The headmaster said "I will display the results on the wall with a crystal" the chrystal projected all types of placements but the results for Mana capacity was shown with Anna coming in first earning 30 points with one point being earned per 10 mana. Shogi coming in 2nd earning 16 points and Zen coming in 3rd with 12 Points 4th place belonging to Freya with 10 points
The next phase was the strength test coming in first place was King with 35 points in 2nd place was Shogi with 20 points also in 2nd was Anna with 20 points allowing 3rd place to be a tie between Freya and Thorn tying at 15.
The final results of the top 5 candidates were displayed In 5th place was King at 50 points. There was a tie for 3rd place between Freya and Zen. The Headmaster made an announcement "due to the level of skill Freya has displayed she will be awarded the 3rd place spot even with that being said the 4th place spot is still special this year both of these candidates scored 55." 2nd Place goes to Shogi with 66 points The number 1 spot goes to Anna scoring 75 points. The headmaster looked at all the kids saying "Lets congratulate the top 5 making up this years special class." Everyone began to cheer for a brief moment. The headmaster said " I have decided to reward the top 5 this year. Bring those students to my office and escort the rest of them to their rooms"
Shogi was eager to see what the rewards would be as he was on the way up the stairs he saw a familiar face. "Just for the record I won" Freya said. Shogi said "I guess you did technically" Freya replied with a smile " So you admit it. A win is a win" when they arrived in the Headmasters office Zen was already in there discussing something with the Headmaster until the Headmaster noticed the arrival of some guest. "We can finish this conversation another time" said the Headmaster. The headmaster looked with disgust saying "Well if it isn't our little halfling" This comment irritated Shogi who's face was visibly displaying his annoyance at his statement. Shogi said "You make it sound like I'm not of elven blood." The headmaster was lost in thought for a second saying" I didn't call you in here for unpleasant conversation." At this moment Anna and another beastman walked in together but the beastman was wearing an ugly face immidiately saying "You never said anything about a human being here. You know we are at war" the last word was said with a half roar. The Headmaster retorted "I don't need to answer to the likes of a child that doesn't even understand the origins of the war they fight. King might I remind you that your parents sent you here with the knowledge of the exceptions this year. Remember this well, no one is above a god. Not even your little war." King just averted his gaze clearly still angry. The headmaster looked at Anna saying as for you " You truly have surprised me. Never would I imagine you would actually tie with the hero. Frankly I only planned to introduce him to everyone formally but seeing your arrogance I couldn't help but see if he would humble you but I stand amazed. You are the first Beastman to ever gain first place. Stand proud." Anna replied " I am the constellation of pride for the beastman meow" while striking a pose scratching like a kitten until her stomach began to rumble. Everyone looked dejected as if to say and this is who came in first place. Shogi realized that King was the person Shogi had to fight earlier and thought man if it wasn't for me learning that new skill earlier I would have lost for sure he is strong.
The headmaster looked at each of the students and said "pick a Spelltome from my shelf these are all unique skills and Anna you may pick 2". Anna smiled and nodded her head. Shogi looked at all the Spelltome but couldn't figure out what he wanted until he came across a Spelltome called Holy Armor which was a light spell That negated all Physical and Magic damage for 5 seconds while giving a 10% speed and power buff costing 100 mana. Shogi looked at this and could only think of it as an ace in the hole with his current stats. The headmaster said "You may not leave until you have injected mana into the spelltome a separate reward awaits you all respectively in your rooms check your chest by injecting your mana into your chest. I will have a professor escort you to your rooms." Upon injecting his mana into the Spelltome he got a notification Congratulation Host you have unlocked a new skill Holy Armor. Shogi was happy that he got his first exceptional skill.
They were all escorted back to their rooms and he noticed immediately how big the common area of the room was and it was separated into 4 separate rooms. Zen was one of Shogi's roommates with the other 2 being absent. Zen looked at Shogi and said "How annoying" as he walked away into his room. Shogi could care less for what Zen said because he got a feeling that's just how he is. Shogi went into his room ready to open the contents of his chest and upon injecting his mana a golden glow was emitted briefly and his chest unlocked. He had a school uniform with his name embroidered onto the cape of the uniform saying Shogi Hawkfire with the symbol of the elves right below his name and it looked like 2 waves crashing against eachother. He sat the uniform to the side for now and continued to pull out the contents of the box. He pulled out a ring and upon putting it onto his finger he could feel there was more to it. The system chimed in "This is a dimensional storage device. The host can access the contents by injecting mana inside once the mana has been injected 1 time it will only be usable by the host." This made Shogi smile as he injected 1 mana inside he could feel a stone and a sword pulling the stone out and putting it back in." After Shogi finished examining the contents of the chest the System said "would the host like to know the information available per the quest completion rewards Yes/No" Shogi said yes and the system began its monologue "The contents of this information is in reference to the demon race and Gods of this world. Since the beginning of time the demon race have been the enemy of all other races due to misinformation. The Entities that call themselves gods in this world are actually Guardians put in place by the Divine who is the grand architect of all existence. These gods are created and modeled after a virtue and to ensure that the virtues do not become too powerful. The Divine created another set of gods modeled after a sin to counter the power of the Virtues. These Gods became known as Evil Gods because their existence and abilities defy the very rules of the world they live in. Blessings by Evil gods will often put an individual outside of the systems and rules of this world.
Each god created their own race. Humilos is the goddess of humility and her Partner is Superbian who is the God that bears the sin of Pride. They came together to create The elves who are a proud race but humble at the same time. Caritas was the Goddess of Charity who was happy to give to Avarian the God who bore the sin of greed. Together they created a race that wanted everything but desired to give abundantly as well. This was the human race. Trex the god of patience who was paired with Iris the goddess who bore the sin of wrath came together to create the beastman who often appeared to live off of instincts and the land. Dilious is the god of diligence who is paired to Acedia a goddess that bears the sin of sloth together they created the dwarves who are diligent in all they do but take their time on everything. Kindle the god of kindness was paired with Neveah the goddess who bore the sin of Envy. Together they created the demon race. This race was complex as they loved to help others but often wanted things they couldn't have.
The last God and Goddess are twins Concordia and Discordian. Concordia was created to uphold the order of this world and Discordian was created to cause chaos . Everything was balanced in the beginning. This concludes the Informaton." Shogi thought about the information as he thought to himself what does this mean.