Chapter 307 - Chapter 307

In an instant, Igor appeared in front of Sirzechs and grabbed his shoulder. His previously neutral expression now displayed cold ferocity.

The heinous amount of killing intent spilling out of him made Sirzechs feel true fear for the first time in centuries. Behind Igor, a massive silhouette of an indiscernible beast formed.

"Sirzechs. I do not take kindly to plots. The moment you endeavour to harm my family, I will destroy everything you've ever loved…and leave you for last."




Igor had one thought when it came to Sirzechs and his friends. They were frogs in a well. Strength in the realm of Supreme-Class was nothing in front of those truly powerful freaks.

A housewife like Parvati easily handled him like a disobedient grandchild. His punch could trigger earthquakes, yet he couldn't even touch her dress.

The Four Satans, especially Sirzechs and Ajuka were so comfortable being listed on the "Top 10" they didn't advance in strength for centuries. They were lazy and engrossed in useless politics. They worked to gain the recognition of weaklings when they could be working to stand shoulder to shoulder with the strong, perhaps even surpass them.

They had the potential. All Four Satans had the potential to reach the peak of Supreme-Class like he did. If Serafall could just dedicate perhaps fifty years, she could challenge him.

It was pathetic really. Their laziness was the core reason why he would never truly call them his allies. He could get along with them while his power still roughly matched theirs, but as he continued to grow, estrangement was inevitable.

As apathetic as he was to the Devil Race as a whole, he still had some inkling of appreciation for the Four Satans. Him coming here today was his attempt at trying to get them to shape up. He didn't want to be forced to kill them over the years.

His anger-coercing method was harsh, but he hoped Sirzechs would direct his anger into training, not scheming.

"Are you angry, Lucifer? Are you angry at how easily I can dictate your life and death? I could decide to kill all four of you now and spare myself the trouble."


Was his statement illogical? Yes. Yes it was. His whole operation relied on the context of "what if". But what could Sirzechs do about it? He was strong and might makes right.

"You're breathing because I've decided it's not worth it. Understand? Your entire life, the only reason you continue to exist as we speak, is due to my whim. One wrong word from you will turn you into an obituary."


*Grits Teeth!*

Insulting! He was insulting him! Sirzechs tried to maintain his composure, but it was hard when he was being humiliated like this! He was on the verge of outrage. Igor was treating him like a tool, a stray dog he could put down whenever he wished.


He had to maintain proper modicum. He couldn't get angry. He had to reign in his aura.

"Do you intend on waging war against us?"

"It wouldn't be much of a war, Lucy."

Igor gave him a friendly pat before walking away.

"Listen. I didn't come here just to show you how big I am. I'm also here to give you advice."

He stepped towards the ledge and folded his arms behind him. For a moment, his amiable expression was replaced by a stern one.

"Right now, I am the biggest threat to the Underworld. You know it. Your friends know it, and some other smart guys know it. The Aryans bring you benefits, but Igor von Dimori is simultaneously the biggest threat to Devil Sovereignty. Who knows…"

He subtly turned to face Sirzechs.

"Perhaps in a decade or two, I might just decide to declare myself an Overlord. I'll publically kill all four of you and I'll rule the Underworld with an iron fi--"

"You won't. It doesn't fit your character."

Sirzechs was absolutely sure this was a ruse made by Igor. It was an infuriating ruse, but a ruse meant to make him train. Igor would not dest--


The blonde suddenly appeared above the city, his hand stretched out towards the ground below. His palm was open, and a small gold orb formed within it.


Igor turned to face Sirzechs. A few dozen metres of distance was between them, but he didn't need to raise his voice.

"You're right, Lucy. I don't like to rule. It's much easier to destroy something, don't you think?"

A cheerful, yet equally dark smile spread on his face. He was goading Sirzechs into action. He wanted to not only see what cards the Satan had, but also prove a point.

"Let's do it like this. I'll be lenient for once. You have ten seconds to stop me from charging an attack and destroying this entire city. Millions of lives will be lost. Children will become orphans and parents will become childless in ten seconds. What will you do?"


Once again, Sirzechs was rendered silent. He knew Igor was testing him. The blonde wouldn't do it. Meaningless slaughter didn't suit his personality.

But still…what if? Just…what if?

"Where are your politics now, Lucy? You can't pressure me. Your glib tongue certainly can't convince me to stop. If you cook up a plan, I might just change my mind and destroy it in less than a second."


The seconds dragged on slowly. The denizens underneath were unaware of the catatonic concoction of destruction hovering above their heads. If Igor did not contain this orb, the unrestrained pressure would either root down or crush everyone below, including buildings.

That is what Sirzechs was mostly afraid of--


Once more, Igor appeared in front of Sirzechs. The energy sphere still swirled within his palm, and only now did Sirzechs feel how powerful this seemingly innocuous orb was. This wouldn't just destroy the city. It'd destroy all the landmass within thousands upon thousands of kilometres around them, equivalent to a country.

"In this world, Lucy, only power matters. I've told you this for the past few months. You've been complacent. The sooner you start training, the better. Because when it comes down to it, the strongest fist speaks."

For a moment, Igor paused to let his words sink in before releasing a sigh.

"Sirzechs. If you think I am this world's plateau, then you're wrong. I've seen the strong. Compared to them, I'm not even in the Top 100. This strength you have, Lucy? You aren't in the Top 500. In front of the real monsters, you're nothing."

He silenced Sirzechs before he could interrupt.

"Look, Sirzechs. This game of politics you're playing? Stop it. Or atleast leave it to your wife. What you and your friends need to do is train. You need to train very hard and increase your strength. That way, you can be assured I won't be able to kill you and I'll have capable allies."

Once more, he gave Sirzechs a shoulder pat. This time, his expression was kinder.

"If you can't do it for yourself, do it for Rias. You can't afford to remain weak anymore. Otherwise, I'll continue to bully you like this until you get in to shape or I'm forced to end you."


Sirzechs didn't know whether to laugh, curse, or cry. Igor said the last part with such kindness it left his emotions in a jumble. How can you tell someone you'll kill them with such a smile?

In the end, he just shook his head helplessly and sighed. Igor didn't need to say anything. Both knew the words sunk in.

"I hate you, Dimori-kun."




Sirzechs was left alone on the rooftop of his tower. It's been over an hour since Igor left, yet he still felt conflicted.

Igor was a very, very realistic threat. From the moment he proposed an alliance, he knew Igor was not someone he or his friends could contain. His only safebet was Igor's character---he was someone who's sole dedication and desire was getting stronger. He never hid his disdain for political subterfuge nor did he harbour desires to become a leader.

Those two qualities were what Sirzechs made his bet on when he brought this ever-growing behemoth into the fold.


There was one thing Igor got wrong, however. From the beginning, Sirzechs and his friends never had the intention of betraying him, be it now or in the future. Maintaining amiable relations with him was the best possible scenario for them.

His continuously increasing power would aid them greatly in the political sphere. Any voices of dissent could easily be crushed and propaganda campaigns subverted. The only thing that couldn't be crushed, were Igor's doubts.


Sirzechs sadly laughed to himself. These two hours took him for a whirlwind of emotions he's never felt since the Civil War. Igor's threat to destroy this city made him feel fearful, angry…and helpless.

"Maybe it's time I put down my pen."

This was no longer about them trusting Igor, but him not trusting them. He was weary because they were much weaker than him.

His caution against betrayal was real, and that needed to be addressed.

'Atleast do it for Rias.'


Perhaps it was time the weeds in his old training field were cleared.




So far, we know Baraquiel and Azazel have begun training. If the Four Satans train too, I fear for Heaven. But maybe Heaven will have a breather because I don't think it's possible for all the Four Satans to disappear for training. They don't have a Shemhazai who's trustworthy enough to leave all affairs to, Grayfia is trustworthy, but she can't be expected to handle the whole workload.