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Never Again: Heartless to full of love

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it is a story of a young boy, who lost the meaning of love after the breakup of his 2 year relationship. He was excited about his 1 day at school after the session ended, where he met a girl. This novel really tells about teenage love and the situation teenagers face. Millan tries to get the attention of Isla, and many cute and tragic events take place. he wanted his school love to flourish. In the end, he gives up but somehow Isla and Millan end up in a school event together. did Millan get his true love or not? it is written by an young writer himself "Vaibhav Bajpayee"

Chapter 1 - He Saw Her

Sun was rising slowly in the east the road was shining golden from the yesterday's rain its was past six in the morning Millan was jogging slowly at the corner of the road, his shirt was wet, sweaty and he was wobbling his head to make his hairs go back, he was all sweaty and tired trying to finish his jog. He was tired after that forty minutes jog. Millan was really excited to go to his school after the session end, he was packing his bag in a hurry while brushing his teeth, he was putting his books pens and all his stuff in a blunder and at the same time he was arguing to his mother. "mom where is my black cargo?" I really don't know kid, you would have put it somewhere. "no, I know you washed it and now its missing." He made a cry face and was yelling like a baby. Putting his all efforts to look good at the first day after a long time at school. He brushed his teeth arguing with her mom and washed his face and bathed with cold water, he came out shivering and ran harshly to wear his clothes, he again involved himself in finding his black cargo, he was yelling and trying to find it. Her mother came "lemme show you where you cargo is, anyways you don't look after you anything." Saying frustrated "ohhh common mom I look after myself well, you just find me my cargo, I wanna look good atleast today." Mother pleasingly "ohhh honey you look good always. Don't worry you'll get girls." Uncle Samluk laughing hahaha...."yeah of course he will, he looks like me atleast." Millan's father from the back of the living room said in a funny way "yeah I am his father by name only...….. I didn't do anything." Millan was shy by this time and cried "common you all I am getting late for my school." His uncle samluk cried "yeah my boy has to make girls flat today leave him let him go now." Millan ran out the house blushing. He really didn't put his efforts to impress girls. He just wanted to look good and in self satisfaction he did all this. He had a relationship of two years secretly, his family didn't knew it and nor his all friends. He had few friends, actually he had many but he doesn't give everyone the space of a friend. He was a very private and loner person, was close to his family and specially his uncle Samluk. He had a friend Ashos jr. he called him jr.. jr. knew everything about Millan, his secret life his relationship of 2 years and his loner moody personality. Millan was going to the bus stand, walking slowly and feeling nice at the start of his day. While he was walking till the stand he was thinking….."ohh what if it happened, what my mother said." Blushing all through the road he reached the bus stop, jr. was already there waiting for him. Jr. was a thin and small boy with specs and curly hairs, he mostly looked like a nerd but he wasn't, Millan always said "you can find decency in a but jr. naaaah he makes fox feel thuged." Jr. was the most mischievous guy you can find in the whole school. Ones he glued the principal' chair, he entered the office putting a you cant see me mask, yes our principal struggled to get up and ripped his pants. Jr. said to Mil "hey what ttok you soo long?" Millan replied "nothing new bro you know my family right." They engaged themselves in there normal conversation and the bus arrived they took the bus to the Malt line, from there, there school was only ten minutes far by walking. They were walking and talking about different stuffs and suddenly jr. asked him "have you ever thought loving again after her?" suddenly the vibe of the surrounding changed, Millan was quite for a moment he was thinking deeply, jr. really thought he made a mistake by asking this, after a time Millan answered with a fold on his head "I really don't know. I never thought of it but now I really don't believe in love. I really ask you, what is love?" jr. was confused and he really didn't had an answer. Millan cried "love is just a blanket to overshadow your intentions." Millan really didn't believed in love, he really had his heart broke after his breakup. Yes you can call him immature, he expected his relationship to work in a young age and now grieving and changing his attitude towards love as if he has became mature. He said it was only my age and hormones, but jr. knew what the truth was what he had given to her, what things he had done for her. Millan was frustrated after that question and was only walking with his cold straight face and trying to show some toughness as if he really didn't care that he loved someone sometime. Teenage love can be a blessing but the same time it could make a person cold bold and careless about what love is? Millan said clearly that he is not gonna establish any serious relationship with any girl. In between of this a group of boys were there in the middle of the path, they were school seniors and they have never been good to us, they were laughing in there own talks and suddenly one of them, Zihas cried "heyy everybody look who came, boys doesn't he look like his pizza delivery guy who came 9 months before his birth to his home." At this time Millan was angry already due to his thoughts on love he cried angrily "who the fuck you know… were yo peeping outside from your father's balls." Millan was a tough guy he clearly didn't afraid of these boys. Zihas came angrily rounding his fist, he was ready for a fight, Zihas cried "come here kid I'll show you who was peeping." Millan got his feet right, he made his stance of fighting, Zihas was twisting his back and came ahead, Zihas throwed his jab but Millan dodged it and moved round to his back and kicked with his all power that Zihas lost his balance and throwed his nose at the road, his friends didn't showed up as they knew they couldn't fight Millan. Millan took jr. and started walking toward school gate, he blubbered "fucking twats, its always this Zihas and his cunt fellows." Jr. and Millan reached school they were happy to see there teachers. Prof. Brij was standing at the class room gate, he was the most cool teacher anyone could find, jr. cried excitedly "good morning sir, sorry we showed up a little late, we were disturbed on our way here, it was Zihas again sir, he'll never gonna learn to be in his limits." Prof. Brij cried slowly "ahh that fellow.... He never learned to behave, anyway leave him, tell me about your holidays kids?" Sir you know well that we didn't do anything, it was boring as ever, ask Mill, he may have done something. Millan was quite, he was still thinking about that Zihas incident and cried annoyingly "just shut up Jr. you know well what I have done, don't bring me in this now." Prof. Brij interrupted "Mill common, leave them now, relax and go o your classes don't you wanna meet your new class mates?" Jr. asked excitedly "new class mates?" Prof. Brij answered slowly "yes the admission still happened somehow even after the corona thing." Mill was somehow got excited about the new kids, his face was now plane and his head didn't have any folds, but still he wasn't excited to meet new students, he was thinking about how they will be? How he and Jr. will make gossips now and how they'll tease them in there way. Both Mill and Jr. said "good morning sir, hope your day go good." Milla immediately asked Jr. "what we are gonna do about them now?" Jr. replied in a casual way "we'll see, I really don't know right now." Mill and Jr. walked in there class, they could see few new kids siting on there benches as if they were the finest and obedient students of the class. Both looked each other and smiled. They knew this feeling that new students were having, they knew it was just the beginning, after a week or two they'll show there true colors, Jr. shouted in a commanding tone "whoever is new listen carefully, everyday when you'll come to the class, you'll sit on your seat, but you take care of one thing only, the seat here on the 4th row, the last one, it should be empty always until we come, I am telling you in advance so that no one make this mistake. Am I clear?" everyone was confused and all the new ones were smiling and thinking that why this small tiny kid with specs was ordering them as if he was the boss of the class , at this moment Mill took his hand and put on Jr.'s shoulder and pulled him behind him and shouted "didn't you heard my friend?" everyone was quite then, the new students started chattering in there own and asked about Millan from the old ones, they got to know who Millan was. Mill and Jr. walked proudly and sat on there bench, Jr. cried slowly "Mill we should be more tough in front of these new fellows, they seem harmless, no one protested" Aghh…Mill said knowingly "everybody know what happened back there on the way with Zihas, that's why they are quite." As it was the first day so not all the students came, the half school was empty so there class got merged with the other section, they both got in the other section for there lecture, the teacher came Mill and Jr. sat at the last bench as always. The teacher started his lecture on physical education in between the lecture suddenly, Mill crossed his eyes with a girl she was wearing a black mask, was tan and had black hairs, her eyes were brown, Mill could see each and every detail about her from a quite good distance, he could see her eyes were brown, dark brown, Mill was into her eyes with his each cell, he felt his soul to be drowned in her eyes even though he couldn't see her full face but he was only gazing in her eyes, during all lecture he was observing her, she felt cute to him, she was not really interested in the lecture but she was waving her head in between, Mill was observing her as if he knew that he is not going to approach her, maybe its best to gaze her gladly. Jr. was whispering slowly "Mill Mill Mill...Mill will you listen, common get your books the lecture is going to end." Jr. intentionally kicked Mill on his leg. Mill suddenly shaked his head by then the lecture was finished. Prof. asked casually "did you all get what I teached you today?" Mill shouted happily "yes sir."