that shitter." He said and smirked. "But let's get my spare uniform first." He added and took a bike from one of his goons that he quickly killed off. He then sat on the bike and made it's motor roar up. He drove off in the same direction, yet quickly off the highway and towards his gangs hideout.

Peacemaker went into an abandoned castle in the mountains. It was Castle ruins Thaur next to a hiking trail no one really used anymore due to bad rumors about the castle. The villain went down as far as he could and into a workshop where he stood on a charging platform as his head seemed to become liquid and most of his back as his whole body turned a metallic black that slithered towards a charging station. Now only the bare bones of the villain were visible. He was a robot with several nanobots modeled in as well. He had two metallic plates at the bottom of his neck, hidden as cloth, protecting a repair and build station for nanobots for the head to give the appearance of a bypass of the Krempton-law. His neck also had a speaker built into it to let the drone talk. His arms were a solid black metal that connected to a chest piece that was very thick for electronics, yet shaped in the form of an 8 pack and solid chest muscles. He had a spine which was anatomically correct and looked gross, which also held the same apparatus as the neck, where the anatomically correct part only helped. His legs were the same as his arms, full black metal. His body was often covered with nanobots to give the impression of cloth and latex, as well as other materials, to disguise the fact he wasn't human but a drone.