Chereads / Never Again: Heartless to full of love / Chapter 4 - Congenial Converse

Chapter 4 - Congenial Converse

"um… yes, do I know you?" Mill kept still for a few seconds then he replied "No no, you do not know me." Isla smiled and cried "Oh! I just had a thought that I have seen you before, by the way, I am Isla." Mill was blushing so hard that it was clearly visible, he was so shy that time that he stood there for a moment after that, felt like he was unconscious, and after a moment he cried "So, do you have any friends here right now?" Isla immediately replied, "No no, not right now." Mill was excited, his heart pounded a heavy beat, and he cried with stuttering "We…we, we could hang out sometime." Isla smiled, she was happy somehow in her mind and replied suddenly "What about recess, let's meet up in recess." Millan got happy and furiously said, "Yeah yeah, recess is fine, best, good good, okay…okay then see you there." Mill said bye with a smile she waved her fingers gently with a smile on her lowered face. Millan reached Jr., Jr. was standing there, he stared at the whole scene and knew it was good news, of course, he asked excitedly "Hey dude, what happened? What did she say?" Millan couldn't handle his excitement while saying "Bro dude like common, I don't know how it happened Jr., I think it was my mom's blessing, she asked me to meet her at recess." They both started jumping, moving their hands up and down as if they had forgotten they were in school and still behaving like girls, they suddenly stopped as they realized it was not looking good. Both started walking inside the class, Mill walked by Isla, and he gazed at her while walking, moving his eyes away from second to second, here and there, but finally seeing her was his intention. They both went to their seats and suddenly Prof. entered, everybody stood up, and after a moment the class started. Mill now could stare at her as much as he wanted, only if Prof. didn't interrupt, Isla was taking her class with her full focus, but Mill couldn't even turn a page, he was watching her, watching her all the time, she seemed the most cute girl to him in the whole world that time, she was slowly moving her fingers around the book and was writing something in between with her pencil, she was moving her head gently and was still in mask, she seemed effortlessly studying, but Mill couldn't. suddenly Isla moved her head towards Mill slowly, her eyes caught Mill's, and they made eye contact, Mill's head was resting on his fist with his elbow on the bench, suddenly he lifted his elbow and his head dripped, he was in his senses suddenly, Isla laughed slowly. Mill felt embarrassed, he got caught by her while staring at her. The class got over after a few moments, Mill stood up and greeted the Prof. in a hurry and immediately ran towards Isla, she was packing her bag, he came and cried shyly "Hey, umm…. How was the lecture?" Isla tries to look casual and slowly notices Mill and answers "Yeah it was good, can you please tell me what is the definition of skill? I didn't focus at that time." Isla knew what Mill did all the time. Millan uttered "Skil, ummm… Aa…skill is you know, it's a kind of technique or way to do things, it could be practiced and mastered." Isla was quite impressed, she knew he didn't focus and still, he gave almost the right definition. She exclaimed "Okay thanks, my next class is in short, so.. I will meet you at recess, bye." Mill waved his hand gently while smiling at her and cried "Bye. I will see you." Mill was happy, he was the most happiest man in that school that day, Jr. came running towards Mill and asked "Hey, what did she say?" Mill happily replied, "We are meeting in recess." Jr. smiled and gladly cried "Boy you did it." Mill was a bit confident now too, as he could see that Isla engaged in the conversation nicely and even agreed to meet him, he could feel that she was interested, and suddenly a thought struck Mill's head, he thought what if he didn't make his intention clear? What if she is thinking of Mill as a future friend? He immediately asked Jr. "Jr. maybe I didn't make my intention clear? That is why she is showing interest?" Jr. cried in a hurry "What…why why, what did you say exactly?" Mill was confused, he folded his head and was trying to remember what he said, then he exclaimed "I said hi, yeah I said hi, umm then I said that she didn't have any friends, then, yeah I asked her that we could meet sometime. Yeah, this much only" Jr. was trying to understand and after a moment he cried "You asked her that she didn't have any friends or you said?" Mill had his eyes upward in the left corner and had folded his head, he exclaimed "no no no I did not ask her I definitely said it. Yeah." Jr. cried "Yeah you better did what you are saying, actually do one thing, ask her when you meet her in recess." Mill cried "What? What are you saying are you mad, bro she will run away, that is a bad idea no no no." Jr. was serious now, and he exclaimed "Clear it now, or what if she sees you as a friend? It will be a time waste. If she is interested she will confirm it herself." Mill cried with hesitation "Umm okay, okay I think you are right, it's better not to waste time." They started roaming in the corridors, where they met Prof. Brij, Prof. was lying beside the coffee machine and was talking with the receptionist, yes as in every school, the receptionist was a glamour there too, Prof. Brij had a long crush on her since it could be recalled, Mill and Jr. reached there and stood beside with a distance so they could listen to the conversation they were having. Mill listened to Prof. saying "So how's your day going?" Ma'am replied, "Nothing, boring as every day." Prof. asked, "Are you free tonight?" Ma'am was suddenly disturbed after that question, students could see right on her face, she immediately cried "Sorry no, I have to take my mother to the hospital." Prof. exclaimed "Ohh! No worries then, maybe next time." It was obvious that she didn't have any interest in Prof. Brij, but he never quit. Both Millan and Jr. were laughing, they reached Prof. While laughing, Jr. cried "What happened, sir? She is not listening?" Prof. laughed and exclaimed, "Oh common, now you just shut up." Jr. exclaimed "Sir we could tell you how to pick girls. We have just…." Millan interrupted "Nothing sir, he has a habit of talking nonsense. Good afternoon." Millan pulled Jr. with his shirt and took him to the next class "Are you mad Jr.? I do not want it to get public, I don't want anyone to know right now please." Jr. exclaimed, "Hmm keeping it private until it gets permanent, nice." They reached the classroom. The class started, and Jr. was studying peacefully, but Millan, was lost in his imagination, he could imagine what would happen in recess, just after this class. He couldn't stop imagining, he was lost in her memories, the few he had, he hadn't even seen her without her mask till now in personal, he had his chin in his hand and was lost with his mouth open, the Prof. suddenly started shouting "Millan Millan.... Millan." Jr. whispered, "Mill Mill…dude common Prof. is calling you." Prof. took the chalk and threw it towards Millan. Millan suddenly came back from his dream world, he shook his head, and cried "Yes sir, yes." The Prof. continued with his lecture after that, after a moment, the class was over. Millan immediately ran towards the canteen, the corridor was echoing with his steps as he was running, and a voice echoed with his steps too "Please do not run in the school corridor." It was our warden, she was irritated every time, she couldn't sleep if she hadn't scolded a child or two in a day. Millan reached the canteen, there was no one, a few kids came by from the class beside, Millan moved his eyes from north to south but he couldn't see Isla, he realized that he had come early. He sat on a table near the entrance, in a moment Isla arrived, Millan stood up suddenly and started fixing his hair, he cried "Isla… come here." She saw him and fixed her mask, it seemed as if she would remove it but she didn't, she came slowly to him, she looked so elegant to him while walking, she reached and raised her hand for a handshake and exclaimed: "Heyy I am Isla, we couldn't get enough time at that time to introduce ourselves nicely." Millan cried while shaking her hand "Hi, I am Millan, you can call me Mill." Mill pulled a chair for her and asked her to sit down, after that he sat beside her, and suddenly he remembered what he had to ask, they started having a conversation, Mill asked "So where you were before? I mean where did you study?" She replied, "I was in Australia before, but my dad got a transfer, he is an international affairs minister in his company, so it's kind of normal for us." Millan was somehow disappointed, his face turned sad for a second, but he ignored this and moved with a smile "Ohh that must have been nice but as much as stressing, right?" Isla exclaimed, "Yeah, it feels good to travel around, but I can't go back if I please." Millan cried "You must have very few friends right?" Isla says "Yeah that is the reason I wasn't interested in talking with anybody." Mill replied "Ohh I too don't have many friends, it's just me and Jr." Isla exclaimed with excitement "Ohh common, it's not possible that you only have one friend. You are popular." Mill was shocked after listening to this, excitement could be seen on his face, he cried "So you have listened about me before." She replied, "Umm… yes that Zihas thing, everybody knows, actually Zihas is a freak, he troubled me on my first day." Mill exclaimed "I think I did the right thing then there. What he did do?" Isla cried "I will tell you later." Mill said, "Later when?" Isla responded, "When the time comes, I will tell you myself." Mill started asking her about her classes and what stream she was in, they were talking gladly, and suddenly the bell rang, Mill exclaimed "The recess was short today wasn't it?" Isla smiled and cried "Umm… yeah seems so, okay then Millan..oh sorry Mill, see you soon." Mill smiled and exclaimed, "That is what my close one calls me, okay then see you." She started walking away and Mill was watching her carefully, he was expecting her to turn, he was waiting there, she turned and Mill could see that she smiled under her mask. Suddenly Mill remembers that he didn't ask what he was supposed to ask her.

Millan tells everything to Jr. on his way back home, Jr. exclaims "Bro please try to ask her this tomorrow, except this everything is fine, I guess she is into you too, you know, maybe after that Zihas thing." Millan didn't say anything he knew that she was showing interest. Millan reached home, he was happy that day, he came home smiling and cried loudly "I am home." His uncle was sitting in the drawing room, he could see Mill happy, he asked her "Hey what happened kid?" Mill smiled and exclaimed, "It was perfect."