๐ฎ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐: ๐ฝ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐
As the never-ending onslaught of assaults blurred his path, he did not have much time to think about winning strategies.
{Dead response active}
Fwluuup! Hullp!
Hex avoided the tentacle hands as fast as they came. Even with dead response he could barely evade them.
Sometimes he would feel the air share apart near his skin when the vines missed him by an inch.
Rotten stuff.....
Hex sidestepped dodging three direct tentacles.
"Keeuuk!" He groaned feeling another come close to me.
He was still bereft of ideas on what to do to win this battle. With the tentacle hands approaching him so quickly, there was no way he could get near without being hit once or twice.
'Phantom, how reactive is this poison if I get hit?'
{Phantom processing}
'Process faster, what the hell are you an old typewriter....?'
{Eight seconds}
That option was ruled out now. Eight seconds wasn't enough to run out and get help.
'What the hell is it's venom? A damned elixir of death?'
Fleeing was also an option at this point. If he ran and returned with back up...
'No, then I will lose the reward and Exp if someone else kills it.... I must win on my own.'
Greed anchors the power hungry Hex.
Hex gritted his teeth his legs already feeling like a thousand tons of weight were strapped to it.
Yes, he was still human and would certainly get exhausted by repeating the same action over and over again.
'At this rate I have to make a decision of running in head on....'
Hex began to gamble what any reasonable person that wanted to level up would do.
'Which body part would I sacrifice to win....?'
If he did a fearless charge foward, he would use one body part to take all the hits and destroy it completely after killing the Master Earth dweller.
Yes, this was a full proof plan.
Loosing legs wouldn't be favourable. So he would loose his left hand....
Before he could make a move the resounding scream and goading from his sister vagued the thought. She would surely scream and punish him for it.
'Dang that is also out of the equation.'
Hex sidestepped again, this time the tentacle barely grazing upon the hair on his skin. This made his life flash before him.
He was getting exhausted and slower.
"What happened to all that spunk you had before...."
"Shut up octopus face!"
Hex abrasively cuts in. Time was running out quickly and a hundred failing solutions were rushing into his mind.
'I need a weapon....'
According to the Phantom he couldn't use his weapon. Did that also apply to improvised weapons? Or was it just acquainted to general weapons?'
'Phantom, can I improvise... I mean can I use a rock or any other substance to fight back?'
Say no and I will fucking kill you.....
{Only general weapons are banned, sticks, bones, rocks are secluded}
A cool sensation ran up Hex's spine. Without any further explanation, he began to search with his sights for any small but sturdy stones he could find.
Luckily, the floor there was coated with a lots of stones he could use to counter. Now the only obstacle was finding the time to grab it.
With the amount of fatigue he felt now hunching over quickly would surely get him hit.
His stone throwing skills weren't of high tier either so this plan had consequential loopholes he needed to avoid.
'If I kick with enough force, the rock might hit the head....'
The existence of the armoured skin sent Hex to the drawing board. If he kicked the stone and it made it's target there was still a possibility his attack wouldn't kill it.
At least it would daze it for a bit.
"A bit is all I need to win."
Hex made his way to the rock he found as a predecessor, or likewise foot worthy.
"Gahh!" He ducked a tentacle hand while sidestepping to evade another.
'T-this pestering bastard! You're gonna eat the dirt soon enough!'
As soon as Hex reaches the stone, his body exerted a purple Mana especially his legs.
He angled himself hastily and with a mighty force smashed a deadly kick into the base of the fist sized rock.
Zwoooorp! Splooosh! Splurt!
The projected rock tore apart the tentacle hands on it's way. With a slight toouch from it, the hands burst into blood and bones.
By the time the Master Earth dweller noticed the deadliness of this attack the rock had already met with his face.
The rock flew right through his face, smashing it into meaningless blood rains accompanied by flesh and bones.
At this same time the tentacles and ownerless corpses collapsed to the ground lifelessly.
{Leveled up}
{Quest complete}
{Reward completed}
'I did it, I took down that bastard!'
Hex hunched his back, placing his hands on his knees to help balance the weight of his body while he gasped for air nervously.
He hung open his mouth to also relieve more of the stress he had gotten from fighting this sole beast. His skin was also emptying the decks of his sweat which was extravagant.
'I hate working hard!'
Hex let's out one of his most devastated sighs ever to compensate what he felt at the moment.
'All that stress for just 10,000 coins! I am surely gonna start living on the streets.'
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