Chereads / A Tale of Creation / Chapter 11 - The Assembly

Chapter 11 - The Assembly

Asim's POV

At the moment I was in my cave sleeping while embracing the invigorating energy of the secret garden now known as Osla that Gaia had created on Elysium (The largest mountain on Genesis). It was a beautiful place to be at, the trees and plants in Osla were filled with vigor while flowers blossomed spreading their fragrance through the air. The only problem though was the animals that were in it. The animals weren't the problem though, it was the ones that entered my cave that were bothersome. 

Opening one of my golden eyes, I stared at the three Elecktras that were playing in my cave before me. They couldn't see me of course as I had lowered my presence before I came to sleep in my cave. My cave as well also had its presence lowered enough that normal beings wouldn't notice it. I guess it's fair to say that these three were above average in terms of power. The Elecktras are a type of divine beast that was created half a century ago by Gaia with the help of Father. They were naturally in tune with the element of lightning which of course gave them formidable power. They were as tall as three adult ulesins when fully grown (ulesins body is about 6.5 feet tall without their antlers), they also possessed incredible strength allowing for the destruction of entire mountains when fully grown but they weren't mere beasts, even if weren't as conscious as an ulesin they have incredible intelligence and are deeply empathic, as such they have the rare ability to listen to one heart of hearts if they so choose (which most of them do). They also could somewhat understand communication but it heavily relies upon their empathy if they aren't taught to understand words. They were wolf-like creatures, that had tiny wings on their backs. Their fur was fully white from their attachment to the element of lightning with heterochromia eyes that seemed like gems.

Lifting my body, I yawned as I noticed them still playing. Chuckling at the scene I asked, "You are making too much noise" As I huffed air in their direction. 

Finally noticing me they looked up in shock before they ran out of the cave to escape but not before tripping over themselves, quite a few times I might add. Then suddenly a voice entered my head informing me that the meeting Father had talked about all those years ago was finally beginning. Exiting my cave I began to stretch my feathered wings ready to take flight, and with a few flaps, I lifted off the ground flying towards the villa Father lives in.

Oneiros POV

I was on Genesis enjoying its view, then suddenly I heard a voice telling us to assemble, I couldn't help but worry. I was a god born two centuries ago after the Creator had gone to rest after defeating the dark one known as Alazith but that was five hundred years ago.

I was the god of dreams created from the dreams of gods, mortals, and beasts alike, but that wasn't enough to foster my birth. What had made me was a dream from the Creator himself. I know not what the dream that birthed me was about but I knew it was an important, emotional, and powerful dream that contributed to my birth. At the moment I was a low-tier diety (not hierarchy only in terms of power) however I knew I could become stronger. The Four Realms were young after all, and its inhabitants besides the Creator and the First Five were even younger, much younger as such there aren't enough people to dream, for as long as one dreams I grow in power maybe even uncovering the hidden potential I know I had.

Getting out of my thoughts, I notice a fluctuation of energy beside me. A few seconds later the smell of flowers entered and filled my nose as an androgynous man appeared. He had long golden hair that reached the floor and had flowers in it, he had on a white gown with intricate symbols on them. He had smooth white skin that seemed to glisten in the sun and a golden aura around him. He was barefooted as when his feet touch the ground plants seem to grow to the naked eye. He was Floriel god of prosperity and forests. He, like me, was born two centuries ago which helped us to connect allowing a friendship to blossom. His job was to help those who deserve to prosper, well, prosper but mostly through nature. Like a town getting more yields of their farms or plants to grow a little quicker before a winter or something, his power like mine was simple but abstract, mine more than his of course but still the same. Looking at the yellow aura surrounding him and his golden hair, I always wondered why it wasn't green or something since his duty mainly deals with nature but I guess we can't choose how we look, I mean we can since we're gods but this will always be our base form anything else would be considered a transformation, except for me as even though dreams have form they are constantly changing.

"Are you ready?" Floriel asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to him and smiled before we decided to fly to the Creator's villa.

Already off Genesis, I asked him "What do you think the meeting will be about" while staring straight ahead. He turned to me before looking at me like I asked a stupid question "How would I know you fool, I'm in the same boat as you." Chuckling at his answer we continued to fly to our destination in silence.

Third POV

The gods could be seen in a large room made of wood that had beautiful plants around it in their Creator's villa. It housed 20 gods that were on benches on either side of the room including the First Five as they awaited their creator. They were talking among themselves pondering about what said the meeting was about.

Abruptly, the wooden door made to enter the room opened once more, all the gods stopped their talking as they stared at the being who had just entered. It was the Creator of the Realms, the All-Father, the One above All other beings that were created, he had finally arrived.

Seeing his children Ananta smiled before staring at the rather radiant throne at the center of the room raised on a small platform. Seeing this he immediately looked toward Gaia and Arianell who were chuckling knowing their father dislikes being portrayed as a sovereign more than a father. Chuckling he walked to the throne as the rest of the gods held their breaths (of course not the First Five) as they awaited their creator's next move.

As soon as Ananta sat down he began to speak. "My children I know some of you do not know what this meeting is about so I will explain" "As you all know a being outside the realm known as Alazith had attacked the realms." As soon as that was spoken power surged from the gods who had been present in that war. They had experienced their weakness and uselessness as they could do nothing but watch as their creators battled that beast. 

"Calm yourselves, as I know how you feel, even with my power the heaven realm had taken a significant amount of damage but I want you all to know this we can get stronger, do not cloud yourself in with failures, no, use them as your goal to get stronger, to be better than you are now, never let it chain you down" hearing that their power though diminished was still surging. "What I came to talk about was not about Alazith really but that the realms are now open to outside threats" Hearing this the gods were confused, wasn't Alazith an outside threat. Seeing their confusion Ananta said' "Alazith when he talked about being the Ender of all blah blah blah, he was from inside the realms, he had truly just been born, and the titles and achievements he came up with were just a delusion due to him being young and having so much power with the Abyss also implanting memories so he may destroy anything and everything thinking that was the point of his existence and the Abyss didn't do this on purpose as it isn't sentient, no, it had instinctually use the bad karma that soul as accumulated to plant memories to that end" "But how," Asim asked. Looking at Asim and the others Ananta sighed before saying "As you know before I created the four realms there was only void. Gathering my energy to create Genesis I pushed back the void while subconsciously making a barrier strong enough to stop it from impeaching at the cost of draining my power over time. That was until all the realms were created, having enough power to now take over what I once had to do however, it wasn't a true barrier just really something stopping the void, what I didn't realize was how the energy between the realm and the void had created something I called the Abyss."

"The Abyss is just darkness without control. It's not bad persay, it just is. It's the energy of the realms colliding with the void with neither I nor the void having control over it at the moment. Once I am stronger I will have the ability to kind of control it but as for the void it will never. The void itself seeks nothing but nothingness as such in its metaphorical eyes the abyss as well as the realms are blasphemous. The control I gain would allow me control of the Abyss but not have full control unless I deepen my knowledge of the void as for one to know creation one has to know the void and vice versa. Anyways a soul though stripped of its memories had found its way drifting close to the barrier of the realms before I had actually created its true barrier. This soul had accumulated quite a bit of bad karma, not even close to becoming a dark angel but enough that it was on that path if there wasn't an intervention over its future lifetimes. Well due to the constant energy used to push against the void, some turbulence, if you will, had dragged the soul out of the barrier into the abyss without me knowing. This soul would have had a chance of coming back to the realms if not for the barrier I had created, as such the soul managed to absorb some of the Abyss's energy which cultivated it into what you know as Alazith, his bad Karma, however, is what transformed him into the destroying creature he is and no if a good much less a pure soul enters they won't be ultimate good guys, no, the void has more energy encroached upon the void than me and even if I did have more power than the void they would still be out to destroy the realm as the abyss is just destructive energy as such any soul that absorbs its energy will have that destructive tendency. I only figured this out by analyzing his composition."

Hearing this the gods were shocked, as they should be, as such information had garnered their attention towards the place they now know as the Abyss and the horror it could create.

"Thank you for the clarifications Father" Asim's said in response to Ananta's words.

"But that isn't all as I would now like to inform you of beings that may have the ability to enter the realms. When the realms were first created it wouldn't allow anyone to notice much less enter the realms, you could call it our grace period however it is up as such I have come to warn you to stay vigilant for there are beings much stronger than I that are out there, beings strong enough to travel the void so we need to get stronger to protect the ones we love and care for. I know you want more information as to what they maybe as such I can only tell you that they may be like me, creators of their own universe or multiverse or being made up of the void itself."

"But creator did you say the void is meant to be nothing. How can nothing hold something." a god asked.

Hearing his daughter his eyes twitched a little. "It's father, my daughter, but anyways I myself don't know if it's possible, it's just a guess for things known as a paradox exists, so who is to say it can or can't happen"

"Oh ok," she replied with a blush.

"Onerios and Floriel I also want you two to focus your energy on helping deal with the negativity plaguing the mortal realm full time especially you Oneiros. Allow them to dream and hope for a better future. Floriel as well, bring my children's hopes and dreams into reality by increasing the prosperity around those who truly deserve it and truly wish for a better future for themselves and the ones they care about, though I want you to keep it subtly as usual, we don't want to spoil them now." Ananta said with a chuckle.

"Yes Creator," the both of them said, earning a frown from Ananta.

"I said call me father, f-a-t-h-e-r, father. Is that so hard, ughhh" Ananta sighed.

"Now that's the end of the main topics, do anyone else have something to talk about," Ananta asked.

The meeting continued to run smoothly as nothing major worth noticing was noted and as such the meeting finally came to an end.



I'm back yay ⭐⭐⭐⭐