Chereads / The Demon's Fated Bride / Chapter 53 - Change 1

Chapter 53 - Change 1

At the same time, in the familiar room where Zel and his cohort ls had gathered before were seated once again, the demons under Zel's command. Their number had reduced once again, and only three remained. But this time. They had a few of their followers with them, and they surrounded the estate at the very hall used for the meeting.

"Zel, may I know why our group is reducing in number and you are not at all bothered about it? We hide like cowards, afraid to show ourselves. He is only one man, and we are many. No matter how powerful he is, he could never defeat us." One of the three said, and Zel laughed.

"You sound like an ignorant little child, foolish and impatient," Zel clicked his tongue, and the other man growled.

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