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Denial, Blood of The Fae

chs / week
The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
(Current Story Location: Hogwarts Arc) (Originally named Prince of Denial) Morgan Le Fay had decided she wanted another child, another chance to be a mother, but this time be a true mother. She would be a true mother. However one night when she put down her newborn son to sleep, she woke up in the morning to him gone. Angered beyond belief, she rages as she tore apart the castle, and then the realm to find her child. Unable to find her child, but feeling the connection still there, she explorers the many different realms of the universe to find her still living son. Meanwhile on earth, in London, an orphanage just took in a new baby who has flashes of a woman and a dark place at times when he sleeps.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: How It All Began

So a little note before we start, I have changed the age requirement to start Hogwarts to 13. Also I've done a grammar fixing of the chapters from Year 1, so note comments may not appear properly or have disappeared, if it says an image is there, just check the comments, i will try to go through the story and replace them if they vanished. 


Raven Inanis groaned in his sleep, in the morning. His hands held his head as he had a flash of a beautiful blonde woman and a black void with a bit of blue in it.

However, suddenly he woke up as someone knocked on his door, one of the caretakers in the orphanage, if you could call them that, letting him know someone was here, for him. Her tone expressed her annoyance.

"Yes, Ms. Carl." he responded with a certain tone as if to mock her for still being single this late in her life. A grin grew on his face as he heard her growl as she stomped away.

A few minutes later he was dressed and presentable.

His shoulder length white hair, still wet from a very fast shower, laid flat as he didn't want to damage it by putting it in a ponytail with his normal hair tie. His blue eyes shining in curiosity. His somewhat pale skin standing out.

His clothes weren't anything spectacular. A pair of black shoes, some black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. A brown leather belt. A dark blue and black jacket on top of his shirt, left open and unzipped fully.

However his thoughts on his attire were shoved off as he stared at the door as another knock happened, this one much gentler.

"Come in." He said and the door opened revealing an older woman standing there, her clothing was a bit out of age, but she was old looking, so perhaps she was much more familiar and preferred older style clothes?

"Hello, I am Minerva McGonagall. I teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Deputy Headmistress. Professor of Transfiguration." The woman said as she offered a small bow of her head in greeting.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Was this some secret attempt to steal children for illegal experimentation?

However such thoughts were soon thrown away as he watched as she waved her wand, from which she had pulled from her sleeve, and his empty table turned into a lion cub.

It roared cutely as it rubbed up against his leg before it trotted back to where it was originally and turned back into his desk, if in a slightly better condition.

"Magic?" It was the only word he could speak as his mind fired up different thoughts and things involving magic. Mysteries he couldn't pierce together, suddenly making much more sense to him. Some became even more complicated, but it only made him more excited.

"Yes, Mr. Inanis. You are a wizard. One of several beings capable of casting magic. The sub-human race known as wizards have a magical core, a metaphysical organ, that generates magic. Through the use of a focus, such as a wand, we are capable of casting spells. Temporarily bending the rules of reality as we wish." Minerva said smiling as she handed him his school letter and he opened it.

Dear Mr. Raven Inanis

37 Charle Road

4th Bedroom

Second Floor


We are pleased to have you attend our prestigious academy. A few rules to note, first years aren't allowed to own or bring their own brooms. Unless it is a familiar contract, students must keep to animals of the following: Cat, Toad and Owl. Exceptions can be made and must be petitioned to a senior member of the staff or the headmaster.

We humbly await your arrival. Below you shall find your list of required materials.


The Standard Book of Spells, by Miranda Goshawk.

A Thousand Magical Herb and Fungi, by Phylida Spore.

A True History of Wizard Kind, by Morgan Le Fay.

Magical Theory, by Adalbert Waffling.

A Beginners Guide To Transfiguration, by Albus Dumbledore.

A Beginners Guide To Potions, by Horus Slughorn.

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, by Trimble.

Fantastic Beast and Where To Find Them, by Newt Scamander.

A Guide To All Types of Magic Users and Other Races, by Kischur.


Three sets of plain black work robes.

One plain pointed black hat for daywear.

One pair of dragon-hide gloves.


One Wand

One standard size 2 pewter cauldron

Raven could admit he did let a small squeal escape his throat as he read it. A blush covered his cheeks as a small laugh seemed to escape the professor's lips.

"How will I afford everything?" He asked curiously, thinking perhaps some form of student loan to be paid back in the future.

"Hogwarts will loan you the needed funds to get everything you will require to be prepared for your first year. We will cover all needed materials for your seven years of schooling. The loan is expected to start being paid back within at least five years of graduation." Professor McGonagall said sternly as if to ensure she had his attention, which she did.

"Ok. Understandable. When can we go get my supplies?" Raven asked excitedly as the professor cracked a small smile before she waved her wand, and if he focused hard enough, he could see something falling down the walls and breaking apart as it reached the floor.

This went unnoticed by the teacher as she opened the door for him and gestured to follow her as she led him out the orphanage and to a selected street.

Holding out her wand, she waited a moment before suddenly a purple two story bus suddenly appeared out of what seemed like hyperspace.

"This is the knight bus. If you hold your wand out like I did, it will be called and can drive you anywhere for a cost, reliable transportation, just don't eat anything beforehand." The deputy headmistress said as she handed over some metal coins, most likely the currency, and then took a seat on a bed and hand tightly onto a pole. He did the same next to her.

He didn't regret it as the bus seemed to shoot off at ridiculous speeds. Yet all he could see was what seemed like hyperspace from Star Wars. Rubbing his eyes seemed to fix that issue.


They arrived, though he did want to throw up his nonexistent breakfast now.

"Welcome, Mr. Inanis, to Diagon Alley." She said as she tapped her wand in three different spots on bricks as they broke apart to reveal a large alleyway with many different shops. People running about.

It was amazing.

Beautiful even.

"Come along now. Our first stop is Gringotts. We shall have you set up for your loan. Gringotts is a bank run by goblins. Do not disrespect them. Keep it short and on topic. Also don't be aggressive with them." She instructed as they walked up.

As they approached the giant white building in the back of the alley, he could see his first goblins, and they were smaller creatures. Wrinkled faces, scars, pointed ears, mostly looking as if they were the original humans before evolution.

However he noticed some writing on the wall as they walked closer.

Enter, Stranger, but take heed of what awaits the sin of greed, for those who take, but do not earn, must pay most dearly in their turn, so if you seek beneath our floors a treasure that was never yours, thief, you have been warned, beware of finding more than treasure there.

Ok that was actually pretty damn cool of a poem.

"Next!" The grouchy and rough voice of the goblin manning the desk they were approaching snarled out.

"Professor McGonagall, how can Gringotts be helping you today?" The goblin asked in a slightly nicer tone, not much, but noticeably nicer than the previous person got.

"Hello ThornHook, I am here to register young, Raven Inanis, here to be set up for the Hogwarts student loan program." The professor said simply and the goblin nodded his head as he grabbed a sign and set it on his desk marking it as closed before jumping off the high desk and gesturing for them to follow.

Eventually they were led to an office-like room and ThornHook took a seat after grabbing some papers off the bookshelf nearby.

Yet now that he wasn't paying attention to the goblins and architecture of Gringotts, he noticed that ThornHook was shooting confused glances at him secretly. As if he didn't understand something, so he just stared back at the goblin with a confused look in return.

"Here's the standard paperwork. Sign here at the highlighted zones." ThornHook said as he slid some papers over alongside a quill, and as he grabbed it, he could feel the quill latch onto his hand. Raising it, he stared at it closely and noticed small pieces of the feather poking into his skin.

"A blood quill. Used to sign important legal matters as it can't be faked." McGonagall informed him and he nodded as he read each part of the contract carefully. He was no fool, only an idiot signed a contract without reading it.

The goblin seemed slightly impressed while the professor seemed proud.

"There." Raven said as he did the last signature before setting the quill down and noting how the places where the feather had poked into his skin seemed to have healed up quite nicely. Not even tiny scars were left behind, but to be fair, he did always heal fast.

Did his magic perhaps cause increased regeneration compared to normal humans? If it did, does that mean that it flows through a person and encourages the body to-

His thought process was cut off as a gentle chop to the head brought him to look up at his future Professor as she seemed to try and not roll her eyes while muttering something about ravens, which was one of his most favorite animals.

"Here's your key to the loan vault. Your loan per year is 150 galleons. Vault 457. Any teller can have you escorted any other time. For now, as a bonus provided by Hogwarts, a bag of holding capable of storing your money with extra room for smaller items. Now begone humans, I have work to do, and time is money!" The goblin snapped at them, but not too unkindly.

Such weird creatures.

Student and Professor walked out as a goblin guard escorted them back to the main hall.


ThornHook groaned once he was sure no one could hear him. He slumped against his chair as he stared at the glowing red orb hidden under his desk. A rainbow orb glowed slightly less.

There were actually many orbs embedded into the bottom of the desk on his side, each had a correlating meaning if they glowed.

Green for goblins. White for human/magic users. A bunch of colors.

However the red one was for one specific race and had to be reported instantly if it went off.

Red was linked to major Faye heritage. Perhaps the most feared race in the supernatural world.

Beings whose origin can't be traced back to anything. It was as if they just popped into existence after their first sighting. No one claimed responsibility for their creation. It was as if they were just born because they wanted to be.

Rainbow color though, it meant something even more terrifying. A magician who possesses true magic directly from the root.

Magicians were one of the most feared beings, almost on par with Faye. Magicians capable of using magic are not able to be replicated by anyone. Not even gods could fully replicate it, mimic it sure, but using it to the extent a magician can? Never.

However a being with both combined. The director needed to know this NOW!

So standing up, ThornHook rushed out of the office.

Later that night, Gringotts would close for the night, for the first time in 50 years. They refused to state why.

The goblins seemed to be more on edge and more goblin guards posted around the bank.


Raven smiled to himself as he looked at all the books in the book store. He felt like a kid on a sugar rush as his thirteen year old mind read all the titles quickly as he finger went over them.

"Now now Mr. Inanis, please do remember you have a budget, at least wait till you have collected all your supplies before choosing to buy more books." The professor said with a small tone of amusement as she stared at the slightly geeking out teen.

"Tehe." Raven said as he stopped and took the stack of books from his teacher. They were the last of supplies he needed beside his wand. The thought of it made him giddy, so he stored his books in his trunk and then followed the teacher out the store and to another shop.

The premier wand shop of Britain according to the professor, even if the owners were… eccentric. In his opinion, those types of people made for the funner ones.

Walking in he felt a small breeze once the door closed and turned around to stare into a pair of shocked silvery eyes.

"Minerva McGonagall, 9 and 1/2 inches, Fir wood and a dragon heartstring. Quite stiff. Still serving you well?" The older man asked as he moved behind his counter.

"Yes. This is Raven Inanis, a muggleborn student getting his supplies for his first year." The professor introduced and Raven offered a handshake to the older man who smiled as he accepted it.

Raven felt a small feeling as they shook hands, but shrugged it off.

"Garrick Ollivander, current owner of this fine establishment. Shall we find you your wand young man?" The man asked as he flicked his own wand and a measuring tape flew out and started measuring Raven. In odd ways and places.

Why did it measure his crotch?

"I will be back soon. I have a little errand to run." The professor said with a knowing look and tone as she walked out the store.

As she did, the tape measure stopped and flew back somewhere into the depths of the store and the old man held out a box and opened it revealing a wand.

"10.5 inches long, ash wood and a phoenix feather core. Quite bendy." The man said and gestured for Raven to wave it about. He did, a piece of the counter went up in blue flames.

They soon went out as Raven placed the wand down on the non burning part of the counter.

"Definitely not that one." The man muttered as he put the wand to the side and grabbed another box.

"9.7 inches long, apple wood and unicorn tail hair. Quite loose." The man said and Raven gave it a flick and this time a loud sound caused the windows to crack and the two to hold their ears, which thankfully weren't bleeding.

"Nope." Raven said as he set it down, slightly disoriented.

"Most definitely not indeed." The older man said and grabbed another one.


50 minutes later and a broken down store and a lot of wands gone through, Ollivander hummed before going into the back of his shop and coming out with a set of five dusty wand boxes and gently dusted them off.

"Normally I stick to three key ingredients with wands. Phoenix Feathers, Dragon Heartstring and Unicorn Hair. Each the same, but never quite exact and matching. All from different beings just like people." The old man said and opened the first one.

"8 inches, elder wood and a nundu tooth filed down to size. Stiff." The man said and Raven waved it and hissed slightly as his hand burned and he dropped the wand.

"10 inches, Rowan wood and a dual core of phoenix feather and a dragon heartstring wrapped around it."

A wand of the wand and a large blue fire sprung up in the middle of the room taking the form of a dragon with phoenix wings and tail feathers. It broke up into small blue embers and faded away.

"A good reaction, but not a bond." Ollivander said and Raven hummed.

While they had been testing wands, and Ollivander occasionally fixing his shop in between, he had learned some wand lore.

It was a lot of information, but in short, each wand possessed a minor form of sentience and was capable of choosing its owner. Some were finicky and could just as easily become disloyal, while some wands could stay loyal even after death.

The next two didn't work, one caused an explosion and the other flooded the building.

"The final one, the single wand my father and I worked on together. My most ambitious wand ever." Ollivander said as he gently undid a red string around the box and opened it revealing a beautiful wand.

"11 inches long. Made up of two woods, elder and cedar wood. A multiple core mixup consisting of a Phoenix and Thunderbird feather wrapped around a dragon heartstring. All three smeared in the blood of a nundu." Ollivander said and Raven gave the wand a hesitant wave before relaxing and smiling as it glowed beautifully.

The room seemed to quickly recover and even seemed to be restored beyond its original state and into perfectly cleaned instead. As if everything was brand new.

"Congratulations Mr. Inanis. You have found your wand. A wand so loyal that when you die, it might just follow you into the afterlife." Ollivander said smiling as he grabbed some sort of wrist holster and a book. Plus a small bag of supplies.

"A wand holster on me. Plus some wand cleaning supplies. Also on me. All I ask is that you keep that wand in good condition and use it well." Ollivander smiled softly and Raven nodded as the old man helped him put it on and showed him how to use it properly.

He then stored the other things given into his trunk and went outside to see a patiently waiting McGonagall holding a silver cat with red eyes. Intelligent eyes.

"This is a birthday present for you. She is a special breed of magical cat found in Japan that I can not properly pronounce. I saw you eyeing her in the window and her you. I just knew you two had to be connected." The Professor said with a small smile as she gently held her hands out as the cat looked up at him.

"I'll name her Izzy, short for Izanami." Raven said softly as he scooped up the cat and started gently petting her. The cat meowed in appreciation.

Soon afterwards with the supplies needed to care for his new pet stored away in his trunk, they started heading back to the orphanage where the teacher cast some spells to make sure no one questioned anything.

He didn't care as he was playing with Izzy in his room with a smile.


For those who came from the original story, I've decided to change things up. Some will be similar, but things will also be majorly different, so don't expect things to follow the original story.

Also I wanted to add this to ensure there's no confusion, because there will be some for a while.

Worlds invoked in this world, which are all AU:

Harry Potter


HighSchool DxD



Anyway imma go now, have fun everyone, bye~