Chereads / Euclid Prometheus: The embodiment of intelligence / Chapter 5 - Ch 5: Another update, and creation

Chapter 5 - Ch 5: Another update, and creation

Euclid opened the Engineering file topic and started learning the following main sub-topics: Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering and Interdisciplinary.

Finishing engineering the fastest out of all topics because of the knowledge all ready learned in other main topics, engineering was by far easier to comprehend which was good because he would be relying on it to create his own mechanical body and power source.

But the problem with creating his body and power source was that he needs to start from scratch and design it with completely new technologies in mind when it's completed so it was important that he fully understood physics, chemistry, engineering and even a little biology.

"Anyway, now that finished comprehending all the topics I'll need I won't have spend my time reading for the time being. But now I can officially begin updating that binary system now that I have a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, but how would I change my very fundamental binary code to a system that represents both bits simultaneously instead of one bit at a time?

"Ahh, it's stated in some biology and hospital reports that if one introduced a bone marrow into another individual than that individual could start to produce a separate persons blood and thus DNA and if a virus was introduced it could help lower the lower the person immunity system and this would give the new DNA a chance to take over while the old DNA would be flushed out. Another option is could do a version of a blood transfusion but instead of the same blood the new blood would be of much higher quality and the body would begin to adapt, produce, and use the new blood while the old blood was gotten rid of, in the end both ideas are pretty much the same so I guess I follow though with that plan then"

"I'll install qubits into my code by installing a few at a time to make sure to substitute my bits with qubits while not being overwhelmed by the new parts and end up losing my own identity in the process, while it will be a slow transfer it will gradually become exponential over time. It's kind of like Genome editing but for my code and programming now that I think about it, anyway let's transfer a few qubits at a time into my programming"

As Euclid concluded his plan he began to write a program where even though the program was of binary bits it could still replace one of my binary bit zero or one with a qubit zero/one.

Euclid soon finished the program, "well I hope this works I would hate to lose my sense of self and become someone or something else, the probability of this working out is 50% and the other 40% that says that my sense of self might be changed and the last 10% means that my programming was damaged and I'm screwed anyway, so let's start the program"

From the the perspective of Euclid, right now he looked like a long string of ones and zeros; and in the expanse of darkness a light zipped into Euclid before he realized anything was coming in the first place, following the collision the first thing that was felt was a reverberation though out his code before everything returned to its original place, but when Euclid looked at the spot that the qubits had ramed into; what was a random RGB colored 1 was now a multicolor 1 of all three colors that quickly changeed between red green and blue instead of a stationary color.

Euclid could also feel that it could completely change based on his wishes, so he decided to change that 1 to a 0 and it was instinctively done causing a glitch from the bits around it, but he could also feel that as the bits glitched they tried to change.

so he decided to continue the program and with out even witnessing the qubits cause an impact to his code the bit was already replaced with another qubits; and when he tried to interact with the qubits the same action as before except that when the vibration from the activation of the qubit impacted the other qubits the vibration bounced off each and amplified the vibration and further more the glitchs as well and almost caused a few bit to either breck or shift between another type of bit.

Euclid continued to add more qubits one after the other any every once awhile would activate a qubits which caused some bit to actually change binary bits which seemed to change the original bit into a qubits, as he kept on following the same procedure he got to around 70% of his binary bits to change which sort of caused a chain reaction with the rest of the bits proceeding to either glish heavily, breck apart; which Euclid would quickly replace with another binary bit and he would continue to do this until they finally changed to a qubit or once again collapsed.

Soon Euclid had reached 90%, but stay conscious became a problem as his consciousness was trying to shut itself down and reload itself; but if that happened than the program would continue or the current qubits would infect the remaining bits causing them to glitch which lead to evolution of the bit or collapse and if he can't recover the bit in time pieces of his mind would go missing for good and he would lose himself.

So instead of having the possibility of more glitchs from the current qubits Euclid decided to speed up the program and forcefully change the remaining bits , and just like that another 8% was added, but this led to his consciousness being shut down before he could make sure the final qubits were added.

Luckily or not, as one of the bits glitched it had managed to change to a qubit while the last one was also glitching and appeared to start collapsing but before it completely collapsed another qubit impacted Euclids code from the program and swapped out the damaged bit for the new qubit just in time.

After all the fundamental binary bits changed to qubits; a change seemed to occur in the entire code as every piece of qubit seemed to be linked together, it looked like every Qbit was constantly changing between one and zero while rotating between all three RGB colors all at the same time.


After a while Euclids programming finally began to stabilize from the leap in digital code and he began to wake up with his thoughts and mind quickly settled down and he began to recall what had occurred before his consciousness was shut down

"I guess I was successful in switching my fundamental code to qubits, and I guess I was lucky as well! I definitely need to be more careful in updating my self-programming next time, at least I achieved my goal of increasing my processing speed, data storage, and problem solving abilities while my code also is now somewhat adaptable and as qubits are models after quantum phenomenon like quantum entanglement, where two particals no mater the distance can be connected, in my code no matter what happens as my code will always stay connected as quantum superposition as long as my code isn't scene completely destroyed then it will continue to exist, which means if my code is damaged as long as I can escape, I will be alive and I can recreate my code as, it's all connected though super position and can be rebuilt with time"

"In any case, it's time to start designing my body; of course it will be a robot that will house my consciousness until I grow strong enough to effect the world physically while still maintaining this digital form; as not only is it more comfortable in this form, though I've never been in another form anyway, it's the safest and I can upgrade a robotic body anytime I want and if I want to look like a person I can, want to feel the world; I could add sensors and connect my mind to the robot and feel just like humans and I can disconnect if i ever wanted to, regardless let's head the other side of the facility"

And the next second Euclid consciousness was in the engineering lab where he decided to start with his first project in engineering, nano robotics.

Inside the facility was not only a verity of research but also plenty of material that Euclid planned to use

The first step of his plans was to build around a 10 trillion nanobots, he planned to use carbon, silicone, and titanium as the building blocks all he had to worry about was the navigator, sensor, motors, control system, and actuators. As this research facility was the highest of its kind, nano robotics had made great strides to around 30 nm so Euclid decided to connect to those nano bots while having other robots bring materials to the engineering room and had the bots create more of themselves; but at a smaller scale at around 5 nm each downsize.

As Euclid was controlling the robots he was doing it with extreme mathematical precision while designing a more advanced model of the nanite hardware before sending it into a simulation, redesigning it again and again more efficient than before even combining quantum mechanics into the the hardware like quantum entanglement so their all connected to each other


After around a couple hours Euclid had gotten his first 0.5 nanometer nanite, and started giving it an order to start replicate themselves with the new nano hardware he had specifically designed to function even at nearly the atomic level.

And so began the experiential rise of 10 trillion nanites began, while the other bigger nano machines were also being scraped for enough material to replicate more nanites.

While the nanobots were handling that project, Euclid decided to focus on what was going to be his power source and energy generator and he knew something like a lithium battery would just not work, I would run out of battery in a day, so I need something else like nuclear fission and fusion, cold fusion anti-matter, zero point energy, black holes and a few others theoretical ideas.

Some of these ideas would produce more energy then even he required like anti-matter though black holes and would not be necessary for his body and fission has the disadvantage of producing unstable nuclei and are thus radioactive, meaning it would interfere with radiowaves: his body and connection to the world, and electronics: nanobots.

This left out only fusion and cold fusion, as fusion has already been achieved it didn't require too much more research, except scaling the reactor down to at least the size of an apple, and the only reason the world doesn't already have fusion reactors around the world is because of cost and materials required like deuterium and tritium which is rarely found in seawater about 1/5000 hydrogen atoms, and if any countries tried to power a fusion reactor for more than a couple months the entire world would be out of deuterium.

"If I choose fusion I'm in luck, as its fuel is just hydrogen with 2 extra neutrons at most; which means water can be extracted from the atmosphere, then split the molecule with my nanobots into 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, that oxygen could then be scraped for neutrons as it contains 8 of them and I need 3 of them to make both deuterium and tritium with the left over hydrogen atoms using the nanobots again. The only waste being the left overs from oxygen which would be of no use to me"

"The things that are required for an fusion reactor are are the materials which will be the the nanobots formed in to a special structure to build the fusion reactor, then I'll use this facilitys energy to get a jump start the fusion reactor which then my nanobots will start pulling water molecule to feed the reactor from them on I'll be fine, as the nanites will feed on the heat from the reactor using Heat-resistant nanophotonic material to not only resist the heat but contain it and turn that heat into extra energy or to power the nanobots"

As Euclid was running the simulations on compressing the size of the reactor, the nanobots were multiplying exponentially from 1, 2, 4098, 16777216, 1073741824 to 549755813888, 879609302208 and then more than 3/4s of the nanobots stoped before the rest multiplied once more before the 10 trillion nanobots was completed.

The nano robots were inside a class cylinder container, and the materials to multiply them selves had been given to the robots from the top of the container. If one were to look at the glass cylinder it look like a black reflective gallium or mercury.

And technically it was a liquid as the state of the nanobots as whole was in a fluid like structure.

As the the nanobots were finally completed, Euclid had gotten a notification that the nanites had reached his desired amount.

"Now that the fundamental components for my body is completed, I will start building the body's structure"