Chereads / Tales Of Mount Mammoth: LOVE DELUXE / Chapter 5 - Love on Top: On sight

Chapter 5 - Love on Top: On sight

Hera took a look at the dismal state of Velven and Sarglan's bedroom. Torn apart by the brawl that happened yesterday. Icicles melted from the ceiling and onto the burgundy red carpet. The worn pillows torn to complete shreds, feathers everywhere. Blood stains on the right side of the wall where a frame photo of Sarglan and Velven doing a goofy pose in a bar was hanging lopsided.

"Remind me of our dorm." Furiosa stated which offended her friend.

"Excuse me it wasn't that bad!" Hera exclaimed, annoyed. Furiosa laughed at her friend's anger.

"We had spiders and insects forming their own community and ghetto thanks to you." Furiosa reminded Hera who was red in the face.

"Those spiders had a thriving community!" Hera defended.

"THEY HAD GANG WARS! You surely remembered the Black Widows and The Brown Recluses right?" Furiosa reminded her with a shudder as she remembered the violent fights in their tanks that Hera had set up.

Hera had a faraway look in her eyes.

"I tried so hard to get them to stop and i was making progress with the tanks i set up so they can both live in peace but then Lily assassinated Callie and it was all out war from there." Hera sadly said as she recounted the events that led to the massive slaughter of the Black Widows, forcing the few remaining survivors to move from Hera's and Furiosa dorm and out into the world.

"Anyways, Furiosa have you been noticing anything weird about their relationship in the past month or two?" Hera asked, getting back on topic.

The succubus put a hand on her chin and pondered this.

"Honestly i haven't been keeping up with them too much over this past year, but now that you mentioned it. The few times i have ran into or hung out with them, they seemed...distant. Like i don't know if the sex was bad or they started to fall apart and they just didn't want to admit it." Furiosa answered.

"Sarglan doesn't seem like the type to hire an assassin to kill Velven." Hera said as she look at a dagger that was implanted in the bed where Velven would most like be resting her head.

"I agree, he loves Velven more than anything." Furiosa added on.

Hera looked around the bedroom, her eyes landed on a pair of eye-glasses that looked like it was trampled. Hera went over and examined them closer. Prescription by the looks of it.

"Hey Furiosa?" 

"What up?"

"Did Velven wore glasses?"

"Nah, you thinking of Sarglan, he has bad eye sight and got some glasses but he lost them some time ago."

Hera hold up the broken pair of glasses to her friend. Furiosa sighed

"Damn, and those aren't cheap to come by, you know how much it cost to get glasses custom made for a troll?" Furiosa asked of her.

Hera cringed. Glasses by themselves was expensive but custom-made glasses?

"Where would you go to hire a assassin?" Hera asked of her.

"Hmmm....The best place would be Kamopurg, it is a red-light district that you can go to when you want to fuck, hire some thugs under the guise of soliciting prostitutes, have some fat-ass elves sit on your fac-"

"Wait! Repeat that last part?"

"Elves with fat asses sit on your face?" Furiosa repeated.

Hera blushed, gathering a laugh of out of the succubus.

"No the hiring thugs under guise of prostitutes." Hera corrected.

"Oh that, you see my dear angel, because hiring assassins is illegal but prostitution isn't, thanks in part to the Goddess of Love, Aphros saying so herself and making sure that no ladies or men of the night get wrongly persecuted for spreading love." Furiosa told her.

"But they could be spreading other things, though." Hera said tiredly, before gasping in surprise at herself. Did she really just said that? Why would she make such a claim?

"Yeah, well Aphros tends not to worry about things like that, so a few mob bosses, seeing a prime loophole to make extra money and get rid of any of their enemies decided to send some of their own to the Crimson District." The succubus explained.

"What do you mean by that? Do they dabble in the business too?" Hera asked unsure.

"Well actually they send assassins under the guise of prostitutes, you see what i mean when i said prime loophole? As long you hire somebody under the guise of wanting to have sex with them, you can send them to assassinate somebody you don't like. Best part? The local authorities can't do anything about it due to it being mandated by the first Goddess of Love." Furiosa said.

"That sounds like a really big flaw in the system." Hera noted.

"Hey i don't make the rules, i just bend them a little." Furiosa responded with a little smile.

Hera thought about it. Sarglan should've known about this unless....

"Furiosa, Velven mentioned off-hand that they move here not too long ago. Right?" Hera asked.

"That's right, they got here around three months ago."

"Is Sarglan the type to usually go out?"

"Nah, he usually works most of the time in the mines of Serbronco. From what I heard from Velven, she was trying to get him to go out with her to Night Clubs and was even flirting with the idea of a open relationship." Furiosa told Hera who widened her eyes at this but said nothing.

Hera nodded, The dots were connecting but something was missing. She needed to speak to Sarglan. At the very least she can get a clearer picture of the situation and confirm a theory she has.

Hera found Sarglan just sitting by the wall of the house, staring off into the distance.

"Um Sarglan, is it alright if I talk to you for a moment?"

Sarglan nodded and offered a spot next to him for Hera to sit.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Velven?"

Sarglan sighed and smiled.

"It was in a dark dank club named The Whispering Sirens. Some of my co-workers dragged me there. I was never a fan of these types of things but I figured why the hell not? You know?" Sarglan said as he rubbed his head.

Hera nodded.

"I completely understand, once Furiosa convinced me to sneak out with her after a…really bad day. She took me to this spot where they serve these crazy combinations of foods and gave out alcohol in small barrels. I found out that I don't really have a high drink tolerance."

"No fooling? Can't imagine a woman like you to be a party demon."

Hera laughed at the term.

"Oh no, it just that when I drink any type of alcohol, I get extremely drunk for a few minutes and then return to normal. It's strange, it might have to do with my biology." Hera theorized.

"I wish I had that, sounds incredibly useful. The Whispering Sirens was my first experience in an environment such as this. I stuck to the corners, sipping on my Cranberry ale, my friends getting devastated on Wine that was laced with spices that made you hallucinate. It was then I spotted her, She was in the middle of the floor dancing her heart out. Doing these moves that I couldn't describe and before I knew it, I have downed my whole drink and joined her. The sounds of my friends screaming and cheering just melted into the void. All my mind could focus on was her." Sarglan recounted with a expression of wonder on his face as Hera couldn't help but feel warmed by this recollection.

"She was like a fire that kept you warm in the winter, her jokes made me feel at ease, her smile made my heart want to explode." Sarglan continued on as he wiped his eyes, tying to keep from breaking down. Hera saw his aura going into a deep dark blue with hints of pink.

Hera knelt down and held his hand.

"You wouldn't want to hurt her, right?"

"Never! At least intentionally, I know that…" Sarglan stops himself, getting choked up.

The mixed hybrid patted his back.

"May I tell you a story about me and Furiosa?"

Sarglan look at her and nodded. Anything to take his mind off the sad affairs of his life and the bleak future was a welcome addition to the troll.

A young woman made her way through the brightly colored hallway of a prestigious academy known across Mount Mammoth as EizenGarte. Once you turn seventeen, this is where people with actual futures go. She kept her eyes down to the ground, hoping that she would be invisible and left alone by the crowds of students. She had been moved to a new dorm room after the previous roommate tried to stab her for being a abomination in her eyes.

But this young woman didn't stay angry at the angel in training who tried to end her life, she was more angry at the blatant betrayal of ethics that so called angel had exercised.

"Unless it self-defense or destruction of an evil entity causing harm, You must never cause harm to a living being, for all living beings are beautiful under heaven." The almost murder victim remembered from her ethics class. This was the first rule of being an angel.

The young woman had blonde hair and bright green eyes. She was wearing a button-down shirt and a light blue skirt along with black stockings. She continue her way to where her new room was located, having just moved her stuff there last night. She will also have a new roommate, she tried to get the administrator to listen to reason and get a dorm by herself but the administrator assured her that her roommate won't be an angel which calmed her down a little. She was still hoping her strategy of just keeping to herself would prove fruitful.

"Hey Hybrid Freak!" A jeering voice called out to her. He had smooth and silky brown hair and a chiseled jaw. His eyes a golden amber. Wearing a white jacket that display a small logo of a worm-ridden skull with a pair of wings and a broken halo atop of it on the breast pocket. He easily towered over the young blonde woman.

She sighed, no such luck she was afraid.

She kept on walking, doing her best to ignore the angel and his posse of likeminded angels. Without warning, the angel stuck his foot out and tripped her causing her to fall to the ground roughly. She fought through her tears and tried to get up only to be kicked back down by one of the angel's friends. She felt a sharp pain in her ribs as one of the female angels kicked her. The male angel who undoubtedly the leader of the group placed his foot on her back.

"You know, i heard that disgusting mixed breeds like her are very perverted." The angel explained as he was teaching a class. He caught a glimpse of his victim's underwear. Black panties? What kinda Angel wear black?! This was the proof he needed. He looked at her face which was scrunched in pain and recoiled at how ordinary she looked. Most angels had a uncanny beauty to them, but looking at this spawn that was born out of an unholy union between a demon swordsman and a angel? How could anyone tell she was of angel blood just like his group?

"You think she easy?" A female angel with long curly black hair wearing a sweater vest and button shirt combo asked of the brown haired leader, a mocking smile on her face.

"Maybe we should find out. I got a few goblins friends who might be interested in her and they pay well." She continued as her other friend who had pixie cut brown hair who was now visibly disturbed at the implications of what her friend was suggesting.

"Please stop." She told the group in vain as she tried to rise up as the male leader took his foot off the spawn.

She knew that it was no use, she saw a Orc teacher walked right past them, not paying any attention at all to the situation unfolding. Why would they? They had too many problems to deal with as is. She sighed and attempted to pick herself up off the ground and retain any dignity she still had. But she was kicked in the ribs again by the black-haired female angel, the young woman grit her teeth and try to rise only for the supposed leader of this group to stomp on her back again, bringing her down to the cold, dirty floor.

"So you little freak, tell me. Do you know what an exorcism feel like?" He asked of the Blonde woman who whimpered in fear.

"Do it Sazael!" The black haired angel cheered on as the other female angel just slowly backed away.

"STOP IT!" She screamed out at her tormentors who just laughed at her feeble attempts to oppose them. She felt a sharp kick to her ribs and felt the air leave her lungs.

The young hybrid could only hears the sounds of something hitting a body part and the male angel screaming out in agony. She felt the weight lifted off of her back as she quickly arose off the ground and gain some considerable distance, looking to see what have saved her.

The one who kicked the hybrid in the ribs shakes her head fearfully as the succubus held on to her hair. Without warning, The succubus yanked the black hair of the angel in question, making her head hit the concrete wall. She held her head in absolute agony as her now former friend slowly backed away from her.

"What are you waiting for Ketali, heal me!" She asked of her. The brown-haired friend known as Ketali just shakes her head, completely disgusted at what type of people she was hanging out with. She look at the hybrid who was slowly backing away from the scene. The young woman caught Ketali's eye, Ketali turn away and ran off. Not wanting to look her in the eye after what she done. The succubus punched the female angel in the teeth, causing her to drop to her knees in pain, covering her now bleeding mouth.

"Furiosa kicking the shit out of angels!!! i knew that fortune cookie wasn't lying when it said today will be one of excitement!" An Orc student cheered on as a crowd gathered. The male angel held his crotch in pain as the crimson haired succubus supposedly named Furiosa hit him with a furious right knocking him off his feet. She sighed to herself, she shared a look with the victim of their bullying and winked at her, causing the blonde-haired hybrid to blush.

Furiosa walked over to Sazael, She knew him as they used to have A.P alchemy together and he was a asshole back then as well. Always talking about how being a angel put him and other angels above everyone else. The douchebag could barely do healing Arcadia and that magic is something that is basic for children!

"Get the hell out of here you limp-dick virgin." The succubus said, looking the angel dead in his eyes, all he could do was nod before he ran. Or attempted to run as Furiosa trip him and made him break his nose on impact. The Succubus laughed gleefully at this as the angel held his bloody nose and scrambled to get the hell away from her along with his friend who continued to hold her mouth to stop the blood flow.

Furiosa looks towards the blonde hybrid she just saved, truth be told she was interested in her. Why she earned so much scorn from her contemporaries despite one of the rules of being an angel being tolerance above all else.

She waltzes over to the blonde who stumbled back wondering if the succubus was going to attack her.

"Come on, let get out of here." The red-headed succubus told the hybrid as she grabbed her hand tight and quickly ran off, Hera almost tripped over herself but regained her footing as the shouts of security and the principal were heard.

"We got your back!" An incubus said at their backs as they rounded the corner.

Before long they were out of Eizengarte Academy building and in the greenhouse in the garden area. The Gardening Club won't be here for another hour or so.

"T-thank you. You didn't have to do that." The woman said gratefully as she kept her eyes down. The succubus grabbed her chin and forced the mixed breed to look her in the eyes. She wanted to devour her, her soul itself was like a oasis. She had never met someone with a soul this pungent before.

"My name is Furiosa, and don't mention it. " Furiosa introduced herself, smiling brightly. She was getting lost in those green eyes. Hera gazed upon one of the most notorious students at EizenGarte, granted she had only see the aftermath of some of her exploits. Like that one time the principal came rushing into her classroom in a mad frenzy because one of Furiosa's friends put BullPig testicle extract in his coffee. Or that one time she leaked the fact that the elf physical education teacher had a harem of dwarven women he was courting behind his wife's (who was the history teacher at the time) back.

" name is Hera. It nice to meet you!" Hera introduced herself nervously. Furiosa smiled at the way she fidgeted.

"It's nicer to meet you, new roomie" Furiosa said slyly as she pulled out a key with a tag attached to it and showed it off to Hera who was stunned at this development. They were both assigned to the same room. She knew that getting involved with Furiosa would probably be a bad idea. After almost being murdered in her sleep by her other roommate. It not like she was in the wrong for wanting to be a little cautious, right?

"But she saved me. She didn't have to do that at all and yet she went out of her way to stop my tormentors." Hera thought in her head as she bowed to show her appreciation.

"Again i really appreciate what you did for me today. I don't know if i could repay you for your kindness." Hera said, tearing up a little. The fact that this was a succubus who showed kindness to her further cemented something that her father had told her long ago.

"Listen to me my sweet angel, this may sound cliché but you should never judge a book by it cover. I'm not saying don't keep your guard up. What i am saying is that just because they're of a certain species or whatever doesn't mean anything. Stereotypes are pointless because we all going to die in the end and none of this really matter in the grand scheme of life itself." He told her as she was doing her homework.

"Ok Hera, how about this? Let be friends." Furiosa stated, a smile on her face that surprised Hera because it was actually genuine.

Hera could only nod. She was shocked that someone would want to be her friend. She couldn't help but feel extremely happy.

"Um...If alright with you. May i buy you lunch? And we can get to know each other a bit more?" Hera hesitantly asked of the Succubus. Furiosa look at the smile on the blonde woman face and felt a very strong urge to protect it.

"Oh? You barely know me and already you asking me on a date? Are you sure? A Succubus like me could devour a sweet innocent soul like yourself." Furiosa teased Hera who blushed at the idea. Her? Dating? Please, she barely just made a possible friend. Not like she thought herself was particularly attractive enough to be with someone beautiful like Furiosa. She didn't hate the way she look mind you but when most of your peers are calling you an abomination, how is your self-esteem supposed to thrive?

"I don't think you would, i think despite everything i heard about you from the disgruntled teachers and rude classmates. I think that you're a good person." Hera told her, looking directly in Furiosa's eyes.

Furiosa stood back, shocked at what Hera has said to her. She regained her composure, she couldn't afford to show weakness. Especially not in front of someone she just saved.

"Heh...You're too pure for this world. But sure, can't say no to free food." She said happily as she looks to see if the coast was clear. There was nobody coming after them as far as she could tell.

"So what did you have in mind?" Furiosa asked, curious about this girl's taste.

"There this restaurant called Sunset Overeasy that makes the best hot chocolate. Also they have amazing sausages and egg sandwiches." Hera explained to Furiosa whose mouth was watering. The Succubus then had a devious joke she wanted to play.

"Oh? Do you like sausage?" Furiosa asked suggestively.

"Of course i do!" Hera said without hesitation with a big smile.

Furiosa chuckled and only then Hera understood the true meaning behind the Succubus's question, she hit Furiosa's on her shoulder. It was like the equivalent of a soft pillow being weakly thrown to Furiosa causing her to laugh even harder.

Hera finishes her story. She took a deep breath, this was the first time she shared this story with anyone. She smiled at the memories she had with Furiosa and the guilt came back a little stronger. She always thought it was for the best that she left that awful academy but she still should have kept in contact with Furiosa.

Sarglan stared at her for awhile.

"Are you-was Furiosa your girlfriend?" Sarglan asked very confused, I mean he felt a little better but now he was curious about Hera's relationship with Velven's friend.

Hera's entire face turned red, she could swear she could hear Devilla's laughing from somewhere in her very soul.

"No she was my best friend!" Hera had to clarified.

"LIES, IN DENIAL, IGNORING YOUR TRUE FEELINGS!" Devilla yelled making Hera and Sargan jump. They look around but couldn't see her anywhere, they both could have sworn that she was right behind them when she said that.

Furiosa walked into the destroyed living room where Velven was slumping on the couch. Furiosa gave her a can of beer which Velven tentatively accepted. Furiosa opened a can herself and plopped down on the couch besides her.

"So, what do you think?" Furiosa asked her suddenly.

"About what?" Velven asked, knowing damn well she knew what Furiosa was talking about.

"Do you think Sarglan did it?" She clarified.

Velven stayed quiet and took a long swig of her beer.

"I would like to believe he didn't but what other choice is there?"

Furiosa nodded and took a long drag off her beer.

Velven wanted to change the topic, ever since her discussion with Devilla she been questioning herself a lot and she don't like doing introspection too much. It brings her down.

"So, you and Hera huh?"

Furiosa nodded.

"It so weird, I haven't seen her in nearly a year and yet it felt as though nothing changed." Furiosa said, more to herself than Velven.

"That good though, right? Unless your friendship ended on a bad note."

Furiosa chuckled and finished the rest of the beer and opened another can.


Velven look at her friend, surprised.

"Seriously?! You? Never saw you as the romantic type."

Furiosa shrugs.

"I could say the same about you. Besides, Hera was…different."

"Did you two break up?"

Furiosa chuckled bitterly.

"Nah it was more…we just went different directions in life. And to be honest? We were both better off for it." Furiosa said as she finished her second beer and reached for a third before thinking better of it and placing her hands in her lap.

Velven stretched her wings out and placed her left wing around Furiosa, comforting her.

" wanna hear a story about Hera saving my dumb ass?" Furiosa asked suddenly. Velven thought about it, she was rather curious about this Hera, she only ever heard about her in passing, Furiosa didn't seem to want to bring up the past unless it was something crazy they did while in EizenGarte.

"If you want to." Velven told her soothingly, she didn't want to force Furiosa to talk in order to make her feel better.

"Nah it good. Let see..." Furiosa started.

Furiosa laid her back against the brick wall of the tavern known as the Six-feet under. Its a bar where six feet tall waitresses would deliver your drinks barefooted and degrade you while doing so. Surprisingly popular, though Furiosa understood why.

"Always been more of an ass person myself..."She thought hazily as she nodded off. A bottle in her hand she continued to suck the dregs out of even though it been empty for a half-hour. She had charmed the bartender into giving her a bourbon bottle at a heavily reduced rate. A Succubus can easily get more drunk from bourbon and vodka but not wine, wine is basically like drinking juice for the race. She doesn't even remember how she got here, or why she came here to begin with. She wasn't too far from the dorms, well at least she thinks she wasn't. The lanterns outside blurred into a hazy minefield that hurt her eyes. The night sky was fully out, but not a star could be seen in the vast void.

She slowly slid down the wall until she was sitting on the cold ground. A speck of rain hit her head but it went unnoticed. She felt tears come to her eyes and did her damn best to stop them. She wasn't so pathetic as to show her true feelings.

"Especially considering where I'm at. Then we get someone trying to play "hero"." She thought annoyed as she blinked back the tears.

Furiosa look through her blurry eyes and saw a figure that stood before her drunken state.

"I should have never welcome you into my home." The voice that came from the figure had a woman's voice, it sounded...wrong. Motherly yet full of hatred.

"...." Nothing came out of the succubus's mouth, her throat feeling heavy and dry.

"You're a monster, a filthy disgusting monster who is the reason my true child lays in bed, barely clinging to life as is."

"...sorry..." Furiosa wasn't too surprised at her young her voice sounded.

The figure laughed hysterically.

"That all you have to say? Of course. Why was i expecting anything more from a creature such as yourself."

She could see her clearly, the nun outfit she wore that was pristine and clean. Not a single wrinkle could be seen. Her striking blue eyes burned into her skin and made Furiosa want to tear her own skin off.

"...Leave me alone...." Furiosa told the nun who scoffs in pure disgust.

"Furiosa?" She heard Hera question, hearing her voice was like seeing a lifeboat in a flood.

"Hey Hera, I'm just sitting here. That all." Furiosa slurred, looking into Hera's concerned green eyes and feeling regret for making her angel worry about her.

Hera offered her hand to her which she reluctantly accepted.

"You're freezing." Hera noted, worried about her friend's condition.

"Oh really? You really don't notice these things when you're as hot as i am." She joked half-heartedly. Only now did she notice that it was pouring down hard.

Hera didn't laugh, she just unzipped her coat and put it around her friend.

Furiosa almost wanted to cry at how warm it was inside her coat.

They made it back to the academy. Hera led her to the academy cafe. Furiosa was glad Hera's attention was focused on something else so she wouldn't see how bad she was shaking. She sat on a plush couch as she saw Hera grabbed two cups and made her way to the coffee-maker\snack bar. The Succubus waited a few minutes, focusing on the back of her friend as she roamed around making their drinks. It gave her a sense of comfort and distraction from her thoughts.

For a fleeting moment Furiosa imagined that they were married and Hera was welcoming her back from a hard day's work.

It comforted her more than she would like to admit.

Hera opened the door to their dorm and Furiosa have seen this room so many times and yet now looking upon the warm lighting that bathed the beds and the tanks where the black widow spiders made their webs on Hera side, the neat way her books was stacked on Hera's desk versus all the gossip magazines that was smuggled in from her last visit to Earth scattered all over the place along with the social services training and mental health books and the cherry smelling incense that was burning in a incense holder on Furiosa's side. Hera lighted it most likely.

It felt like home.

"Thank you." Furiosa said quietly as she sat on her bed, the steaming cup of Cherry Vanilla Coffee in her hands as she took a meager sip. Hera sat next to her and smiled at her.

"It was the least i can do." She said as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Furiosa drank some of her coffee.

"How did you know where to find me?" Furiosa asked.

Hera was surprised at the question.

"Well i noticed whenever you decide to skip class, which you really shouldn't be doing but that another conversation. You tend to go off somewhere that close by, just in case you needed to come back in a hurry to avoid displicnary action. My first guess was the Six-feet under, there have been times when you came back to our room smelling of alcohol. And that the only bar in the area that is close enough to the academy." She explained.

Furiosa was silent for a moment.

"It alright if you don't want to talk about it, but i want you to know that I'm here if you need me." Hera told her as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Furiosa took another swig and grimaced.

"Oh no did i add too much enough sugar?" Hera asked.

"No no it fine. I was just thinking that you're sweeter than the drink."

She noticed the blush that made it way across Hera's face. She smiled at how utterly adorable it was.

"Oh-uh thank you." Hera said, quickly going back to her hot chocolate to calm herself down.

Furiosa finished her drink, feeling marginally better now that she was here in her shared dorm. She looks over to Hera and see her still drinking hot chocolate. She couldn't help but stare at her, her green eyes that gave the succubus a sense of ease and warmth. Her blonde hair that was tied into a loose ponytail that was flung over shoulder.

"Mental health is important, and my version of improving mental health is looking at my cute angel." Furiosa thought to herself as she got closer to her friend. Hera look at Furiosa who was inching closer to her, staring in her eyes with a hungry look. She saw Furiosa's aura as a misty light blue. Meaning that Furiosa was feeling increasingly peaceful.

"Was it because of me? Do being around me make you feel more at ease?" Hera thought to herself as she felt her heart flutter. Because it was usually the other way around. Ever since Furiosa came into her life she could walk the halls with a lot less anxiety.

Hera put the drink down and turned to her. She gave Furiosa a smile that melted the succubus's heart and opened her arms toward her for a hug.

"Please don't scare me like that again and let me know if you having trouble with anything. It the least i can do to repay you." Hera told her seriously.

Furiosa tackled her in a warm hug. She pressed her lips to Hera's neck as Hera felt her whole body being lit up like a furnace and yet a serene peace overwhelmed her.

"I'm glad i have a guardian angel watching out for me...." Furiosa mused to Hera as she fell asleep, snuggled in Hera's arms.

Hera blushed again, the soothing comfort of having Furiosa in her arms made her happy.

"If wasn't for you saving me when you did...." Hera didn't finish that thought. "it would only be right if i return the favor." Hera thought to herself as she listened to Furiosa's softly sleeping. The warm lights bathed them in a comforting glow that made Hera sleepy.

"Guardian Angel huh?" Hera said to herself quietly with a small smile as she hesitantly placed her arms around Furiosa and slowly fell asleep.

Now Hera found her face buried in something soft and warm, daylight was creeping in from the window. The room still carrying that mingling concoction of booze and cherry incense. She rose her head and look at what she laying on. She was eye level with Furiosa's generous cleavage.

Furiosa poked out her tongue in a teasing smile, her deep pink eyes glaring right into Hera's own with a sense of warmth and lust. 

"AH I'M SORRY FURIOSA I DIDN'T MEAN TO SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS YOU!" Hera exclaimed, arms failing and completely embarrassed.

"Damn angel, you know how to cure a hangover." Furiosa teased her as she arose from the bed, hugging the panicking Hera tightly. Soaking in the warmth that she provided, wishing this moment could last forever. It was selfish of her, she knows. 

Furiosa opened her eyes and saw Velven look at her for a moment.

"I didn't realize you were suffering that much back then." Velven said sadly, feeling regret.

Furiosa shrugs.

"Of course you didn't, i hid it well. But try hiding something from an angel. Try not to worry about it." Furiosa said to her as Velven nodded reluctantly.

"I swear i brought some food last night as well. Where the hell is it?" Furiosa explained as she got up and look around, feeling a lot better.

"Oh i ate it." Velven said shamelessly with a grin.

"I should let that bitch iced you."

Silence pass between the two of them before they broke out in laughter. Hera opened the door to find the two of them still in a laughing fit.

"What's so funny?"

"You using Furiosa's breasts as a pillow!" Velven exclaimed as Furiosa hit Velven upside the head again while still laughing.

Hera blushed and pouted. "I didn't mean to!"

Devilla watched as Hera stepped into the quaint little house with her future wife Furiosa and Velven. She turns toward the Troll who was sitting by his neatly folded items.

"So Sarglan, i think i can gather what happen here, but i want to hear it from you." Devilla said gently as she sat beside him. Sarglan nodded wordlessly. How the hell did it come to this? He loved Velven ever since they met at The Whispering Sirens. A bar ran by the daughter of Bartholomew and Krania, Oshia.

"Oh i been there before with Garwik and Zylon, the food was delectable and the wine they had was made by Winfrey herself! The atmosphere alone was intoxicating." Devilla mused to a surprised Sarglan.

"You can read my thoughts? Oh well of course you can, you're a Goddess." Sarglan said, feeling stupid. Devilla put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Only when you thinking about the person you love. There something else i can do in relation to that." Devilla explained, smiling brightly as Sarglan wondered what she was about to do.

Just then they were standing in the bedroom, Sarglan look around surprised, the bedroom was perfectly fine, he saw Velven and himself just lying there on the king sized mattress. Both having a considerable distance from each other. It completely broke the Goddess's heart to see such a travesty.

"I see that you two was drifting apart through faults of your own and Velven." Devilla said sadly as the bedroom slowly morphed and shifted into the kitchen, Sarglan felt sick but saw himself eating breakfast as Velven read a newspaper. To anybody else, it would seem completely ordinary but to the Goddess of Love herself, it was just telling of how boring and mundane their relationship was. They still love each other, Devilla and Sarglan himself knew that for sure. But the passing greetings of i love you and just going out somewhere to eat or take a walk-through town was significantly less than it had been in the previous year. Everything that Devilla saw was so…boring. Devilla saw beauty in the mundanity of relationships, lying around embraced in each other's company, the small kisses, the cooking together, the small talks. Those was like masterpiece paintings to the Goddess of Love. This…. whatever this was…was completely soulless.

Devilla sighed and brought back a real soulful moment.

The kitchen morphed again and shifted into the small living room. Sarglan and Velven was arguing about something.

"You're so boring! All you do is work, come back home, eat fall asleep!" Velven yelled at Sarglan who just rolled his eyes.

"I break my back working at the Mines of Serbronco just to come home to this. Unbelievable." Sarglan himself said as he slumped on the couch. Velven stood in front of him.

"That right and do you know why?" Velven asked rhetorically.

Sarglan said the exact same words as his past self.

"Because you make it worth it."

Velven smiled and gently got on his lap.

Sarglan looked down at his feet. They seemed interesting as hell right now.

"Sarglan? You truly care about your wife, don't you?" Devilla asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, i do! I don't know what happen or why that eleven woman came to kill my Velven! But it no use, she thinks i sent the assasin to kill her." Sarglan said sadly.

"Did you?" Devilla asked rhetorically. Sarglan was about so say no, but then he really thought about it. He thought about the fact he and Velven hadn't had sex in three months. He thought about how he seen a poster in town about prostitutes and thought that a three-way is just what this relationship needed. Hell Velven was the one who playfully suggested it to him after another disappointing romp in bed last month. Granted she said this under her breath after the whole open relationship conversation but at this point he was willing to try anything to save his marriage.

Then the room suddenly shifted again, reality bleeding out into another memory of his. The dimmed purple lanterns, the orc guard standing watch by the door.

He sat across from a elven woman with long curly auburn hair.

"So you do it?" He asked of the elven woman who simply smiled at him. She took a bite of her crawberry pie that was so lovingly made by her wife and responded.

"I'm going to take care of everything, don't you worry." The Elven assassin told him, an alluring smile on her face that made Sarglan felt at ease.

Sarglan looked embarrassed as all hell. Devilla smiled, glad that he realized.

"Did you tell your wife about this? About your grandiose ideas of saving this marriage?" Devilla asked like a school teacher.

Sarglan stayed silent, face burning.

"I'm a moron." Sarglan finally said, tears coming out.

"Yes, yes you were. But know that this stupidity didn't come from a place of malice but from love itself. I hope that you and Velven understand the lesson that is to be learned from such an experience. " Devilla told him as she patted his shoulder.

Sarglan found himself outside his house again. Dumbfounded by how he could've easily avoided all this. The Goddess that guided him was nowhere to be found.

An elven woman walked up behind him brandishing a dagger.