Chereads / Ratel / Chapter 10 - Part 9 - Paperwork 2

Chapter 10 - Part 9 - Paperwork 2

Save finished the report and teleported home. She sighed and was welcomed by a tall male, probably around 180 centimeters tall. He wore casual clothes and sighed.

Save looked at him and pecked his cheek. "I'll get out of my suit. Then we talk." She said and smiled. She went into the bedroom she shared with the man. She changed into a tank top and some shorts. She sighed and looked at the male. "What is for dinner Damian? I had a rough day." She said and the male nodded and chuckled. "I made an omelet if that's okay. Otherwise, there is always the option to order food." Damian, the male she was talking to, said. Save sighed. "I'll take what you made." She said and smiled.

Damian nodded and gave her the plate. Save ate and smiled. "Thanks sweetie." She said and smiled. Damian sat down with her after telling her that he already ate. Save never talked about work or anything related. She had said that they should stay out if it and that it would be better for them. She never became a hero just a high-ranking agent in the ACS due to her teleporting abilities. She and her husband talked about the week. Save got up after she had finished eaten. "I'll take a shower and then I'll go to bed." She said and went to the bathroom and locked herself in and let the shower run to get warm. She undressed and entered the shower. She thought about how she could reignite the spark between her and Damian. The two were happily married but since Save was barely home and when she was, she was exhausted took its toll on the relationship. And it definitely wasn't good for their daughter either.

She got out of the shower after a bit and sighed. She would ask Damian out again. She thought it was the best idea as she laid in bed to sleep.

Save woke early the next day and got dressed. She did her hair and teleported away into her office. What Ratel said didn't leave her mind and she decided to open the file on Peacemaker. Flying over it quickly. It stated all the good he did and the file left out the damages he caused in every report of his battles. It was always odd. Heroes always caused some damage. Even Ratel. He was not known for causing a lot of damage but sometimes the villains had to be patched up in expensive procedures to get more info on them. Save sighed and got up and teleported to the funeral of Peacemaker. Afterwards she teleported back to look at where villains operated or were told to. She dispatched heroes on nothing more than a guess where a villain was, which rarely yielded results but this quick reaction got the ACS in the publics good books. Save often told humans with powers, that weren't focused on fighting, to join the ACS and help heroes that way, which helped very little. She tried to force the ACS on small heroes too. Often having them sign contracts where they were thrown in a team and having signed a contract they couldn't get out of. That was how the ACS operated.

I hated it. I never accepted a contract until they just decided to pay me for all the good I did, without joining the ACS. I flew solo and always would. I preferred it. Having a sidekick was annoying. Some heroes only were good with one, I was better off alone. I thought of how I operated with Peacemaker, when I was forced to work with him, that one time and absolutely despised it and stopped my thoughts before I would get another flashback. I yawned and decided to go on a walk. I put my regular clothes on, making me appear rather female and put my headphones on. They were over-ear headphones. I put on some music and left the flat and took the stairs down. I left the house and started to walk. I wanted to go out in costume later but I wanted time for myself first.

After about 30 minutes I was back inside my flat. I grabbed a 0.5L can of energy and quickly drank it. It was marketed after the number 3, as they were ranked now, hero Timhi. I sighed and drank half the can in a single sip. "I will probably have diabetes at 50." I said and laughed, knowing the mostly artificial sugary taste. The can was pink in color, just like the costume of Timhi. It had a peach flavor and generally way more tea like than energy drink like. I doubted that it was a good image to pretty much yell: I will give teens that like energy drinks diabetes.

I always ignored it. I finished the rest in a second sip and crushed the can before putting it into the metal waste bin that was slowly filling up. I went to put on my costume as I heard something land on my balcony. I put my trenchcoat on and went to the dining room. I saw Peacebreaker stand on the balcony. But I didn't sense the murderous intent from back when he killed Peacemaker. I opened the balcony door for the male who bent down and entered the dining room. "Ratel." He said and looked at me.

I looked up at him. "What do ya want?" I asked bluntly, basically slapping him with the words, making him seem confused by this rather simple question.

"Well. To recruit you." He said and looked at me. I started to laugh. "You are joking. I am a hero. Not a villain or vigilante." I said and wiped my eyes as a tear of laughter formed.

"I am planning to take down the ACS. They are doing multiple things wrong."

I looked at him. "Look. I don't like the ACS either. They aren't great. But we need them. No matter how shitty they work. Plus, they give us heroes the money to live." I explained and looked at the male in front of me. I activated my power to enhance my senses to I could react quicker.