Chereads / Ratel / Chapter 18 - Part 16 - Payback

Chapter 18 - Part 16 - Payback

I somehow managed to block the swipe of the claw and let myself get hit a few times. The fighting style was hard to predict for the instinctive animal part of my brain my power gave me. I could barely grasp it. What would happen first? Me being exhausted and making a mistake leading to my gutting or me cutting the shoulder of the creature open that was in front of me. I took a deep breath and blinked.

"Fearful Badger?"

"Not a single bit." I replied and smirked slowly getting the hang of the attacks. Two claw swipes followed by a tackle. Two claw swipes and he is jumping back.




Go you fucker!

I jumped at him, claws down under me. I felt his skin and dragged my arms up over my head, then when they were in the air down between my feet. "Slashing Counter!" I exclaimed like I was programmed to say it. The sound of blood hitting the ground. Then a thud and more blood dripping onto the ground. I stood up straight and turned around. I had splashed the blood in a V shape out from the wound, no blood on me, except my claws, or my uniform. I smirked. "Finally, I perfected it." I exclaimed myself and looked at him. "Shut the drone off or you'll die here. And give me the password to the PC or you die too."


I smirked and went to the PC, ignoring the dying of the original peacebreaker. I logged in and sent save the data via E-Mail before I saw the drone rumble down the stairs. "Blow up the lab please." I said and went past the monster of Fusion and left the ruin and drove off. Fusion filled it all with the gas and threw a matchstick down to the lab before driving in the opposite direction from me.

The whole ruin blew up, fire shooting out between the bricks. Then the lab burnt.

I arrived back home and parked. I went to the house and went back into the house and entered the elevator. Peacebreaker was dead. It felt a bit too easy. Almost like all the kills of him were for not. I ignored that feeling, thinking I was paranoid and went into the elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor. I entered the flat and put everything back into the secret compartment. I went to wash my hands after taking my shoes off. I washed my hands and went to the dining room, which was empty. I went into the living room and saw Jade, watching the report of Fusion and mines extermination. I fell onto the couch next to Jade. "Hello." I greeted her unoriginally. She hugged me and smiled. "I was worried when I saw you going after Peacebreaker with Fusion. But you made it! I thought Fusion would-" She said.

"Unwritten rules. For worse scenarios..." I replied and pat her back. She let go after a while and gave me a nod. We watched the statement of Save, saying that she authorized it and that Fusion had helped, yet wouldn't be forgiven for the crimes he did. I sighed and watched with Jade. I didn't bother paying too much attention. Save brought up the files that she said were found. They were the files I sent. Save mentioned that he was taken care off and arrested, a lie. He was dead. Gone with the drone and whatever else was in that lab. There was one sentence that struck me as odd.

"The only threat bigger than Peacebreaker was Leviathan."

I remembered the fight against the thing in Germany. The city had been Norden and Nordreich. Basically, all minor heroes and villains of Germany dead or heavily injured. I had gotten in the worst shape I had ever been in. It was the fight I lost my ears permanently. Paralyzed from the hip down, my left arm broken thrice and my thumb, middle and pinky finger broken on my right hand. Luckily a strong healer from Germany got to me and healed me. The nurse before refusing to believe I was a hero at first. I excused myself from the room and sat down in the dining room after closing the door behind me as I flashed back to the scene in the hospital bed.

"We will now repeat what had happened during this fight." A female reporter stated. A sentence that made me retreat into the bedroom opposite the dining room in the hall. I laid down on the bed.

Jade decided to keep watching, as she had been heavily focused on studying for a test as she had told me after I excused myself. Not that I could blame her.

"Leviathan was a Danger Class 3. Sometimes referred to city level threats." The reporter started. "It appeared last time three years ago in Norden, Germany. He wiped out 60 of lower ranking, 30 medium and 5 high ranking heroes, injured 55 low ranking, 35 medium ranking and 10 high ranking heroes in total. We lost almost all heroes ranking lower than 30, which is a strong reason we still do not have many heroes. Yet the losses on the sides of the villains were also not little. 200 dead, 150 injured and barely any unharmed over both Germany and Austria." The reporter sounded very empathetic for the losses on the sides on the heroes, yet barely sounded this way about the villains. "Which is still great, yet doesn't mean Austria or Germany is villain free. We barely have vigilantes, same with Germany, which has nothing to do with the disaster in Norden, where we sent help to." He added and on the screen behind him images of the destroyed city showed. Most of the building on the northeast side of the towns were destroyed. The town was mostly single-family-houses with two pr three stories at most. The asphalt of the streets was cracked and broke down into the sewers a few times. Several centimeters of waters laid on the roads where they were lowered by the beast. Buildings had lost their roofs; cars were flung into others or were flipped over. It really showed what water and a beast as big as two trucks next to each other were capable off. "Norden is still struggling and in the process of rebuilding. The only heroes who finally managed to stop the beast, killing it after a long three-hour battle, was the Austrian hero Peacemaker and German hero Defender, even they took heavy damage, luckily Peacemaker managed to heal by himself. Defender is still in the wheelchair, as he was found too late for healing powers to be effective."