Chapter 308 - Chapter 308

"Maybe it's time I put down my pen."

This was no longer about them trusting Igor, but him not trusting them. He was weary because they were much weaker than him.

His caution against betrayal was real, and that needed to be addressed.

'Atleast do it for Rias.'


Perhaps it was time the weeds in his old training field were cleared.




Kuoh Town, Japan


It was a lovely late-morning in the town of Kuoh. The forest was filled with all sorts of little critters active throughout the day. Big or small, there were no lack of creatures that scurried around the fence surrounding the Himejima household.

Today, Shuri was alone. Aurelia had taken the girls on a day off to the park where they'd play with their friends and Igor had gone to the Underworld on some short business.

Thinking of him made her heart flutter in worry. There was less than a week remaining and she hadn't made a decisive move. Her plan to take them all to the pool was gone since apparently, he didn't like swimming.

It didn't make sense at the time and she accepted his refusal. But upon thinking on it later, she knew he only didn't want people ogling Aurelia or the kids. She only wondered if she fell into his concerns.

There were no natural lakes in the forest and he would definitely not agree if she proposed a lake beyond the barrier.

That left her major options cut off and as the days passed, it only increased her anxiousness. She'd done a great job of hiding it…until today. She didn't know how or when, but Aurelia pulled her to the side just after Igor left and advised her.

'Shuri-sama. Please come forward with your feelings. My Lord will not infer your thoughts towards him from your continued subtleties. Only through direct conversation will you finally have a chance.'

Aurelia had said nothing more and left with the children, leaving her alone with a head clouded in thoughts.

It's been dozens of minutes since then and the prospect of telling him her true feelings made her very nervous and…afraid. Part of the reason why she tried so hard to make him see her as Shuri and as a woman was to set up that foundation. Her subtle attempts at seduction was to implant that seed of desire within him…desire for her so when she confessed, she'd have a greater chance of success.

But…Igor was too straight! That man's politeness was near-infuriating! Even when drunk, he still maintained boundaries between them. Couldn't he atleast touch her or something?! Wasn't alcohol supposed to lower his inhibitions???


Her thoughts shifted sporadically. The only reason she hadn't shoved aphrodisiacs in his food was because he'd detect it if it was too strong or wouldn't work on him if it was too weak. Skimpy attire would designate her as a whore but respectful attire wouldn't make him glance at her.

She had the body of a twenty-year-old with creamy white legs to die for and luscious thighs that offered a very nice lap-pillow experience. Her curves were on point and her derriere was plump. Her stomach was well toned and her chest was lusciously filled out. Her lips were a light shade of pink and her amber gaze was seductive. She always maintained her hair well and aimed to be natural.

She was a goddess, atleast according to what those high-school boys say, but this…this stinky man wasn't affected! Many would do anything to lick her feet and be dominated, but this damned blonde probably wouldn't touch her even if she bent over the counter for him.

He was good…but he was too good! Couldn't God or whoever his maker was add that bit of pervertedness in him? He inherited a lot of things from the Heavenly Realm. Couldn't he also inherit his bestfriend's lewdity? Couldn't he?!

She was tempted to take his head and shove it into her chest. Maybe he'd take her right then and there, but he wouldn't touch her after that. Whatever extreme methods she had, they were one-time cards that'd forever sour all relations between them.


She sighed once more. Her thoughts continued to veer left and right in an attempt to release her frustrations. Her mind was addled and it was vital she remained calm for what was to come.

She was on the porch in front of her house, sitting neatly on her chair waiting for Igor to come back. She sipped a cup of tea, a try at keeping her calm and collected.

No matter what, she had to let Igor know of her feelings and her intentions. She didn't just want to date. She wanted to marry him and bear his children in the future. Standing alongside him as his second wife was something she needed to state clearly.

For him, it was only a few months. For her, it's been years. The time she spent observing his memories could not be ignored.

[Whatever happens…happens.]

Perhaps he'd reject her. The possibility was high, but atleast a door would be opened…right?

*Trickle…* *Trickle…*


Shuri was brought out of her thoughts when she felt something wet stain her cheeks. Upon lifting her fingers to check, she was surprised when she realised it was her tears.


She wiped them away with a small smile. It was one thing to know. It was another to accept. She feared his rejection, but she comforted herself by knowing as long as Asia remains here, he will inevitably come back to visit. During those times, she'll advance forward until he accepts her.

It might seem like a sick thought to have, but she wouldn't let him go. Whether it takes a decade, a century, or a millennia, she'd already chosen him. The life she has could only exist because of him. In this lifetime, she would repay him by offering herself…whether he wants to or not.

[I won't give up on you, Dimori-kun.]




Igor secretly remained in the Underworld for a few more hours. He'd gone full stealth by utilising his Origin State. What he wanted to know was what Sirzechs's next actions would be. If the man failed to heed his words and began plotting, he'd kill him right there and exterminate all the Satans and nobles.

Aurelia would hound him. Years of planning would go down the drain and in the political sphere, he'd be treated as a minefield. But he'd rather attend meetings for the next decade than shoulder a timed bomb for the next century.

It was fortunate it didn't have to come to that. Just an hour after he 'left', Sirzechs met up with the rest of his compatriots and relayed what he said to him. Igor somewhat expected it, but he was still surprised when Sirzechs mentioned the word "training".

From what he knew, these four were already born gifted. As deviants of their people, their power was exponentially strong from birth. Throughout the years, the most they had to do was learn how to control their power. They won the war and after that, they wasted time playing politics.

But…who knew all of that were just his preconceived notions? It turned out all four of them had plans of training once everything in the Underworld stabilised. From what he heard of their conversation, they would've worked on improving themselves around the 22nd Century.

That was when they estimated everything would've calmed down and their successors would've been chosen. From their conversation, he'd interrupted their plans by forcing them to train a hundred years earlier than expected.

Igor could admit he felt a bit sheepish in that moment. Triny's teasings didn't help matters since the old hag seemed especially fond of annoying him these days.

Nonetheless, he was pleased with their arrangements. He didn't have to worry about backhanded schemes, atleast not entirely. Maybe they weren't a bunch of pansies with glib tongues after all.

What did surprise him was during their arrangement, they had Serafall be the one who'd train the most intensely. Out of all four of them, her job was no longer the most vital. Atleast temporarily, Grayfia could take over the day-to-day running of things while she secluded herself for the next few years.

Igor half-expected Sirzechs would be the first to begin isolation training, but it did make sense. Ajuka still needed to work with his sister on modifying every reincarnated devil's Evil Piece. Falbium needed to maintain security and guard against under-handed tricks from the Old Satan Faction. Sirzechs was the liaison between the Devils and the Shinto Pantheon and also needed to maintain the overall situation at optimum levels.

They could afford to train routinely, but disappearing for more than a week would allow spies and dissident to grow.

He didn't stay behind to hear the rest of their arrangements, but he knew Ajuka would help in creating an environment similar to his time chamber. They might not be able to get the time aspects, but a combination of Phenex tears, intense training environments, and science should be able to shorten the time needed for Serafall to grow by years.

He looked forward to seeing how strong that shortstack would become. Maybe he'd grow taller for all he knew. Regardless, he was satisfied with this outcome. He'd see about going to Grigori tomorrow, but for now, he was going back home.





Finally. I was worried about Shuri when I saw the date. Maybe Igor will accept her? She should atleast get him drunk, though that's no longer an option due to Triny. What I can say is, while I do understand her reasoning, she delayed for too long. Confessing right before he goes into his training will undoubtedly affect him, regardless of whether he accepts her feelings or not.