Chereads / Denial, Blood of The Fae / Chapter 50 - Chapter 50: Supreme Relaxation

Chapter 50 - Chapter 50: Supreme Relaxation

Raven huffed as he was declared fully recovered finally by one of the private doctors owned by Lorelei's family.

He and Shirou had finally sucked it up and got the hell out of there, especially after the confirmed visit of Zelretch.

So one last run through the temple, and pictures taken, they packed up and left.

Of course, he and Shirou had gotten yelled at for a long time. Well, more like Lorelei had scolded him, but was more proud that he won the fight. Minerva once she found out had yelled at him.

Raven saw this smaller girl with black twintails easily pick the man up easily and shake him about, without reinforcement. Meanwhile behind her stood a blonde haired girl, about his age give or take, standing there with a small smile, though she had a small glare directed at Shirou also.

She was kinda cute.

"You're all clear Lord Inanis." Raven glanced at the healer and nodded before he put his clothes back on and headed out.

Of course clear meant he was fully healed, but shouldn't strain himself. Which he had no desire to do so. He's had enough crap to deal with this year then he'd like to for another decade.

Of course, knowing his luck, some shit will happen. Maybe he can relax at least for the rest of his summer break.

"I guess I'll go study." He mumbled to himself as he arrived at the library attached to his room. Lori had it installed this summer for him.

"I guess I'll study some ancient mythology, clearly it's gonna be useful." Raven huffed as the stomping's he got from Behemoth flashed in his mind. Then followed by Zelretch… perhaps it was time to put more effort into learning the full capabilities of his true magic.

Which meant he needed to look up myths of creation and destruction.

He's read several tales of creation, mostly biblical ones, but ever since the trip to the temple and the thought bouncing with Shirou, he's sure there's a hint to understanding his true magic through finding out about creation.

Then there was destruction. A divine being created reality, but at the same time, in every mythology there is that one prophesied being which will bring about the end to it.

There's gotta be some link between that and his powers, or at least something he can take away from it.

Divine beings are the ones who are the closest to wielding true magic. Imitating it.

So if he could get in contact with a divine being of creation and destruction, then he could in theory figure out something of his powers.

However for now, he'd like to avoid anymore divine beings. He's had enough of them, and it wasn't even a proper divine being… just a technical off spring of one.

Does that make Behemoth a Demi-God? Half divine, half whatever. Half earth?

Oh, how he hates his mind sometimes…

"My lord, lunch is being prepared and will be ready in half an hour." A maid said as she bowed to him after ensuring she had permission to enter.

She left soon after to return to her duties.

"Hmm, I could use a maid of my own, homunculus are good servants, the Einzbern ones especially with their use of Ether-" Raven paused as he thought on that.

"Ether." His eyes widened for a moment as he shot up using his wings to reach the higher level shelves, he didn't want to walk, and ran his finger over a few titles before pulling out two.



Raven grinned to himself, he had read over these books, well more like glanced over since he understood the knowledge in it, but just perhaps, just perhaps, he went about it the wrong way.

He understood the foundations of Magecraft and its use of Ether, but what if he was learning about it wrong.

In modern age, Ether is only a pale imitation of what it once was in The Age of Gods. At the current era, The Age of Man, where Mystery is starting to decline.

Ether wasn't Ether then! There is no mention of Ether in the past. It's a product of modern times, brought on by The Age of Man.

So perhaps he's not able to use the destruction part of his abilities, is because he's not understanding what is the actual formula of creation, but a crappy knockoff of it!

Oh man, now he's gotta talk with people from the age of the gods in its most prominent time. That severely limits his options in who he wants to talk to and can talk to.

Zelretch would be the main one, but he's had enough of that blood sucker right now and for a good while.

For now though, he should take a shower to get ready for lunch.

So with a sigh, he got up and headed to his room to shower and change.


"Shirou!" Raven said excitedly as he barged into a room and blinked at a probably pointy object hidden by air pointing right between his eyes. A black haired lady beside the blonde haired lady with the probably pointy object holding glowing gems in hand.

Shirou laid there wrapped in bubble wrap and thick pads…

"Did I come at a bad and weird time Shirou?" Raven asked awkwardly.

"Uh n-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but how do you know Shirou?" The black haired girl asked with a rude tone.

"Oh, Shirou and I are best buddies. We have a sacred bone. Forged in adversity, pain and terror." Raven said dramatically, but truthfully.


"We got our asses beat and became great friends over it." Raven simplifed.

"Wait… asses beat?" The black haired girl said as she started drawing some connections amd paling in return at those thoughts.

"I supposed I should introduce myself. Raven Inanis, apprentice of Lorelei Bartemolei. Pleasure to meet you two girls." Raven said with a cheerful smile and closed eye wave.

"Rin Toshaka. This is Saber." The black haired girl introduced herself and her companion.

"A pleasure Rin and Saber. Now if Miss Saber here wouldn't mind removing the most likely hidden pointy object from between my eyes, it would be appreciated." Raven said cheerfully.

Honestly, this was much better then studying right now.

Saber hesitated for a moment before doing so.

"Now, can I ask why Shirou is being wrapped up?" Raven asked as he took a chair in the room and sat in it backwards.

"Protection. He can't stop getting hurt, so if he can't leave, he won't get hurt." Saber said simply and Raven nodded with that impeccable knowledge.

"A good idea, but might I recommend plated armor instead. Full body? I've heard it's the latest fashion and defense mechanism. Beside magical shields." Raven grinned at Shirou who started panicking and trying to escape his binds, but Saber was having none of that as she added another layer of rope to tie his hands.

"Impressive knoting. Where did you learn it?" Raven asked curiously.

"A old friend." Saber said simply.

"A pity. Now, sorry to interrupt your little bonding session, but Rin, I'm borrowing your boyfriend, he owes me bro time. Thanks." Raven said as he reappeared by Shirou and hefted him onto his shoulder and then vanished.

"Did we just watch Shirou get kidnapped?" Rin asked Saber.

"Yes, but I sensed no bad intentions. In fact, Shirou seemed happy to see him." Saber said with a small smile.

"He did didn't he?" Rin asked herself with a smile. She always felt Shirou needed more people to ground him, lest he end up like Archer, and neither she nor Saber wanted that.

She was sure if Illya or Sakura were here, they'd agree.


"Interesting girlfriend and bodyguard you got Shirou." Raven said amused as he cut Shirou loose from his bindings.

"That's a good word for it." Shirou said sarcastically as he rubbed his sore wrist.

"Hehe." Raven chuckled at that.

"So why did you kidnap me?" Shirou asked confused.

"Well for one, bro time. We guys gotta stick together. Two, I need you to teach me how to properly cook." Raven said with a smile as Shirou felt his own grow on his face.

"Alright. Do you know the basics?" Shirou asked as he looked around fully at the kitchen he had found himself kidnapped to.

"I know what things are, and very basic ways to use them for cooking." Raven said as he tried not to say out loud he was familiar with a lot of them from his experiments on people.

"Alright, let us begin then with something simple and work our way up." Shirou said as he grabbed a nearby apron and handed Raven his own, who turned it black.


Raven giggled softly to himself as he stared at the item before him.

A simple wristband, but it was a mystic code that would enable him to know the vital stats of someone, though getting an average for humans required a good bit of measurement and testing.

Thankfully he wasn't short on volunteers.

Now he just needed to bind it to someone and test it. He'd figure that out later, for now, he'd take a nap.


Raven groggily opened his eyes and stared at Izzy staring at him with her ruby red eyes. However he noted a note in her mouth and took it from her as he created a toy and started controlling it to play with her.

Guest are here for a party. Get dressed casually. Ball room 2.


Raven tried to remember why there would be a party today, and he tried to think what was special about July 31st.

Oh wait, wasn't he born on this day?

Wait, was he born on this day? Was he a July 30th baby? Oh no, all his calculations could be ruined!

Raven started panicking as he started pacing back and forth as he went into his library and started flipping through spell books. Looking for a certain spell he remembered and thought useless.

"Here it is." Raven mumbled as he summoned his wand and casted the spell.

"Tempus Ortus." Raven casted the spell swiftly as some smoke left his wand and formed some runic letters he translated into numbers with ease.

July 31st, 1980, 7:03pm.

At least he didn't have to rewrite a bunch of his rituals to work with a different birth date. Rituals were specific like that and annoying.

With a sigh, he waved his wand and cleaned himself up and then vanished it as he created his clothes for the day.


Raven could admit, he did enjoy his birthday party. It had gotten bigger this year as well!

Lorelei, Minerva, Albus, Rose, Shirou, Saber, Rin and The Twins.

In reverse order, in terms of gifts, he had gotten what he expected and more.

The Twins had gotten him more candy. Another couple rare books, ownership documents of their company, which he had signed a couple days ago to complete it, and a nice watch. Apparently it was tradition to gift someone a watch when they turned sixteen in the wizarding world.

Rin despite barely knowing him, had also gotten him a present combined with Saber. Materials from rare animals freshly hunted. He rather liked it. They had even somehow found some quite rare things. Plus to his amusement, candy.

Shirou had gotten him a special fabric that was of high quality. A few books on golem creation. Candy. However what he was most happy about there, was a cook book prepared by Shirou with all his recipes.

Rose had gotten him a couple pretty advance and rare wizard spells books, candy and some kind of gem he didn't recognize, which excited him. Plus the normal candy. However he also saw a batch of chocolate chip cookies in there as well that he started snacking on immediately.

Albus gave him seven of Fawkes feathers, a large pile of phoenix ash, two Phoenix tears, a book covered in illusionment charms he'd have to disable later, candy and a warm blanket, he was a little confused, but it probably played into the book.

Minerva gave him a few of her own transfiguration spells she personally made, a bag of candy and a bag filled with rare materials.

Lorelei had given him in a oddly sentimental manner, a scrapbook of things they've done together. Candy. Some rare magecraft books of a family she had wiped out for their impietence. Plus a promise she had one more gift in her room she'd give to him later.

He also later found a couple boxes in his room. He really was wondering how people kept doing that… is what he would say for some of them.

Hades and Persephone had sent him a few things. Some hair of blood of Cerebus. A few rare books on death and nature magic they had laying in their libraries. Plus a hella large bag of candy, like his size in body.

He wondered if people were going to realize he could just create the candy, almost everyone in his life knew he was a magician besides Rose… he'd think about telling her in the future, depending on how the next year or two went.

A gift from his strange stalker, had gifted him some more rare jewels, a few bags of candy, a old and dusty tome on Anicent divine death magic. However what interested him were some metal shavings in a bag labeled a weird word he couldn't quite decipher the language of.

Then a new mysterious one, inside was simply two items. One was a story book, the other a treasure hunt map with deciphering riddles to get to the next steps. He liked puzzles.

It was simply signed with a single letter for the name.


Followed by a little smily face. He snorted at that.

After all the gifts were done, which he would later take to his room and store away, the party went into full effect.

He and Shirou told their battle against Behemoth in full detail, and everyone there questioned how these two idiots survived and managed to win.

Despite it all, he rather found himself enjoying his birthday, he was happy.


Raven followed Lorelei to her room after everyone had gone home. She hadn't said a word, but he could see a slight redness to her cheeks.

He had a distinct feeling on just what her gift would be. However to his amusement and confusion, when they arrived at her room, she asked him to wait outside.

So he did, five minutes later and he heard a soft come in, opening the door, he walked in and closed it behind him, and as he looked up at Lorelei, he went wide eye, blood started rushing downward in his body.

Lorelei Bartemoloei, the toughest and stern human woman in the clocktower, possibly the world, was wrapped up in red bow string barley hiding her private parts and breast, a embarrassed, but lewd smile on her face. The only "clothing" on her was the collar she had swiped from him and had put on.

"My master, I'm your present, feel free to unwrap me and use your present as you see fit, in all ways." She said huskily and he immediately stepped forward, casually ripping off his shirt and tossing it to the ground. His sandals kicked off to the side.


Raven stared at the ceiling with a large smile, Lorelei curled up into his side. The room was in disarray. Bodily fluids all about the room and on each others body.

However as he thought about what just happened, all he knew, was that he wanted more of it to happen.

He felt on top of the world right now.

With a smile, he wrapped his arms around Lori and enjoyed the warmth of her body as he closed his eyes and slept.


So I changed my mind and decided to put off the R18 scene. Just didn't feel like it. Maybe in the future I'll feel like it, and I felt like if I added the R18 part, I'd end up putting this chapter release off for a long time.

So anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, but before we leave, I wanna talk about a few things.

1) I'm gonna make a discord server. I'll probably have it up around the time I release chapter 55 at the latest, aka however long I procrastinate it.

2) Romance. The MC will be a playboy, he's gonna be a manwhore. However at some point, he will settle down to a group of girls, aka a harem.

3) Progression of the MC and plots. I've got a lot of plans set in motion, some I've started implementing and some that are merely ideas and sitting in the wait till the right time to implement them. Some will be plays on plots of the original shows, some are original plot lines and arcs for the story, but those won't even start till post Hogwarts line. One I'm super excited about starting post Hogwarts is what I will call [The Angelic Fae] arc. Second most favorite one, so I hope you all will enjoy it. Only losing to the [Promised Fae] arc. Those will be my most ambitious and favorite arcs.

Anyway, I've started ranting now and I'm trying to avoid dropping any spoilers.

4) Since this is the end of the chapter, and this arc, don't expect uploads for a little while, I've gotta fully plan the next year and implementing the things I need for the next arc.

5) Until next time friends!


-Voidy, The Insomniac

P.S. Would you all be interested in seeing some alternate universe omakes in the future? Like seeing a small version if Raven gave into his darker urges more. If he stopped caring entirely about things and was monotone and merely went moment to moment in his life. Maybe an angelic version of Raven being a "good" guy instead of how he is.

Bye for real this time!