Chereads / The Demon's Fated Bride / Chapter 20 - Demons, that is what we are called

Chapter 20 - Demons, that is what we are called

"I want to find my parents," Eliana said. She met his gaze briefly and continued, "I thought you might know where I should begin or where I should go."

Eliana didn't know where it would lead her, but she wanted to find them. All her life, she never thought she would one day think of finding her parents because she didn't think she had any, but now, with all that was happening, she wanted answers, and they seemed to be the only ones capable of providing those answers.

"Please, Helios, I need your help," she pleaded.

"Your parents would most likely be in Decia," he finally spoke. "It wouldn't be easy to find them even if you were to go there. Decia is a big world, even more vast than this one. It is your home. My home. But I can not guarantee that you will find them. They could be dead. That could be the reason why you are here," he sat beside her and cupped her face. "Are you sure you are ready for this?"

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