After the slight trouble I was in for bringing Marius into Marahuyo, my three husbands have finally let me go after two hours. As for my promise to the cunning merfolk, I had to keep it so I met him before I leave the territory. I teleported back to the plaza to look for him then asked around if anybody saw where he have gone. One of the citizenstold me that he went towards the direction of the river.
I walked towards that direction and as expected, I saw him starting the construction of his new home by the river. He has already marked the borders of his property as of now. For some reason, the land area was quite huge if you think that only one person will be living in it. It was as big as the combined area of 2 duplexes I built in the inner area of the territory.
I called out his name and couldn't help but ask, "Marius, I am back. Wow! The place you picked is so wide. Are you planning to build a palace?"