He looked forward to seeing how strong that shortstack would become. Maybe he'd grow taller for all he knew. Regardless, he was satisfied with this outcome. He'd see about going to Grigori tomorrow, but for now, he was going back home.
A small plume of dust was kicked up by his landing.
[This place is way better.]
Igor had just returned from the Underworld. Comparing the nature energy from there to here was the same as comparing muddy water to tap water. The energy in the Underworld was filled with uncomfortable resentment.
Earth might not be perfect, but it was many times better.
"Hey, Shuri."
Igor idly greeted the pretty lady sitting on the porch. Her purple kimono fluttered gently in the breeze. He guessed she must've come back from Kyoto.
His senses subconsciously spread throughout the surroundings, but he frowned when Shuri's discordant energy fell within his perception.
He appeared in front of her and began sniffing her for the scent of whoever dared bully her. It was an invasion of privacy, but those minor things mattered not when it came to her wellbeing.
He ignored her. Apart from her lilac scent, there was no other scent heavy enough to single out. It was all just a mishmash of smells in his nostrils.
"What happened and who did it?"
Shuri was rendered mute. His arms were grasped her shoulders and…and…he was too close!
Kami-sama. She was going to turn into Aurelia at this rate. But those sky blue eyes laden with concern, seriousness, and decisive viciousness made her feel tingly all over.
"Nothing happened. Calm down, Dimori-kun."
She had to get herself in control. She couldn't afford to mess this up.
Shuri's words didn't completely erase his concern, but he nonetheless let go of her shoulders and stood up.
"Then I'll go and check on my sisters--"
"No! No…"
Shuri quickly grabbed his arm, but realised how hasty she was. If she had a third hand, she would've palmed her forward for acting like an idiot teenager, but she couldn't let him go.
"Just…please stay with me for now."
Igor wasn't buying it. Something was wrong. He instantly increased the presence of nature energy in his body and entered Origin Mode.
Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su Su
Blue eyes bled away to reveal a sharp yellow gaze. Golden aura steadily fluctuated around his body, announcing his power. Igor spread his senses and let them cover the entire prefecture. Hundreds of squared kilometres were visualised in detail. Nothing could be hidden from his perception.
Igor placed his finger on his lips to silence her. His eyes were closed in focus, to see if there were any hidden enemies lurking nearby.
[Lia, Sia, and the Little Chick are fine. Nothing is off about their surroundings and no strong presence is focused on Kuoh. Perhaps…]
He opened his eyes and looked at Shuri. Her flushed face, abnormal body temperature, and constant shuffling could indicate embarrassment, disease, a need to relieve herself, or…
[...body possession?]
He didn't feel any sort of energy linking itself to Shuri, but he'd rather take no chances. He focused his perception on her and probed her body, particularly the link between her and the beast inside her. If the Vermillion Bird was pushing to control her body or influencing her thoughts in any way, he'd definitely show this bird who's her father.
…there was nothing.
He glanced from her stomach to her eyes and saw her cheeks were a little flushed.
He finally realised what happened. He was too close to her, even going so far as to place his finger on her lip. Such an intimate action would no doubt embarrass her.
He let his state disperse with all its power, reverting back to normal.
"My mistake, Shuri. I didn't mean to intrude in your personal space."
He stepped back and gave a light smile. He hoped she wouldn't regard him as a pervert like Hyoudou.
"Don't worry about it, Dimori-kun."
She gracefully stood up from her chair and picked it up.
"Would you like me to make you something to eat? There's still some leftovers from yesterday."
"Thanks, Shuri. I'd appreciate it."
She nodded and retreated inside.
*Breathe in*…*Breathe out*…*Breathe in*…*Breathe out*…*Breathe in*…*Breathe out*…
Shuri silently steadied her breaths in the kitchen. Two plates of food were prepared---one for her and one for Igor. She felt a lot more nervous today because of what she had to do soon. She was almost tempted to back out, but Aurelia made it clear she wouldn't provide another opportunity.
She let out a deep breath and composed herself.
[You can do it. You can do it, Shuri.]
She psyched herself up and took the two plates. The path to the living room was short just as it was long. Her heart was beating so quickly she was sure he'd hear it with his sensitive ears. But when she turned the corner into the living room, she found quite an unexpected sight.
"Bunch of pansies. Just take the damn gun and shoot, you bloody idiot."
Igor sat on the couch with a calm, yet disappointed look on his face. Upon walking in, Shuri recognised the movie. This scene was where a young boy was being offered the chance to shoot his father's killer, but he was too afraid to touch the gun.
"If I had a son like this, I'd beat him to death."
Seeing his deep frown, most of her apprehension was gone.
"Fufufu~. I've brought the food, Dimori-kun."
"Oh? Thanks, Shuri."
He took the plate, shoved a spoonful and swallowed before ranting once more.
"Look at this retard. All he has to do is point the gun and shoot, not crucify him. I swear to God if he spouts that forgiveness cra--"
"{I…I won't do it. Let the law take care of him.}"
*Walks over to the man*
"{I hope you rot in prison forever.}"
Igor almost threw down his food.
"Useless waste!"
Shuri couldn't hold back her giggles. He always had the most interesting reactions to any movies they watched. She could however understand his reaction. As someone who grew up in the supernatural world, there was no such thing as law enforcement.
For that boy to shirk his responsibility of revenge would undoubtedly not sit well not with just Igor, but numerous denizens of the supernatural world.
"Dimori-kun. If you had a son, how would you raise him?"
Igor paused mid-thought. He was just about to say he'd chuck his boy into the time chamber once he turned seven or eight and leave him for a few years. But that sort of action would make his son mental.
"There's no doubt he'd begin training as soon as he turns four. No breaking bones yet, but he'll definitely hate me while he's young and thank me when he's older. As for other stuff, Lia can handle it. I'll make him a warrior and she'll keep him grounded."
He stroked his chin while nodding to himself.
"Yeah. That sounds like a good plan. Though, why do you ask, Shuri? Are you planning on becoming a surrogate mother like Yasaka? You know that's not a good ide--"
"No no no no no!"
Shuri hurriedly refuted him by waving his arms. His thoughts were too far ahead.
"My position does not require me to foster an heir as a successor, Dimori-kun. However…there are social expectations for me to take a husband from my clan…"
She lowered her head when she said that. She'd become the de-facto matriarch of the Himejima after the Vermillion Bird chose her. She has no love for the clan, especially since she has no memories of them. Since it was a crossroads, voices have been raised pressuring her to choose one of the young remaining males as her husband.
"And who's the orchestrator behind the scenes?"
Shuri raised her head when she heard Igor's seemingly casual tone. But…his eyes were red. She could tell at a glance. He was keeping himself calm for her sake, but his anger subconsciously showed through his eyes. He was angry. He was angry for her.
It was already hard not to jump him right then and th--
"Shuri. Who are the ones pressuring you? I only want to talk to them."
In all honesty, she'd forgotten about that matter for a moment. If he juuuust held her, she was sure she'd forget about it completely.
"Please don't worry yourself, Dimori-kun. I'll handle it--"
"Out of question. Your job is to raise Akeno. My job is to make sure you can do that stress-free. I still have five days before I have to leave. Give me names and I'll make sure you won't have to worry for these next few years."
Words couldn't escape her lips. Did he not know he just described the duties of a husband? If she didn't know better, she'd think he was confessing to her. Kami did she hope that was the truth. Her body almost quivered in anticipation.
But…this stupid oaf did not know the effects of his words and unless she did something, he'd keep triggering reactions in her body and not take care of them.
"Dimori-kun. There might be something you can…help me with."