Chereads / A Tale of Creation / Chapter 9 - Rage [Updated]

Chapter 9 - Rage [Updated]

Sitting in my office, I was enjoying a cup of tea while staring at a projection of the Mortal Realm in front of me. 

Everything seemed fine; the Ulesins had finally reached the medieval era. The treants and dryads were beginning to spread more throughout Genesis, and as for the dragons and draconians, they mostly stayed by themselves in hard-to-reach places mostly mountains. Olen's creation, the Ulpis population has grown to a hundred which was good.

As for Aariv's keys, no one has caught them yet, but it won't take too long and the Levitas now in the stone era soon to catch up with the ulesins with or without contacting each other.

Suddenly, fear and anger began to fill my very being as I felt the barrier I had placed to encompass the realms break as a malignment being broke into it, spreading its sinister influence.


My aura surged out of my body as my abode was destroyed in response. My attention however wasn't focused on my home but on a black and red serpent that was as large as Genesis, as its unholy presence corrupted the souls closest to it, twisting and turning them into what I could only say were dark spirits.

However, that wasn't the only thing corrupted, as the area it broke through led it directly into the Heaven Realm. The once golden and pure sky of the Heaven Realm slowly became red and black as any native animals in it began to mutate into monstrous forms attacking anything that had just enough power to prevent their corruption.

Rage consumed me as I saw this, along with the Realms, as they felt this force trying to corrupt it. In response to the Realms' fury, "The Celestial String" though invisible glowed as it borrowed the energy of the Realms to fight this force, stopping it from spreading any further, and preventing the damage from getting worse. 

Shock filled the serpent's eyes, as I could only assume this was the first time it had experienced something stopping its power.


Flying at speeds faster than light, leaving a golden trail, I arrived before the beast, staring into its eyes as I asked, "Who the hell are you!?"

The serpent just looked at me before answering, "Alazith, Universe Destroyer, Ender of All."

"Well, Alazith, Universe Destroyer, Ender of All, get out!" I replied.

Chuckling in response, Alazith swiped his enormous yet sharp tail towards me, which, in response, I promptly dodged before utilizing my divine energy to create a golden sword that shimmered with celestial light.

(Image here!)

Flying towards him, I slashed at his tail, only for it to leave a crack on its scale. Though the size was decent, it didn't do any real damage.

While I continued to fight Alazith, chaos was spreading throughout the realms, especially the Mortal Realm. The dark spirits had created havoc, trying to influence nations to go to war or increasing negativity within my children. They cause what can only be called beast tides to appear as corrupted animals begin to attack anything in front of them

The First Five, however, were keeping the situation under control and not interfering with my battle as per my orders. I needed the experience from this fight to better myself. If I couldn't hold him back by myself I could always call them to help me.

As both of us flew through the Heaven Realm at unfathomable speed, explosions rang out from our colliding powers. We flew all around the Heaven Realm, as destruction was all that was left in our wake.

Hundreds of giant golden slashes flew from my sword as they filled the air, heading towards Alazith. The serpent, however, wasn't going to allow itself to be outdone, he dodged the slashes with relative ease as it breathed a beam of destruction that seemingly ripped through the fabric of space, utterly destroying part of the Heaven Realm and heading for the Mortal Realm. The floating islands and innocent animals died under its power.


My rage that was contained had now become all-consuming.

Third POV

Ananta, seeing this, glowed in an iridescent light as he flew beside the beam that shone with destruction. Ananta accelerated, flying past the beam. Ananta arrived before the Mortal Realm as his sword dispersed into golden particles. 

Ananta raised his right hand as it shone with power before a golden shield slowly formed in front of him as he looked at the beam coming towards him. A second later, the beam met with the barrier. Feeling the weight of the attack, the shield began to crack; however, Ananta persevered and was able to hold out long enough for its power to diminish.

Ananta was determined to defeat this foe; he would not lose, he would protect, and guide his children towards a better future, so he could not fall, not with all his children depending on him.

As the beam scattered, Ananta flew towards Alazith who was further destroying the heaven realm.

Arriving before the serpent, Ananta created another sword above him as he raised his hands; however, this one was different; it burned with golden flames growing in size and power in response to Ananta's conviction.

Alazith, who was once laughing, suddenly felt threatened. It could feel the power of the sword and knew it would have to take things seriously, yet that was just part of it as he stared into Ananta's eyes. They were not broken or filled with despair as he thought; they were filled with determination, rage, and power. Alazith knew this being in front of him was determined to strike him down with everything he had.

Bringing his hand down, a golden slash flew towards Alazith at unfathomable speed. It seemed as though it was blinking in and out of reality, space breaking as it traveled.

Alazith, sensing the danger, tried to flee; nevertheless, it was too late, as the next thing he felt was half of his body being cut in half.

Alazith POV

"How, how is this possible!?" I thought. "How could this being best me, Alazith, Devourer of Worlds, Ender of All!?"

I was cut in two; I could feel it in my soul, mind, and body. I had just stumbled on this new world that had an interesting design that I had never seen before, ready to eat it, but never in my mind did I think that this would be the result.

Third POV

Ananta flew towards the beast, ready to destroy him, as rage fueled his heart. He wanted to kill this beast, yet he had a plan for it that went against the emotions he felt right now. Staring at Alazith, Ananta snapped his fingers as he filled the beast with vitality.

Alazith, who was on the brink of death, was surprised as a surge of vigor filled his body. His once dull eyes, were now clear, as they looked at the being from whom he received it with surprise.

But what happened next surprised him even more, as he found his body stuck. He couldn't move, but he could think.

Ananta looked at his former foe before snapping his fingers, making Alazith disappear.

After that, Ananta turned around to look at the destruction that had emerged in the realms with a frown. The Heaven Realm, the once pure landscape, was now filled with destructive energy. Thankfully, with the power of "The Celestial String," it was slowly fighting back said energy; however, it wasn't the only realm damage as the Mortal Realm was still in a state of war caused by the still present dark spirits. 

The Karmic Realm was damaged, but nothing that would put a stop to the afterlife. The Gnosis Realm was unscathed as "The Celestial String" was unharmed, luckily. Honestly, if any realm was destroyed it would be terrible but "The Celestial String" is connected to every realm so the damage would be catastrophic.

Ananta waved his hands, easing some of the damage inflicted on the realms, yet he couldn't fix it all, not because he was exhausted, which he was, but because the realms needed to grow from this experience and become stronger as he did, so something like this never happens again. 

Now, he just needed to talk with his children.



Hey guys, sorry for not posting in a while.

Exams were coming up, so I had to take a break, but I'm back now.
