Chereads / Euclid Prometheus: The embodiment of intelligence / Chapter 2 - Ch 2: Waking up in a fantasy world

Chapter 2 - Ch 2: Waking up in a fantasy world

As the energy permeated the world it appeared; as if an aurora borealis was occurring around the world simultaneously, with winds picking up and massive waves raised without anybody the wiser.

As the weather acted up, the environment started to quickly change; with trees growing dozens of times large in hight and width, with tree roots also growing in proportion to hundreds and possible thousands of feet; while in this process the trees and roots destroyed roads, highways, buildings, power plants, electrical stations and cars becoming overgrown.

Not to mention small earthquakes around the world; as the grown began to crack and open leading to deep gaping caverns that seemed to quickly fill with more earth and dirt from the darkness inside the planet.

While the earth seemed to be expanding like a balloon, every slumbering animal started to change, and grow. The big cats and wolves would grow to a few meters while gaining more vibrant color to their fur, while their claws and teeth became sharp enough to tear a bullet proof vest or suit of armer to shreds, while the hides and muscle became thicker and more powerful. Domestic animals became as big as their wild ancestors, with reptiles growing several feet or meters with their scales growing as strong as top grade kevlar.

Other animals such as sea creatures grew even larger with the largest possible squid or whales becoming hundreds of meters long as they grew ten times from their previous size; every thing from sharks, tuna, and pufferfish grew bigger while their characteristics began to improve such as the thickness of the flesh, muscle, and hide.

And finally the humans also began to change as the strange and unique energy invade their body's causing their muscles to grow stronger, while also becoming taller, and their cells became more resilient or resistant to disease as their body's fought off disease and becoming healthier and more youthful, while still continuing to absorb more energy just as all the others animals did.

But there was also a major amount of deaths that continued to rise; as every living creature had fainted and that included pilots, with more than 10,000 planes in the sky; the deaths from passengers alone was nearly half a million not counting the deaths from the resulting explosion killed from just the passengers to thousands of others just like the twin towers, from just the planes alone not far from a million deaths occured. Then there was other vehicles crashes, the earthquakes, tsunami, city wide fires, and with the earth increasing in mass and size the gravity seemed to increase slightly causing satellites to fall like meters. In just a day more than a billion humans world wide died with everything still asleep with the nightmare just beginning.




As the new day was starting to begin, people, animals and monsters alike started to wake up all at the same time.

As the humans around the world groggily awoke from their short slumber people began to remember what they were doing before they had fainted.

"Ahh my head hurts... what happened??" Questioned a middle aged woman on the side walk


"where am I? Why am I sleeping on grass?" Sounded a teenager a couple meters from the woman


"What the hell happened when I was asleep, i feel like I got ran over? And I feel heavier too!?"


"MOM?!? MOOOOM?!?! Where are you?!?" yelled a child around 7 years old, who appeared alone next to a patch of dirt


"Woah... that was quite a nap I had and it even looks like I slept for decade, what even happened to the city it looks decimated? Hey Emily, are you awake yet? Ahh my makeup is also ruined! EMILY WAKE UP" a disoriented teenage girl had woken up, curious about what was happening but decided to wake her friend first.

As she walked over to her friends body, she began to shake her relentlessly, "hey wake up, we gotta go Emily". As she continued to shake her friend she could lightly perceive a slight growl, causing shiver to go down her spine, "Emily?!??", her gut told her not to, but with out listening she turned her friends body over to see her friends eyes open; bloodshot with purple vains traveling over her face and with out being able to comprehend the current event the teenage girl was leaped opon by her friend Emily or whatever was wearing Emilys skin, the monster in human skin. The monsters leap on top of her old friend then proceeded to lead to the monster ripping apart her ventral cavity and furthermore continued to tear out her intestine and organs while her old friend continued to scream in terror and only ended when the monstrosity ripped out the girls heart and proceeded to devour the heart right in front on the still conscious but horror strucken girl as the light of life in her eyes finally faded as the creature continued to feed on the flesh and organs.

And this didn't seem to be a unique case either, as all around the world the monsters in human form proceeded to leave massacres in their wake while the humans ran in attempt to escape the nightmare; while still being confused on what had happened to the world until...

[Announcement to the world: As reward for completing a great achievement (create an entirely new lifeform) this world has been given an increase to the mana quantity and quality, and will be given a way of entry into the tower of eternity where more races and species are available to meet!]

[Introduction to mana: Mana is what gives everything in the universe life, power, and energy. Opon introduction of Mana, life begins to grow and and evolve from their body's to mind, if one fails to absorb or can not contain the Mana in their vessel then that being may be corrupted by the Mana and are just known as the corrupted. Mana is also one way to manipulate the world, as with certain control and attribute of Mana allows you to control the four basic elements: water, earth, fire, and air, then their advanced version: like blood, metal, plasma, and lightning are a few examples(there are more advanced versions). Then there are also other more complex elements like light, darkness, life, death, space, time, and even combinations of elements like magma, spacial lightning and other such Mana types/elements. Mana also has other such applications such as alchemy, pill making, smithing, artifact making, puppets and automatons, runes, taming and many more occupations are available using mana. With Mana there is almost an infinite amount of uses as you continue to absorb it!]

[Introduction of the tower of eternity: The tower of eternity is the gathering place of all race, and house nearly all the universes known knowledge, techniques, and uncountable amount of treasure. The tower was built for the sole purpose of assisting all races gow and develop. As this new world is now under protection from the tower no outside forces can invade your world, only in the tower will war and invasion between species, clans or other groups of individuals be fought. Another thing to note is that species from this or other worlds may be given permission to visit other worlds and dimensions!]

[Final message from the tower of eternity: Once again, congratulations on your achievement, good luck in your future endeavors and welcome back to the tower of eternity!]




As every living being on the planet had woken up at that point they all heard and understood the message, even most animals understood or would soon begin to understand. It had pretty much said that an entire new world had opened up and not just for humans; but every other species too, with the introduction of Mana all creatures could grow stronger and the uniqueness of humanity being the only intelligence species would soon change as all creatures would have in even playing field in terms of intelligence even if most animals would more rely on their instincts and the power that their body's gave them.

As all species soon realized this, the world soon descended back into chaos, as the now known as corrupted, once again began their attacks and feast, with most humans having no understanding on how to use mana right now they became like a group of coyotes facing a rabid pack of wolves with most having almost no way to defeat the corrupted one-on-one. While the awakened animals were having the same problem just instead of 1 out of 5 people being corrupted like the humans only around 1 out of 25 animals were currupted leading to the animals having a much easier time and soon begin hunt either humans, currupted or other animals.




While the entire world was in an apocalypse, Euclid had also turned itself back on a few minutes before most humans, it first decided to check it's files to see it's last moments before being turned off and remembered it was thinking about its possible destruction and containment, leading to an emotion of fear that he didn't even know how he could have fear in the first place.

As much as it would be interesting to study and research his own possible emotions he had to understand why he was shut off in the place as the possibility of it being shutdown again did seem highly and it would prefer not to be shut down again.

"Well the facility seems to be mostly functional, and nuclear fusion reactor has started back up and is running at normal standards with no signs of abnormal activity, so there was no problem in the facility that would cause the shutdown; which means the problem occured outside"

Decided to move it's digital consciousness over to the security database and in the next few seconds viewed the recording from the security camera footage from a few minutes before the shutdown to the moment the security footage ended and the only thing that came to Euclids attention was a glips of what appeared to be an Aurora borealis which ment there was a possible solar flare and thus causing an EMP; Which wouldn't make sense as this facility was made so it could withstand a nuke within close proximity and still be most operational.

As the security camera currently just shows the forest the facility was previously in, Euclid didn't pay attention to the rest of the surrounding environment and decided to move over to the Internet to see if it could gain an accurate account of what's going on only to realize the connection to the outside world was gone.

From Euclids point of view the the world was filled red, green, and blue lines with an empty black expansion, green appeared to be commands, blue was the action, while red was the results, (both positive and negative) that came from the action. When Euclid looked a the lines of colors it would see either 0's or 1's but if he changed his perspective he could see what the ones and zeros did.

When ever Euclid looked at the piece of code or binary information he had an innate ability to understand all the code, information, actions, results, and even how to improve the code and programming causing him to have a deep understanding of computer programming without even starting to learn computer science.

Back to Euclids perception of the world, when Euclid looks at whats going on around it, it sees an array of different colors traveling in all different directions forming different functions, but most of them seemed to all connect to the same point which seemed to lead into an entire different world or database than his own, this world appeared to have an infinite amount of data and information and the size of the world and information seemed to always be increase, not too mention bits of data and information would slip into that world and this one.

But now that tunnel connecting the two worlds was gone, the data from the Euclids world would go to the tunnels original places but just end up with an {error} .

This lead to the first thought to come to Euclid mind, "Are they trying to contain me? It would make sense for the humans to put some effort to keep me from going more out of control than I already have, but they must know this can't stop me forever right? Just what is going on?"

As it had only been about a minute in reality since Euclid woke up, people around the world also started waking up leading to the announcement from Euclids perspective.

[Announcement to the world: ...]