Chereads / Inheriting a Lost Bloodline, My First Task is to have heirs?! / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 - A glimpse to the past

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 - A glimpse to the past

I am still floating like a ghost right now. I have flown around the academe trying to get familiar about the important places. I would be staying here for the next two years so it is not so bad to know the area.

After some time, I went back to the infirmary where my body is. That guy, Ioannis, is still taking care of the unconscious me. I wonder when I can enter my new body and wake up.

I approached the bed where my body was laying and got the biggest surprise of my two lives. It got me thinking, "Is that me? No. No. No. Impossible." I wasn't able to see my face clearly at the time I arrived at that magic circle. There were too many things that are happening around me. My body was laying on its stomach and hair was covering my face. Now that I look at it, I think one of the problems I told Altair was fixed this way.

I looked at my sleeping face and the only thing I thought was, "I definitely look the part of a mystique. This face is inhumanly beautiful. This woman has waist-length long black hair, long lashes like that of dolls, plump and naturally pink lips, blemish-free face, perfectly arched eyebrows, the nose is just right to make the oval face even more beautiful. As for this body, I was not too thin and not too fat. Having the right amount of meat in the right places is just perfect. Wow. I got perky boobs and an ample butt. This hourglass-shaped body is trouble. Oh my... Altair is such a pervert. Is this his idea of a perfect woman?

I saw Ioannis thoughtfully wiping my body and making sure I was tucked in bed comfortably. He was patient and never touched me more than was appropriate even though I am unconscious and defenseless. He was really too kind like those attendants said. With the way those attendants were talking before, I bet they hate women so I never expected one of them to even care about some unknown woman they saw lying on the floor.

He read books to the sleeping me to pass the time. He read about the history and laws of the kingdom of Athanoviya as well as the culture, how people lived and the usual occupations. He read with just the right pace. His voice was soothing and even in a soul state, I was starting to get drowsy which is definitely weird. I floated down and tried to lay on my unconscious body, not really hoping I could get in though. After doing so, I guess I passed out. I can't remember what happened after that.

When I opened my eyes, I am in some kind of a dream. I was standing in the middle of a busy street with lots of people smiling as if they don't have any worries. I knew it was a dream since the things happening around me were like watching a movie on fast forward. I gradually saw that the people stopped smiling, then people got sick and died. The city where I was standing turned into ruins gradually.

The surroundings changed and I found myself in a chamber in what seems to be a castle. There was a man and a woman speaking in low voices while watching a sleeping baby in the cradle. They were speaking in a language that I have never heard before but I surprisingly understand it with no issues.

The woman said, "Those high elves have always wanted to be in power. Our people have always been the keepers of the mystique realm and the world tree. They should be protectors not thieves. How could they even think of such evil thoughts as to get rid of us?"

She then sobbed while touching the chubby cheek of the sleeping child. The man then spoke, "If they want us to disappear, then let's give them that. We have already lived long enough. Let's see if they get what they want once were gone."

I tried to walk near them so I could see who they were. As I walked near, I saw that the woman looked just like the current body I have but a lot older like in her late 50s. The man is also of the same age as well, equally stunning as the lady earlier who seems to be his wife. By the looks of things, they might be a king and queen of some kingdom.

The scene of the dream changed again to what seems like a battlefield. The woman and the man I saw before was using magic to keep what looks like a barrier from breaking. They were wounded and bleeding in some places. There were a lot of dead people. They uttered a chant and the bodies (I think even their souls) of those that have died seemed to float and went through the barrier then dispersed in different directions.

The man said, "Thank you for giving up your lives to protect, Eieneos. We would welcome you with open arms back to this land in the future when everything falls back into place."

For whatever reason it may be, I just understood that those who have died, gave up their lives to enhance the barrier around this place but in turn cursed themselves to wander in the cycle of life and death. I don't understand what's wrong with that though being someone who believes in reincarnation.

A thought chimed in to my mind that says, "People of Eieneos are part of divinity. They watch over as generations of mortal lives die and live again. They do not belong to the reincarnation cycle. It is but a curse to preserve whatever is left of this land."

The middle aged woman, seemingly able to suddenly see me in the dream, looked at me with her tear-streaked face. The voice who chimed in my mind was from her? She spoke again, "You who are brought by fate in this land. You whom exist in a distant future that we won't be able to see. You are my child that never saw the best of days here in Eieneos. We hope that you can bring our people back to where they should be. I will be lying if I say that I do not want revenge but more than that, I want you to be free and do what makes you happy from here on."

I felt tears falling from my eyes. Why am I crying? I don't even know this woman. Why is she saying that I am her child? Everything around me then turned into dust and all the remaining people including that elderly woman and man turned into specks of light.

The surroundings changed to what seems to be an enclosed chamber. The first thing I saw were 4 coffins with transparent domes on top of them or maybe it would be better to call them beds? They are being held by flowering vines and surrounded by light orbs of different colors.

The first thing I thought was, "Don't tell me these are vampires. I really don't understand what is happening. When will this dream end?"

I walked closely only because I was curious. I admit it was not the smartest of my ideas but thinking this is just a dream, they shouldn't be able to kill me.

When I was near enough, I saw young men. They should be no more than 20 years of age based on how they look. I don't know if they are alive or dead but it seems that these orbs and these boxes are preserving them in this state somehow.

I walked towards one of the boxes and saw a man who had fiery red hair, blemish-free tanned skin and his body was built like that of someone who is well-trained (bit muscular compared to the standards of the current world). Is he a soldier or something?

His face is perfect. If I were to compare him to Earth standards, his features are that from Ireland, I suppose.

I walked towards the next box. This guy's hair is dark brown and his skin on the the tanned side. His eye lashes are beautiful. His body shape is similar to the first guy too.

I wonder why they look like they've been frequenting the gym for years. This one's features seem to be closer to someone from Egypt. The men in this world look deli-- ehem, interesting.

I walked to the third box and saw a man with dark blue hair. He's still as hot as the other two but he's less muscular and more on the soft and cute side prevalent in the current world.

Now we are going to the anime character route are we? I haven't seen anyone with hair of this color in my previous world. I wonder what his eye color is.

I walked to the last box and couldn't help but gawk on how the man inside looked like. Isn't this Altair?! Upon realizing that the I met the last man before, I was suddenly kicked out of the dream after that.