After completing what I came for in the new Zanahavre territory in the world tree realm, I made sure to make a stop at Eieneos as well. I teleported straight out of Peony's parlour to the teleportation portal in the mini-plaza in my kingdom. I would have loved a direct teleportation path from anywhere straight to the world tree realm but I want to keep the previous security and safety functions intact so I kept things as they are. The hassle is barely noticeable for me anyways.
For a change, I decided to walk around the garden instead of teleporting straight inside the palace. I simply enjoyed the ever cool breeze and the scent of fresh flowers in my garden. As usual, the first one I saw was Samir, tending to the plants in the garden like an ever-efficient gardener. (Author's Note: She's really treating him like a royal gardener. LOL)