๐ฎ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐: ๐ต๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ฌ ๐ฒ๐๐๐๐
Hex walked slowly to the large company surrounded by a thick metal fence.
'large water company in Volkamite street.....? This the place right?'
Hex started sweeping his eyes across the surrounding area. The place was entirely dead quiet. It was as though no one had come to work today.
'Shit, did I come too early?'
If 8:45 was considered too early to this guy, late would be eight hours ahead.
With one more look around the structure, Hex was able to finally make out a few people standing next to the white metal gate.
Some were on their sits smoking cigarettes and drinking what might be considered their last juice box.
Others were standing, back to the walls, buried within their own frame of thought.
Hex could easily discern they were Cursed Slayers because of the weapons they carried close to themselves.
He counted the whole group. Consisting eight members.
Five males and three females. The short ranged were about four. Carrying weapons like flail, battle axes, halberds and so on.
The long ranged were also outstanding. One carrying a spear and the other didn't even hold any weapons. There were about two in that category.
And the final was surely the Caster of the bulk. The potion holster on her waist and her dressing to fit the bill.
'Everyone here seemed like Cursed Slayers level. Some might even be Arch slayers if I am not mistakened.'
As Hex drew near, he was seen by one of the short ranged, who approached him with a severe frown.
They came to a halt when they were about a yard apart. At this point everyone had already noticed this.
"What the heck is a kid like you doing out here?" The man sounded agressive. Why wouldn't he be, when he was lifting a massive battle armour on his back.
Compared to this man Hex was like a shrinked broom. The man had broad shoulders and a fairly frightening appearance; he was clearly in his deep thirties.
Hex cleared his throat, taking a little moment to assess the man.
{Phantom analyzed}
Name: Havery
Level: 56
Race: Human
Job: Cursed slayer
Skills: muscles
Status: Anxious, intimidating.
Did you miss my voice, mouse? What are you doing out here?" Havery shouted once again, supporting his enormous tone with his menacing size.
"I apologize, but I do not pay attention to cowards." Hex switched up his track, walking by Havery's side and heading to the other group members who were still watching with tensed looks.
"You dirty stiff bag!" Havery veered to the side, reaching out a hand to grab Hex's shoulder when...
Slammm! Crack!
Hex, without even looking, deftly deflected Havery's palm before it could reach him, lifting the mature man above his shoulder and guiding him to the ground.
Havery gasped, his eyes flickering as his brain struggled to comprehend the circumstances. It was terrifying how quickly and with what anguish his world had collapsed.
Whispers, panicking and complains began to rise from the crowd.
"Is this the new guy?"
"Doesn't look like much, but he just smacked Havery down to the ground!"
"Didn't they say he was a long ranged Cursed Slayer?"
"Even I can't lift Havery off the ground like that."
Havery's cheeks reddened in embarrassment. "Oh you li'l old bastard...."
"Grovelling under my feet as a dog you're supposed to be!" Hex cuts in taking one final glance and resuming his stroll.
"Enough!" A voice ruled over everyone else's quieting the entire group.
It was the caster...
Hex paused his walk, pocketed his hands, and fixed his gaze on the caster woman who was speaking to her group.
She did not take long to give Hex a long, intense look before moving closer to him.
"You just flipped the boss of the group you know.... Hex!" She finally spoke placing a hand on her waist and giving a scolding look at Hex.
Hex glanced over, and instead of seeming intimidating, the fully grown man behind him smiled.
'Am I crazy or does this team look like a set-up? The boss is so weak and he is afraid of a lady!'
This does sound like a set-up.
"Sorry for you being too weak," Hex apologized in his own way before shifting his gaze back to the caster in front of him.
"I am guessing you are Mizumi."
Mizumi gave Hex a long, intense gaze as though evaluating him. "You look kinda taller than your application, and the uniform I gave you...."
Yes, Hex had decided to display his rebellious attitude that day by dressing entirely in black.
Come to think of it, the other two Long ranged users wore black and white.
'Must be on uniform an I messed it up...'
Hex gave a broad smile and put his palm behind his head to create a naive expression. "I apologize for not being able to replace my white shirt because it shrank in my washing machine and a thief stole my wallet."
Mizumi cast a bewildered glance in his direction. "I've never heard a Cursed Slayer being robbed before, especially around this parts."
Despite his suspicion that she had already discovered his con, Hex was unflinching and said, "Well, this should be a first."
{Phantom analyzed}
Name: Mizumi
Level: 102
Race: elf
Job: Arch caster
Skills: strengthening, healing, weakening
Status: impressed.
Hex's eyes glimmered in surprise. She was significantly more powerful than the group leader.
'An elf? Her ears and beauty does speak for it.'
"Let's go gather together for breifing." Mizumi urged grabbing Hex by the arm roughly and pulling him to walk with her.
'Shit, what did I say about beauty? She has a trashy attitude trying to uproot my arm.'
{Master she's really powerful}
'What are you implying I should act polite to her, that would be dishonesty! Not my style.'
After pulling Hex to the midst of the group she finally came to a stop releasing her grip a little but still grasping Hex's hand.
'Darn she's so clingy!'
"This is a brief introduction before we enter the gap today." She addressed and luckily, they were all listening. Even the supposed boss nodded.
'I understand now.... Mizumi might just be the strongest of them all.'
"This is Hex, a long range combatant and the one that would be in charge of protecting the healer, me!"
'What the fuck?'
Hex choked within himself. He turned over the last statement three times in his mind.
'I came here to level up not, protect a stupid elf that is over forty levels stronger than I am!'
"We will be moving in shortly to the red gap in the factory! Havery will continue from here."
Hex tried to break free from her monstrous grip but it didn't work.
'This girl is a damned feign, when I chatted with her and saw her levels I thought she was really powerful now I know that she's just holding me here so I can protect her.... Clingy bitch!'
Havery stepped foward speaking boldly to his team.
"As you all recieved in the message I sent earlier. A red gap opened in the factory yesterday. The workers have been evacuated so we will be heading in soon."
"I have no idea what we might face and the factory must be probably flooded with monsters by now. Stay close and don't break up from the team." Havery's eyes fell on Hex who stared back lifelessly.
"The short range will take the lead, the mid point will be occupied by the long range then the caster and the protector will stay close from behind at all times."
'Oh he called me a protector, I thought I was already sold to slave trade.....'
"Darn this red gaps are getting much scarier than usual." Hex heard Mizumi's voice quiver as she spoke.
He didn't reply but wanted more insight of why she spoke that way.
"My last protector got eaten by a giant, all that remained were his ankles to his foot, just remembering it makes my body shake." She tightened her grasp on Hex's shoulder even more.
"Gaahaahhh!" Hex groaned unable to feel the blood flow through his arm anymore.
"Oh sorry." Mizumi apologized releasing her grip after realizing Hex's pain.
'Finally, something more of a challenge, I will be sure to level up from even one lackey....'
"This red gaps sound exhilarating.....!"
Hex is hyped. The fight to level up is about to begin. With a clingy woman beside him.
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