Chereads / corllion silversword, a bladesinger story / Chapter 6 - ones future, awaits

Chapter 6 - ones future, awaits

With every goodbye, Corllion's steps grew stronger, with every fair well, his determination grew, with every good travels he received from the men at arms , Corllion knew in his heart this was the proper way of things.

Hours after the private meeting between a aging old guild master and the king of a high grey elf kingdom, Corllion mounted his new horse, and rode out the gates of his fathers castle for what he thought would be the last time.

A few miles down the main road just out of sight of the tallest tower in the castle, an old man sat on a weather worn stump, seemingly just passing the time.

He sat using a ancient army dirk to carve at small pice of wood.

As Corllion came over the hill and rode down into the valley he spotted the man whittling at the wood. He urged his mount to continue forward pulling up once he was in a few passes away from the man.

Hello again, I do hope this time, you don't use any magic tricks on me to get information that I would most likly give for the asking!

The old man's eye brows raised ever so slightly, and he remarked, so you where able to detect my truth enchantment? Avostad the bladesinger guild master said.

Not at first but once you asked bout my sword, I began to feel a tingling in my spine! Corllion replyed.

Good even if you are as yet unable to stop it you at least knew of it happening. And rather quickly I must add. It won't be long before you can sheild your mind from such intrusive probings.

As to the why I did it, the blade you have is of an extremely powerful and ancient design, and one that's a very well kept secret of my guild. I would venture to say if I wasn't asked to come take a look at you, had one of my more rash brethren would have seen it they would have at least relieved you of the blade if not out right killed you to ensure the Sanity of that secret.

After a slight pause, Avostad continued on by saying, you pose a quandary my young boy. I have already made up my mind to accept you into our guild if you so choose. I also know the king , would have given you all the details, about joining my order. What you have to give up, what is expected of you and what the consequences hold for failure or betrayal?

Corllion answered with a simple Solon nod of his head. Seeing this Avostad continued, you see , a god has been at play with your future, and has steered you to your own innate abilities, not you directly so it would have been trough your teachers, also someone has placed a powerful enchantment upon you to stop other powerful being from finding you, with anything but the naked eye. How long this last part will last, who knows but we much not dally and ensure your ready incase it stops and you are left unprepared.

Seemingly out of thin air a horse walked up to Avostad and the old man , With more agility than his age would lead you to believe he still had, the old guild master hopped up on the stump and jumped into the saddle and guided the steed over beside Corllion's own horse.

You see my boy, I believe you would have found your way to my door even without whom ever's hand is guiding you to me now.

What you have achieved with just the teachers that where put in your path, I know they are all accomplished elven tutors in there chosen profession, it they where also give specific instructions not to further your desires in certain areas, because the king wanted you to be the spiritual leader of the kingdom one day. But as Fate would have it, that didn't go as planned.

Corllion felt a familiar tingle in his back, and noticed the distance they where covering was far greater than the actual speed of the horses, as far as that goes he didn't quite remember ever urging his mount to start moving in the first place. Keeping his thought to himself, he remarked this must be a powerful mage, to so in rapture him as to blur his mind in such a way.

Good said Avostad, you notice much quicker this time when a magic was cast upon you, almost at the moment of casting I would venture to say! You have a very sharp mind my boy!

You know in all my years with the guild I don't believe we have ever had someone of royalty in the order. Cirllion don't hesitate in responding, you still don't! I gave up all that to follow this path, regardless of a guiding hand or not, I to believe we would have crossed paths at some point in time.

Well you seem to be very quick to adjust to changing circumstances, and not be ill affected by it. This to will serve you well in your new life. When they duo, had traveled what seemed like a few hours the sensation of fast travel faded and the old guild master climbed out the saddle and bid Corllion to do the same. We will make camp here for tonight and venture forth on the morrow.

Not long after the horses where tended to Avostad said, ok out with it, ask your questions, you've been holding back and thinking on! And while you do this let's take stock of your equipment.

The first item Corllion presented was the traveler tent. Setting it up not to far from the fire. As he set out all his items given to him by his father and the ones he had packed that morning before the demonstration of skill, that denoted his Ascension to adulthood. Corllion asked , so what does it mean that all my visions of this sword is carry is so tied to vampires?

Ahh I wondered if you had given that any though since I asked about it back in the arena. Said Avostad. The first person of my order and the elf that created this blade design, was a bane to the vampire race! And his blade , and I'm sure your is as well, either pure of very high concentration of silver in its makeup, am I correct?

How can you tell that from one look at it during my demonstration?

Why simply put the way the swords song sounded for you! Stated Avostad in a manner of utmost certainty.

Corllion continued to ask questions, of the guild master, on all manner of topics. Having someone as wise and experienced as this telling him to ask away with the unanswered questions he had been carrying with him for so long.

When a question is as asked about the guild itself, or bladesinging, Avostad would say all in good time, you must still take your vows before the elders and be accepted by a master guild member as there student.

This gave Corllion pause, not in a changing of his mind or heart, but I what other questions he might have or would he have to wait for those answers as well.

Corllion was starting to get somewhat tired it had been a very mentally and emotionally taxing day. He said to the old guild master, well I must take my leave then get my rest for the travels still ahead of us. Tell your friend that's been listening and watching us since we set camp, there's some stew and a cup of wine still left. Good morrow!

See I told you he was wise beyond his years! Said Avostad. A shadow separated from a near by tree and Approached the fire and took a seat across from him. Indeed you did, how do you think he detected me? I cast my spells a hundred strides away before I could hear you talking, I barely could see the fire.

He has a very good sense of magic when used on him now it seems not just on him but when it's being used in a manner to block one of his senses even when it's not directed at him. Said Avostad. So what arm of the order do you see him choosing? By now you normally have a good grasp of an Initiates demeanor and temperament. Said the shadowy man. His head was still covered in his cloak and hood so his face was yet unseen even with the fire light flickering high.

The old guild master , wore a very easy expression on his face. He finally spoke, I believe he would excel in any and all branches, yet don't get your hopes up yet, I don't think he will take your path from the outset. He's still to clean and unscathed by the world as of yet. He needs to get his hands dirty, suffer a few losses before he will truly understand and see a need for your Particular skill set and art form. The shadow nodded his head stood up turned his back to the fire , and said as he walked back into the darkness, I will have everything prepared for your arrival. How long are you going to walk him around before bringing him to the guild house? Seeing as your less than two leagues from the side passages.

Oh we will be along by midday. Said Avostad, I want him to have a full breakfast and one more long talk to make sure he fully understands what we will ask of him. Plus he's gonna need this next meal. It will be his last for a while.