Chereads / Tales Of Mount Mammoth: LOVE DELUXE / Chapter 2 - A Open Relationship Issue: Knives and betrayal

Chapter 2 - A Open Relationship Issue: Knives and betrayal

A harpy laid in her queen-sized bed that was stolen. She rested her feather arms across her stomach before moving them behind her head. She continue to toss and turn, her mind constantly changing. Her husband was going to be working late tonight in the mines again, She worries about him some times. She couldn't help but think about how she barely felt his warmth in these past few weeks. Hells, past few months really.

She shifted in her cool mattress as her thoughts ate at her like ravenous dogs. She wonders if her relationship with Sarglan is fail-

"Of course, it is, who am I trying to kid?" Velven said out loud as she groaned in frustration. She didn't want to end things with him and she knows that he didn't want that either. She was sure of it. She wishes Sarglan would just agreed to her crazy idea of a open relationship. It would be purely beneficial to her-both of them, it would be beneficial to the both of them.

She groaned.

All she could do is wait for her friend to bring the booze so she could forget her troubles for tonight.

The Harpy closed her eyes, a sense of lethargy overtook her.

"A quick slumber shouldn't hurt." She thought with a smile, feeling the tendrils of sleep drag her down into the depths of dreams.

A big muscular green troll wearing a leather vest and black trousers that were coated with dust and dirt made his way back to his abode with the woman he loved. He had to stop at the bank to deposit a good portion of his pay, didn't help that the bank was all the way in MireLo, the downfalls of living so far from the major cities he suppose.

"Bah! Who needs the noise anyway?" He thought to himself, his mind turn to other pressing matters. He worked in the SerBronco Mines, named after the God Of Might himself. He was a miner who dug diamonds, gold, jewels, and other necessities for the elite. The pay was decent but the hours was grueling. Not that he cared.

He wasn't worried about the hours or even his health. He was worried about his relationship with Velven. His beautiful wife.

He loved her dearly, she was rambunctious and always was up to something fun. The spontaneity of her requests like dancing and going to a bar to get hammered. Although nowadays, things between them have been...cold for a lack of a better word. Now Sarglan wanted to spend time with Velven but due to his job, he would be too tired to do much besides the average conversation and kiss here and there. Velven didn't mind at first but slowly as the months went on, she started to seem annoyed by him. Sarglan couldn't exactly blame her for feeling this way.

So when she brought up that idea of hers, he couldn't be surprised. Their bed life was non-existent. But the thought of her with anyone else made him want to puke. But maybe that was him being selfish.

"Nah, that me being sensible i guess." He thought to himself as he kick some rocks out of the way.

He hoped that lady he hired will do a good job. After this, he won't have to worry about Velven ever again. Things can return to how they used to be, calm and relaxing. No more fighting, no more harsh words. No more feelings of inadequately.

A gentle sound made it way to her ears. Velven slowly opened her eyes, assuming the sound to be a cute bird that landed on her windowsill.

What she was not expecting was the oncoming knife that almost took her eye out. She barely dodges it in time, the blade slashing her cheek and ear, the sheer cold of the blade damn near give her frostbite.

"Elemental Arcadia?" Velven thought as she used her talons to attack the assassin, the assassin jumps back to avoid getting slashed and knock over a lamp, disorientating the Harpy. The assassin threw one of their knives at Velven, however the Harpy utilize some of her own Arcadia to counteract, a huge gust of wind blew the knife upwards into the celling. And she wasn't done as she let loose another giant gust of wind that blew the assassin through the door and broke it off its hinges. A simple spell but one that is enhanced by being a Harpy.

She flew through the door for any sign of that assassin. Only to find it disturbingly quiet. She could have sworn that she heard a cry of pain somewhere.

"She couldn't have gotten away that quickly." Velven thought as she sends another blade of wind up at the celling just in case she was using the shadows to blend in. Bits of celling plaster fell upon her. Velven suddenly felt ice going through her veins and a sharp kick to her leg causing her to buckle to the ground.

"Pretty clever, I was using the shadows to hide from you." The assassin purred in her ear.

"Who the hell are you?" Velven asked as she struggled against the ice seeping throughout her body.

"I'm the woman your husband sent to deal with your martial problems." She said simply, like you was just telling someone what day it was.

Velven's whole world stopped.

"What?" Velven asked of her, she wanted to make sure she didn't misheard.

The Elven assassin stabbed her wings with her ice-enchanted daggers causing the Harpy to scream out in pain.

"Please don't take this personally, but maybe if you knew how to treat your husband you wouldn't be in this situation." The assassin told her as tears fall out of The Harpy's eyes. She raised the knife to her throat, Velven felt her body steadily freeze over. Powerless to stop her incoming doom.

a succubus with fiery red and bright pink hair tackled the elven assassin, her purple ethereal wings flapping as she charged the ice assassin straight into the wall, leaving a big crack in it. The assassin couldn't even find time to breathe as Furiosa gave her a devastating right hook that knocked her to the ground. Furiosa went to stomp her but the sound of ice cracking made her take several steps back as five giant ice spikes from the ground as Furiosa grabbed Velven who was still on the ground and flown into the air. The Ice spikes almost impaling them as Furiosa had to messily dodge and weave in air.

"Between this and The HoneyDogs incident why can't any job just be simple?" The Assassin complained as she threw another ice dagger at the duo. Velven using all her strength send one final gust of wind, blowing the ice dagger back at her. The assassin flipped over and grabbed it in mid-air.

"If that asshole demi-god can do it, then so can i." She thought with a smirk as she landed perfectly on her feet. She dodge the incoming kicks from this succubus and rush down the stairs. Furiosa managed to kick her in the back of the head, disorientating the elven assassin as she tripped for a moment but avoided falling on her face as she performed another arcadia attack known as frysende bølge (freezing wave) at her attacker. Furiosa barely dodges it, the blast completely block the entryway to the kitchen with ice.

"I can't afford to play around with her!" Furiosa thought in anger and focus her mind on her opponent. She saw someone that was always on this assassin's mind. It was like a hazy vision that became clearer until she got the full picture and smiled.

Furiosa's eyes glowed a bright purple. Velven felt the air getting thick and her heart started to race. Her mind became scrambled making it hard to focus, her wife's body flooding her vision. She needed to get out of here.

She ran into the room and leapt out the window she came in. Her wife's lips on her mind, her sweet voice making her heart beat like crazy, the remembrance of her hugs, she needed to see her right now.

Furiosa sighed and then raced upstairs, hoping it wasn't too late.

Furiosa turn her attention to her friend and placed her hands on her increasingly cold body. She closed her eyes and focused on Velven's soul. Another ability that succubus posses is the rather useful power to raise the body temperature, heat does make one more susceptible to someone's else demands. She used this on bartenders to get free drinks.

Velven felt the ice slowly melt from her body as she collapse to the ground on one knee, panting as she blows cold air out her lungs.

Furiosa gently pick the knives out. Velven hissing but thanking Furiosa with each pull.

"Who the hell was that? Do you owe someone money?"

Velven shakes her head, tears threatening to spill.

"She-she said Sarglan hired her." Velven barely got out before a sob ripped out from her chest. Furiosa felt her heart dropped at this revelation.

"Are you sure?" Furiosa asked Velven, the Harpy nodded.

"But why? Furiosa thought to herself, it didn't make any sense to her. She didn't know Sarglan for long but she knew that he loved her, he wouldn't have done something like this. Call it her natural intuition as a succubus who can look into other's souls.

He bust through the door after seeing a figure dart from the house and saw a woman with long red and pink hair, she was holding onto Velven who look at him wide-eyed.

And then Velven found her voice.


"Honey what happen?!" Sarglan said in a panic as he rushed over there only to be blown right back by a huge gush of wind.

"I said GET OUT!!!" Velven screeched, causing a ringing sound in Sarglan's ears. Furiosa had to cover hers.

"WHY?!" Sarglan had to yell because he couldn't hear his own voice anymore.

Velven went to attack him but was stopped by Furiosa, Sarglan wanted to come closer but one look

from Furiosa said everything. It wasn't a look of hate, but a look of "Not now. Please just go."

Sarglan slowly turned around as the only thing that made it into his healing ears was Velven sobbing violently. It tore his heart apart, how can he be so confused and.....


He dropped to his knees, his world was collapsing around him. He placed his hands together in a rather robotic fashion. His brain was going on autopilot, his mouth was moving, he couldn't hear what he was saying. All he could see in his mind is the Goddess Of Love, The sexy and kind Devilla. His tears fell onto the cold, hard ground.

Devilla heard the prayer as she was just choosing what outfit to wear for tonight. She smiled to herself and picked the shimmering black dress with pink sequins. She put on the dress and some black Stelios heels to match. She strutted out her room, waving wonderful goodbyes to all her servants and workers who all waved goodbyes back to her, stunned as always by her beauty and kindness.

Sui was waiting in the room, he was eating chocolate cake by himself-oh wait, he was talking to another cute worker of hers? Devilla's heart did jumping jacks at this sight. Sui noticed her and excuse himself from the cute lady with ginger curly hair to speak to her.

"I did as you ask."

"Thank you Sui."

Sui bowed to his Goddess and turn around to go back to the table but she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

" You seem different. look at you, a smile on your face, interacting with your fellow sexy co-workers. I knew hiring that woman would be a excellent idea!" Devilla exclaimed, striking a elegant pose making Sui feel warm inside. She knew that he had a long road ahead of him in order to truly love himself.

And she will be there to help him, like she has done for all her lovelies.

"Yeah, Hera is really nice. She saw right through me." Sui told her. Devilla nodded, she knew that about unique ability of angels to see other auras, a fascinating ability. And she will start working for her tomorrow.

"Tomorrow is sure to be interesting, that for sure." The Goddess thought as she walked out of her home. Devilla wanted to see how Hera would do in a...complex situation such as this.