Chereads / Three Square Meals / Chapter 24 - THREE SQUARE MEALS CH. 017

Chapter 24 - THREE SQUARE MEALS CH. 017

John sat with his back against the headboard and Alyssa, Sparks and Calara sat on the bed in a semicircle in front of him, watching as he began his tale. Jade lay curled up comfortably on her side, her beautiful dark green body rippling with the ethereal bands of light that were radiating out from her swollen belly.

"Now gather around little girls and let me begin..." he said in creaking voice, as though he was a wizened old storyteller.

The three teenagers giggled and the room echoed with the beautiful melodic cadence of female laughter. The wonderful sound made John feel happy to be alive.

"Jade here is what is known as a Nymph." He began.

"I thought they were just fictional creatures in fairy tales?" Calara asked sceptically.

"Yeah they are. Nymph is just a nickname, like the Ashanath are nicknamed Greys." he explained.

The girls all nodded their understanding.

"Do you remember I told you how humanity started taking previously claimed worlds from the Ashanath?" John asked, receiving nods of confirmation from his lovers.

"Well one of those systems that the Terran Federation acquired, was orbited by a planet called Lenarra. This planet was sparsely populated by Lenarrans, who were an exclusively female species and lived in a primitive hunter gatherer society." he explained.

"Why do you keep using the past tense?" Alyssa asked curiously.

"One of the quirks of Lenarrans, is that they possess latent psychic powers. They are naturally able to read the desires of males and then shapeshift to exactly resemble what that man finds most attractive". He paused, making sure he had their attention.

"What did Jade turn into when she read your most heartfelt desires?" Sparks asked John inquisitively.

"Me." Alyssa interjected quietly, embarrassed.

"Aww that's so sweet!" Sparks replied, hugging her friend affectionately.

"You don't mind?" The beautiful blonde asked tentatively, worried at hurting her friend's feelings.

"We know how much he cares for us, but it's obvious you two are made for each other." Calara grinned at Alyssa, perfectly at ease with the reality of their situation.

This prompted lots of hugs and kind words of endearment. Eventually they all settled down again to let John continue his story.

"So when humanity first discovered the planet and the Lenarrans started shifting into whatever form men most desired, you can imagine what happened next." he went on.

"A Nymph based gold rush?" Sparks asked quietly.

"Exactly. Pretty soon the entire populace had been wooed, or forcibly kidnapped from the planet. Now there's not a single Nymph left on Lenarra." he said sorrowfully.

"So what happened to the ones taken from the planet?" Calara asked curiously.

"Not many are left." John said, his voice tinged with sadness.

"Nymphs can't breed with humans and although they are incredibly long lived, most died off through accidents, murder and the like." he said, his face filled with regret at the doleful behaviour of humanity towards this species.

"When did all this happen?" Alyssa asked.

"Around 300 years ago." John said, shocking the teenagers to the core.

"Jade is 300 years old?" Calara said in stunned amazement.

"At least 300 years old, yes." John replied.

"You would never guess. She doesn't look a day over 200!" Alyssa joked, good naturedly.

"How do you know all this stuff?" Sparks asked in amazement.

"Well you've probably guessed by now I'm not entirely human." he said, smiling at her gently.

Sparks laughed good naturedly. "And, I'm constantly thankful for it!" she grinned.

"Well my mother was human, but I have no idea what species my Father was. I spent a good 15 years or so researching all I could about every alien species known to man, trying to find any kind of clue, but I found nothing." he said, sighing.

"But as a side effect of that, you know a lot of history about a lot of aliens?" Calara asked.

"Yes, basically." John nodded.

"Handy fellow to have around then." Sparks said, grinning at him.

"Yes I agree. Ladies, I think we should keep him" Alyssa said imperiously, which led to a furious round of tickling by John.

"So what's happening to Jade's tummy?" Calara asked with concern, while Alyssa gasped for breath once John had released her.

"She's got to be reacting to your cum somehow." Sparks surmised.

"Yeah, but reacting how?" John asked, concerned for the green alien girl.

"We'll just have to ask her when she wakes up I suppose." Sparks shrugged "She might be able to tell us more."

"I guess we don't have much choice." John said with a resigned expression on his face.

"Hey, don't worry so much!" Sparks said, smiling at him happily. "Look what it did for us three! I can't imagine it will do anything bad to her."

Calara nodded eagerly, remembering how quickly her terrible wounds had recovered under John's tender ministrations.

"I wonder why she talks the way she does?" Calara asked curiously. "Is all the 'master' talk some kind of fetish thing?"

"Oh no, that's completely sincere. Nymphs are unquestioningly obedient to whoever they imprint themselves on. Desire to abuse that was one of the things that led to their effective enslavement by humanity." John explained sadly.

"Which was why you were initially reluctant with her?" Alyssa asked perceptively.

"Yes." John replied simply.

"She's the first Nymph I've met, but I'd heard all the legends. I was hoping to somehow free her, but it's obvious to me now that's just the way she is." he said with regret.

"So she's unquestioningly loyal and obedient?" Calara asked.

"Sounds like us." Alyssa grinned.

"She'll fit right in." Sparks giggled.

John laughed along with them, but something nagged in his mind suddenly. A kernel of truth in the girl's statements that seemed to resonate within him. Shaking his head at the odd sensation, he ignored it and it went away.

He stretched languidly, feeling great after the relaxing shower and then the fun with Jade. He glanced over at the clock, having lost track of what the time was. His daily routine was constantly shot to pieces over the last few days; literally in this case.

"Are you girls ready for a late lunch?" he asked them enthusiastically.

"Ready to go already John?" Calara purred suggestively, rubbing her coffee coloured stomach in anticipation.

"You're getting as bad as Alyssa!" John laughed and Calara laughed with him, her lovely brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

"No, I meant I'll make us some lunch in the kitchen." He clarified.

"Besides, I'm running on empty!" he grinned at Calara.

"You better refuel then." Sparks told him. "You have four girls to feed now!" she said impishly.

They all got dressed except for Alyssa, who stayed in bed.

"I want to stay and keep an eye on Jade." the beautiful blonde explained.

"I think I'll check on our guests, to see how they're settling in." Sparks volunteered.

"I'll go up to the bridge and check to see if there's anything on the long range scans." Calara said.

"Afraid not Lieutenant, I need a helper in the kitchen." he said, smiling at her warmly.

"Yes Commander!" the gorgeous brunette said, snapping him a sharp salute and a smile.

They headed out of the bedroom, leaving Alyssa alone with Jade and her thoughts.

The beautiful blonde curled up behind Jade and wrapped her in a hug. With the others now gone, along with their distracting albeit entertaining conversation, she now felt free to investigate the new presence in her mind.

All of her lovers had their own little pockets reserved for them in her consciousness. John was centre stage of course, a comforting constant, with his ever present stream of thoughts from his inner voice. The small bundles of emotion that represented Sparks and Calara were growing daily and every so often Alyssa had been getting fleeting glimpses of words, whenever the girls felt passionately enough about anything.

This new manifestation was something new and very different. Whereas Calara and Sparks seemed like small bundles of nebulous swirls of emotion, Jade's presence was sharp and well defined. It had appeared with shocking abruptness, the very moment John had cum inside the alien girl.

The connection with Jade had manifested into a hard edged, rectangular shape, filled with tiny fragments of what looked like coloured stones. The fragments had reformed into a mosaic, depicting John standing in a heroic pose, while Jade knelt at his feet looking up at him worshipfully. Instinctively Alyssa knew that the ecstatically happy image of Jade's beaming face, would reflect her new companion's current mood. How she knew this, Alyssa had no idea, but with all the other weird stuff happening recently, she just shrugged and accepted it.

Feeling at peace with the new presence, she tucked it into its own little place beside John in her mind, sensing it slotting into place with a satisfying ethereal click.

"Yes, you'll fit in just fine." she whispered, smiling at Jade. She kissed the green skinned girl's cheek lovingly, before wrapping her arms around the luscious Nymph in a protective embrace.

John and Calara walked hand in hand down the corridor towards the officer's quarters, bidding Sparks farewell, as the sultry redhead stayed behind to wait for the elevator. John led Calara into the lounge and then sat down on one of the sofa's, pulling a surprised Calara to sit astride him. The gorgeous young brunette moved lithely on to his lap and looked down at him coyly.

"I thought you needed to refuel?" she said, smiling at him.

"I do." John replied, smiling back at her warmly.

"So why the detour from the kitchen?" the Latina asked curiously.

"Not that I'm complaining of course!" she grinned, as she rubbed her firm bounteous breasts against his chest.

John reached up to gently cup each side of her ravishingly beautiful face in his hands and pulled her down so that he could kiss her tenderly. Calara returned his kisses before he released her and she leaned back, sighing happily.

"I wanted to have a chat with you first." he began.

"What about?" Calara asked curiously.

"Everything that's gone on with the pirates." John said to her. "I've been worried about you."

Calara slumped a little in his arms, relaxing her previously perfect composure. "I've been a bit obsessed recently haven't I?" She admitted honestly.

John nodded his agreement with her.

"It's understandable honey, after everything you went through." John said reassuringly.

"Revenge can become an obsession though and I was starting to worry about you." he explained.

"It wasn't revenge I was after exactly..." Calara said, struggling to find the words. "I just wanted to stop the same thing happening to anyone else."

"And you did." John said. "The rest of us all played our part, but the entire attack on the pirate base only happened after you managed to put together the location." he said proudly.

Calara smiled happily, glowing under his praise.

"Do you feel you can move on now?" John asked with concern. "I've been worried that this has been haunting you." he said honestly.

Calara nodded slowly. "It feels... done." she said in reply. "When you healed my wounds, you got rid of the physical aftermath, but this feels like it's healed the emotional pain too." she said earnestly.

"That's all I wanted to hear." John said, smiling at her happily.

"Wait a minute..." Calara said, her mind rapidly turning over the events of the last few days. "The attack on the pirate base, hunting down that pirate lord..." She looked at him sharply. "You did all this just for my benefit didn't you!" she said, her eyes widening in sudden realisation.

"Well they did have to be stopped..." John said, trying to deflect her.

"The Terran Federation could have sent a fleet that would have stopped them with ease" she said, waving her hand dismissively, her mind still racing.

"Sparks and Alyssa were in on it too, weren't they!" Calara gasped in shock. "You all put your lives in danger, just to make me feel better!"

"I sometimes forget just how smart all of you are." John said fondly, caressing the brunette's cheek as she sat there in stunned silence.

"We... I care about you honey." he explained. "Nothing is more important to me than making sure you're ok".

"Oh John... " Calara sighed, sinking into his welcoming arms. "You're just too perfect. What did I ever do to deserve being part of your life?".

"You're pretty much perfect yourself!" John smiled, stroking her soft thick hair as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Beautiful, caring, intelligent, perceptive, the best tactical officer I've ever seen!" he said enthusiastically.

Calara's body suddenly stiffened and she sat up in his lap, looking at him askance.

"I'm not though." She said insistently.

"Sure you are, you're absolutely amazing!" John said earnestly.

"No, I'm actually not" the Latina said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at him.

John looked at her in confusion, not sure what she was saying.

"When I left the Academy I was doing really well, definitely top 10% of my year, but nothing truly exceptional." she said in self deprecation.

"You've just gotten better with experience." John suggested dismissively.

"Until you pointed it out, I hadn't even noticed." Her eyes went wide with wonder, as her mind closely examined the events over the last few weeks.

"John, I practically never miss!" She said, urging him to understand.

"No-one shoots like that... not ever!" she said, stunned at this revelation.

"I've reviewed countless hours of naval battles during my time at the Academy and I'm telling you, my hit record blows any human in our archives out of the water!" she said in amazement.

"The tactical analysis, breaking down the pirates attack routes, finding the base..." she said.

"Yeah that was incredible!" John said, shaking his head in appreciation.

"The Terran Federation has entire teams who do that kind of analysis and I put it together by myself in just a few days!" she exclaimed.

"Then there's this conversation!" she said, her arms spread wide. "How am I having this epiphany? I've never been this perceptive or smart!" she insisted.

"Ok so what are you saying?" John asked confused, "You've suddenly got much better at everything?"

"Yes, exactly!" Calara grinned at him. "We've all been so distracted by the physical changes that these," she said, moving her hips back so she could gently cup his quad with her hand. "have had on us. We've been missing that there have been amazing mental changes too!"

John's eyes widened to match Calara's own, shocked at how clear it was to him now.

"It's not just you." he said. "Did you hear Sparks say how she hacked the security subsystems on the Stalingrad?"

"Yeah I know!" Calara exclaimed. "At the time I was busy and just shrugged it off, but there's no way she should have been able to do that. We're talking about military grade encryption!"

"She's naturally gifted with machinery, but yeah, I think she's been 'enhanced' just like you have" John agreed.

They sat for a moment just trying to process the news.

"Don't mention it to the other girls yet." John asked her gently. "Once we've dropped off the civilians, let's get together as a group and talk about it then."

Calara nodded her agreement and he smiled at her affectionately.

"Thank you John." The gorgeous brunette said sincerely.

"I can't really claim credit, it was my four friends that did most of the work!" John grinned.

Calara laughed. "No I don't mean that, but thanks to them too. What I meant was: Thank you for this conversation and for making sure I was ok."

John opened his arms and Calara hugged him tightly as he stroked her back, holding her close to his chest. They both breathed a contented sigh at the same time and then laughed at being so in sync.

"Come on, let's go and make some lunch." John said, sitting up and helping Calara off his lap. They walked hand in hand to the kitchen.

Sparks meanwhile had taken the elevator down to deck four. She had taken a tour around the entire ship with John, but they had skipped this level. The fourth deck contained the crew quarters and the ship's mess, but with the Invictus having such a small crew, there was no need to even have any of the subsystems on this level powered up.

Sparks laughed to herself when she realised she hadn't actually set foot in her own quarters, since John and Alyssa had shown her around that first time. She had spent almost her entire time on the command deck, or in the Officer's lounge and she had slept every night in the commander's quarters cuddled up with her lovers.

The elevator chimed softly and the door swished open, rousing Sparks from her reverie.

"Time to check on the houseguests." she thought to herself.

She strode purposefully down the corridor until she came to the first of the occupied rooms. They currently had 15 people staying with them, a ragtag bunch of traders and ore haulers that had been captured by the pirates to be used as hostages.

A bulky man in a tired looking, many pocketed, set of overalls was lying on the bed with his hands folded behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey! Everything ok?" Sparks asked in a friendly voice.

The man looked down from the ceiling and when he saw her, he sprang up from the bed looking embarrassed. "Err, sure... I'm fine, thanks miss." he stuttered.

"What's your name?" the redhead asked the blushing man curiously.

"Geoff McIntyre, Engineer 2nd class on the Dolphin." he muttered quietly.

"Oh! My names Sparks, I'm the Chief Engineer on the Invictus!" She said, excited to meet another gearhead.

"You're the Chief Engineer?" Geoff asked dubiously.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Sparks said, feeling a little defensive all of a sudden.

"Err no, you just look like..." he stumbled, blushing.

"Go on..." she said, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Like a model!" Geoff blurted out. "I've never seen anyone so beautiful!" he clamped his mouth closed, surprised at his own outburst.

"Ohhh! Thanks Geoff!" Sparks said smiling warmly, disarmed by his simple honesty. Horrifically scarred for most of her life, she was quite unused to compliments.

"I really am the Chief Engineer, honestly." she said to him.

"And your name's Sparks?" Geoff asked curiously, relaxing a little.

"You don't like my name now?" Sparks asked him, laughing.

"No, no, it's just a funny name for someone who looks the way you do!" Geoff replied, blushing again and smiling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cause any offence!" he said in a rush, desperate not to offend this gorgeous young woman.

"None taken." The redhead replied and smiled at him warmly.

They chatted for a little while, talking shop about power couplings and energy relays. When it was apparent to Geoff that Sparks really did know what she was talking about, he relaxed around her and they had a detailed technical discussion that she would have liked to continue but she eventually ran out of time. She said goodbye and went to check on the rest of their guests, having thoroughly enjoyed chatting with the man.

The rest of the people in the crew quarters were similarly cagey around her, but not having much time left before she went up for lunch with John, she just said hello and left them in peace. She had powered up the dining area in the ship's mess, which was thoroughly stocked and invited them to use the place to make their own lunch.

Sparks left the deck and travelled up in the elevator to meet with her friends for lunch. She was surprised at how her new beauty seemed to make all those people, both men and women, uncomfortable. She had always been envious of the beautiful models she had seen on the Holo-net, but maybe being stunningly attractive came with its own set of complications. Still, it had been an interesting visit and the conversation with Geoff had given her some things to think about.

The door to the elevator opened and Alyssa was waiting to meet her at the door.

"That was good timing!" Sparks said to the blonde.

"Nice coincidence!" Alyssa said, smiling back at her warmly.

They chatted animatedly as they walked along the corridor to the Officer's lounge to meet up with John and Calara. Tantalising smells wafted out of the kitchen when they approached and John appeared carrying a big tray of Tacos. They all tucked in, feeling famished and enjoying the spicy Tex-Mex food.

"That was amazing!" Alyssa sighed happily, as she finished off her last Taco.

"I've never tasted anything so spicy before!" Sparks grinned, "Top marks for the chef!"

"I had a good assistant" John said, smiling at Calara who beamed back at him happily, her bright white teeth sparkling in the light.

"Can I leave you ladies to tidy up?" John asked. "I'd like to catch up with Charles"

"Charles?" Sparks asked, "Who's that?"

"Vice Admiral Charles Harris." Alyssa interjected helpfully. "He's the one who sold John the ship and also set up the commander's room with the huge bathroom and walk-in-wardrobe".

"I like him already!" Sparks said, smiling warmly.

John left the girls to clean up and headed up to the bridge. He climbed up the illuminated steps to his Commander's chair and contacted the vice admiral on the powerful communications relay built into the Invictus. After several minutes wait, the stern faced man appeared on the view screen, his face immediately relaxing when he saw who was contacting him.

"John! It's great to see you!" he exclaimed. "Everything going ok?"

"Yes, thanks to you." John grinned wryly. "Thanks for sending the Indomitable, they arrived just in the nick of time!"

"Yes, I got the report from Captain Flintlock a few hours ago." Charles replied soberly.

"Kirrix!" he exclaimed, "I didn't think we'd be seeing them any time soon. Not after the last purge" he said vehemently.

"Maybe the Terran Federation needs to think about another?" John suggested bleakly.

"We're a bit tied up with the Kintark at the moment." Charles smiled. "Speaking of which, we could do with a bit of good news. Would you be up for doing a fluff piece on the fight for the media? I'd really appreciate it."

"Sure, I'd be happy to help out." John agreed accommodatingly. "I was mainly calling about Commander Rupert Grant though. Have you executed him for treason yet?"

"I'm afraid not John. I ordered his arrest immediately after you gave me the information, but he had already fled." Charles said in annoyance.

"I've had data teams analysing all his private communications out of Port Heracles. Did you know he was selling civilian flight paths and military patrol routes to the pirates?" he said, still shocked at the depths of the man's betrayal.

"No wonder the pirates were able to remain undetected for so long." John said, shaking his head.

"You must have a hell of a team to have sniffed out that base." Charles said appreciatively.

"The best I've ever served with!" John said honestly.

Charles raised his eyebrows in amusement at that.

"Except for my time under your command. That goes without saying of course." John said, grinning.

Charles laughed good naturedly.

"Oh before I forget, I'm hauling more Tyrenium." John said nonchalantly.

"Oh really?" Charles said, his eyes suddenly sharp. "How much this time?"

"20 tons." John said.

Charles' face spread into a big lop sided grin. "Drop by Olympus as soon as you can John, I'll throw you a warm welcome!" he said eagerly.

"We'll be there in approximately four days." John said, smiling at his old friend.

"Excellent!" Charles replied. "I'll see you then."

"I'll put you through to the Federation media if you can stay on the call." he offered expectantly.

"Sure. Any spin you want on the story?" John inquired.

"Its friendly media John. You can say what you like." Charles said, with a wave goodbye.

John waited for a short while until the image of an attractive young woman appeared on the view screen.

"Hello Commander! I've heard a lot about you." The reporter said with a warm smile.

Calara, Sparks and Alyssa had finished cleaning up the officer's lounge quickly, working well as a team to get it spotless in short order. They served themselves some coffee and sat on the comfortable sofa's in the lounge. It was a nice novelty for them to have a bit of girl time without John around, or one of them dashing off for an important errand, or training, or any of the things that had kept them constantly busy these last few weeks. They just sat and chatted comfortably, enjoying each other's company and being able to spend some time really getting to know one another.

Calara was still in an introspective mood after her conversation with John.

"I don't normally get on this well with girls." she admitted self consciously.

"Really? Why's that?" Sparks said.

"I was always considered to be a 'pretty' girl and some women get jealous I guess. I also grew up around three brothers, so I suppose I just got used to male company." Calara admitted honestly.

"It's strange. I just went to see our passengers and I think I freaked them out a bit." Sparks said.

"Freaked them out? What do you mean?" Alyssa asked curiously.

"Well now I look like this." Sparks said, waving her hand at her face "It started making people uncomfortable." she said.

"When I was horribly scarred, people would ignore me because it made them uncomfortable to look at me. Now I'm the other end of the spectrum and I have the same reaction." she said wistfully.

"I spent most of my life wishing I looked beautiful. Now I do, but people act practically the same way. It's kind of ironic I guess" the redhead said sadly.

"Well we have each other." Alyssa said, smiling at them both warmly.

"That's true!" Sparks said, smiling at her friends affectionately.

"Growing up with three brothers, I always wondered what it would be like to have some sisters." Calara confessed.

"Now I guess I know." she said, looking at the two of them fondly.

Sparks and Alyssa's eyes welled up with tears. For a couple of orphans, who had wished for family their entire lives, Calara couldn't have said anything kinder.

"You're the best!" Alyssa said, coming over to hug the brunette tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I love you so much... sister!" Sparks said with a sob, as she moved over to hug Calara tightly too.

Calara sighed happily, loving the incredible, rock solid bond that had grown between the three of them. She knew that people developed strong friendships when fighting as comrades and the three of them had certainly done a lot of that in the last few weeks!

When the tears had dried up, the girls separated, Alyssa and Sparks blushing a bit at the strength of their reaction to Calara's heartfelt words.

"I wonder how we'll get on with Jade?" Sparks asked curiously.

"She seems really nice." Alyssa said, remembering the innocent warm smile the alien had given her back on the Kirrix dropship.

"I don't think it's in her nature to be deceptive, jealous, vindictive or anything like that. She's just naturally friendly and open." The beautiful blonde explained.

"I wonder how old she actually is?" Calara asked curiously.

"We could ask her I guess, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know." Alyssa said, recalling her conversation with the green hued girl down on the bottom deck earlier on.

"How long do you think she'll be asleep for?" Calara wondered.

"Well the first time any of us had dinner with John," Alyssa said, causing the other two girls to smile in amusement. "we slept for 14 hours".

"She isn't human though." Sparks said. "Perhaps her body will react faster or slower?" she said logically.

"Well we'll just keep an eye on her and make sure she's comfortable." Calara said compassionately and the other girls nodded agreeably.

John strode back into the officer's lounge looking pleased with himself. The girls looked up at him and smiled affectionately.

"How did the chat with Charles go?" Alyssa asked him.

"Oh great thanks. He seems pretty keen to buy our cargo!" John grinned. "I think the trip to Olympus should be fun!"

"I'm more looking forward to going shopping with the girls on Gravitus." Alyssa confessed.

"I wonder how Rachel's getting on?" She asked John with an arched eyebrow.

"Who's Rachel?" Calara asked curiously.

"A lovely girl we met at the boutique I bought my clothes from." Alyssa explained. "She could probably retire after the commission she made that day!" she said, grinning up at John.

"That's why I need to sell this ore, to fund your shopping trips." John smiled at her fondly.

They settled down and chatted with each other happily, enjoying the quiet after all the action over the last few days. Before they knew it, they had talked their way through the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening. A soft beeping on John's watch interrupted the current conversation.

"We're nearly back at Port Heracles." John said, turning off the alarm.

He noticed a worried look flash across Calara's face.

"Oh sorry honey, I should have said before. Rupert Grant fled. He's wanted for treason now and is fleeing a death sentence." John said reassuringly. "You won't have to worry about running across him there".

"I'd still like to leave as soon as we can if that's ok?" Calara asked tentatively. "I have a lot of bad memories from that place."

"Sure, we'll drop the civilians off and leave as soon as they've been taken care of." John said.

"Thanks John, I appreciate it." The gorgeous Latina said, smiling at him warmly.

They headed up to the bridge and sat in their familiar places and Alyssa brought the Invictus around to approach the immense space station, as soon as they jumped into the system and exited hyper warp. She received docking clearance and brought them in towards Port Heracles, while John contacted the new station commander and arranged for support teams to meet them and take care of the civilians.

Sparks was seeing Port Heracles for the first time and she marvelled at the size of such a huge piece of Terran construction. The space station reminded her of a stack of plates, with a big round disc in the middle that held the docking bays. The smaller discs above and below twinkled with lights from the hundreds of viewports sprinkled around their circumference. Their view of the station disappeared as the Invictus moved in to dock with Port Heracles.

"I'll let our guests know we've arrived." John informed them as he stood up.

"Calara and I will wait up on the bridge." Alyssa said, throwing a warm smile the brunette's way.

"I'll come." volunteered Sparks.

John smiled at her affectionately and held out his hand, as she came up the ramp to join him at the elevator. They went down to deck 4 and rallied the civilians, who were eager to disembark, eventually heading down in the elevator as one big group. John strode forward to open the airlock into the docking bay and two medical teams escorted by Terran Federation troopers were there to meet them. A balding middle aged man strode up to John.

"Commander Clive Steeran." he said, throwing John a respectful salute.

"Commander John Blake, but you can call me John." John replied, returning the salute.

"It's nice to meet the man who was instrumental in removing my predecessor!" the new station Commander said enthusiastically. "Oh and call me Clive, by all means!"

He stuck his hand out, which John took and Clive shook it warmly. "You've become a bit of a hero around here John!"

John smiled graciously and glanced over at the medical teams who were speaking to the civilians, most of whom were waving away any medical attention.

"Don't worry about them, my men will take good care of them!" Clive said eagerly. "Are you staying at Heracles for long?"

"I'm afraid not Clive, we're on our way to Olympus shipyard. We only came here to carry these people to safety." John replied apologetically.

"That's a shame." Clive said, clearly disappointed. "Let me know when you're coming back this way and we'll roll out the welcome mat." he grinned.

John smiled and nodded.

Sparks saw Geoff looking back at her with a wistful expression on his face. When he saw her looking at him, he blushed and then waved goodbye shyly. The redhead beamed a big friendly smile at him in return and waved him farewell.

"Safe travels Commander!" Clive bade them farewell, as John and Sparks turned to board the Invictus.

The Terran Federation personnel and the civilians broke into a spontaneous round of applause, cheering as they made their exit from the dock.

"Well I like him!" Sparks said brightly, as she looked up at John.

"He's a massive improvement on the last guy, believe me!" John said emphatically.

"I'm sorry we couldn't stay for a little while. There are lots of aliens who trade at Port Heracles and it would have been interesting for you to see them." he said apologetically.

"That would have been fascinating. Thank you for thinking of me." Sparks replied, genuinely touched.

"No problem." John said, smiling at her affectionately. "Don't say anything to Alyssa, but when she first came here, I thought her eyes were going to fall out of her head when she saw some of the alien species!"

Sparks laughed hard as she imagined her friend gawping at bizarre looking aliens.

*It was pretty funny honey* John thought for Alyssa's benefit.

"Come on, let's go and see the girls, and then check on Jade." he said, eagerly.

They travelled up in the elevator and strode on to the bridge, where Alyssa had already plotted the course to the Olympus shipyard. The green line showing their course travelled through sector after sector and a readout next to the line helpfully informed them that the plotted course would take them just under 4 days to complete. They reached the nav buoy, Alyssa activated their FTL drive and the Invictus leapt forward into hyper warp.

"Just the final stretch now." John said, smiling at the girls.

"Then we can go shopping!" Alyssa grinned.

"I think Sparks might well outspend you this time." John said, smiling at the redhead.

"Really?" Sparks said, confused. "I don't think I'm into dresses as much as Alyssa."

"I'm hurt! You've forgotten my promise to outfit your workshop for you?" John said playfully.

Sparks gasped. "Oh I had! I'm so sorry John. With all the recent excitement, it slipped my mind." she apologised sincerely.

"Well you have four days to pick what you want." He grinned at her. "Remember, money is no object, I want you to get everything and anything you think could be useful."

Sparks looked a bit uncertain. "Are you sure? Some of the equipment is very expensive."

"Trust me." John said emphatically.

Alyssa stood as an exciting thought came to her. "Let's go and check on Jade and then I've just had a great idea on how to show you two why buying dresses can be fun!" she beamed a sparkling smile, filled with anticipation.

They all rose and followed the exuberant young woman down to their quarters. Jade was still fast asleep, but her stomach was much reduced and looked almost like normal. The viridian pulses that were spreading around her body were now slow and measured.

"She's been out 13 hours." John said. "I'm guessing she will probably wake up in about an hour".

"Ok you stay here and keep an eye on her." Alyssa requested. "You girls follow me!" she said grinning at them both.

Calara and Sparks followed her with some trepidation as they disappeared into the bathroom and were gone for a good long while. They eventually re-emerged delightfully nude and Alyssa immediately ushered Calara and Sparks into the walk-in-wardrobe.

"You might want to get a nice shower too." she told John archly.

Smiling indulgently, John got up and showered himself, enjoying the warm water as it washed away his troubles from the day. He dried himself, but didn't bother getting dressed and then went to lie on the bed next to the sleeping dark green alien girl.

After a little while, Alyssa appeared at the door, wearing the backless dress that John had bought her on Gravitus. She walked out gracefully like a model on a catwalk and posed for him by the side of the bed, her hand holding one of the bed posts.

"Very nice honey." John said appreciatively.

His cock already started to thicken when she first appeared, but he got a lot more steel in his rod when the beautiful teenager pirouetted elegantly and he could see her the long toned muscles on her back and the dimples just above her bottom. She smiled at him alluringly as she listened to his thoughts as he checked her out.

"Calara, if you please." Alyssa called out.

The gorgeous Latina appeared at the door wearing the same outfit, but this time in red. The colour accentuated her lovely olive coloured skin and she looked at him lustily as she walked sensually into the room. John sat up so he could stare at her more clearly. The dress fit her absolutely perfectly, as the Latina shared the same body type as Alyssa. She pivoted for him, so that he could see her dusky hued skin in the backless cut to the dress and John couldn't take his eyes off her rounded buttocks, as he saw how the sheer material of the dress clung to her like a second skin. Calara moved to stand at the other bedpost.

"You look absolutely amazing Calara!" John said, whistling appreciatively. She smiled and blew him a kiss.

Alyssa watched his eyes locked on the girl's pert ass and nodded to herself, smiling with satisfaction.

"Sparks, come and join us please!" Alyssa requested.

Finally the redhead entered, wearing the same dress but in white. She smiled seductively at John and sashayed into the room, walking gracefully over and then gliding away so that he could see her beautiful tanned skin in the backless part of the dress. John moved forward to sit on the end of the bed, desperate to get closer to her, as his eyes slid lower and focused on the perfect spheres of her bottom. The redhead shifted her weight from one foot to another in her high heels, and the sharp height of the heels make her ass look even more delicious, as the taut cheeks rolled under the dress.

John gawped at her in amazement and then his eyes darted to the blonde and brunette as well, as they went to join the redhead in front of him. They faced away and then looked over their shoulders, so he could see the backs of all three teenagers and they looked at him coyly as he blatantly undressed them with his eyes. He stared at all three of them with their perfect presentation of their firm young bottoms and felt his heart race with excitement.

"We all want to get fucked in the ass tonight." Alyssa said provocatively. "Your choice..." she paused "... Is who you take first."

John could barely believe his ears, or his luck. Rendered mute, he pointed at the redheads glorious ass with a trembling hand, his body overloaded with adrenalin.

"Ah you want to break in the new girl?" Alyssa said appreciatively, running her hands over the redheads bottom and squeezing it gently. "Excellent choice." she commended him.

Sparks looked over her shoulder at him, and lifted the strap off said shoulder, glancing down at it as it slipped off her smooth tanned skin. She turned languidly and looked at him over the other shoulder, then glanced down as she removed the other strap. She watched his reaction as the dress slipped down off her body to pool at her feet, leaving her completely nude.

"Fuck me!" John whispered, entranced.

All three girls nodded their heads. "We will." Alyssa said reassuringly. "Just let us know when you want to be inside each of us".

They turned and walked towards him, with Calara and Alyssa sitting on either side of the bed to him. Sparks walked right up to him so that her toned stomach was inches away from his face. He looked up at her and he could just see her light blue eyes looking down at him and sparkling with lust, over her pert, upturned breasts. She turned around and suddenly he was presented with her glorious ass, the firm round cheeks just touching in the middle and hiding his goal from his eyes. He raised his shaking hands and then gripping each cheek firmly, he gently eased them apart, causing the redhead to gasp excitedly. He could see the tight little knot of her asshole, the light reflecting off the glistening lube that had been spread over her.

"We're all prepared for you John." Alyssa purred in his ear. "Tonight isn't about us. We all want you to just focus on yourself."

John groaned with lust.

Calara leaned in and braced his arm with her breasts. "We all want to be used by you John and used hard!" she said breathily.

Unable to wait any longer, John stood and pulled Sparks into his arms. She looked up at him, her eyes flashing with excitement. They kissed and duelled tongues passionately, before breaking apart.

"Lie on the bed." John ordered the sultry redhead.

She stepped out of her shoes, so she was 4" shorter and needed to look up at him as she nodded. She climbed on the bed slowly, lying down and then looked over her right shoulder to watch him.

"Take off your dresses and then guide me into her." John told the other girls and Calara and Alyssa moved to obey. They smoothly removed their long dresses and then climbed up on to the bed next to the redhead, looking back and waiting to help him push his way into the girl sandwiched between them.

The sight of the blonde, brunette and redhead lying there waiting for him was intoxicating and he struggled to control himself. He climbed on the bed like a predator stalking his prey.

John moved over the redhead's body, covering her smaller frame with his much larger one. He nuzzled his cock between those pert cheeks of her bottom, Calara's olive skinned hand holding him in place and then he began to push forward.

"Fuckkkk!" Sparks hissed loudly.

Her incredibly tight anus was being forced wide open by the blunt end of his cock and her body trembled as she was stretched around him. The tight ring snapped closed around the heavy head, offering her a moment's respite.

John paused a moment to let her get used to the bulky intruder in her hot, tight little hole, before pushing forward again.

"Oh my fucking god!!" The redhead wailed as John crammed inch after long inch up her impossibly tight ass.

She groaned as she felt him push deep inside her, her young body having to make room to fit the burgeoning cock inside her.

John looked down at her trembling bottom, the redheads entire body shaking with lust. He withdrew halfway and then thrust in up to the hilt again, causing Sparks to grunt as the drive of his hips made her buttocks ripple with the impact.

"Yes, that's good." Alyssa crooned. "Make her feel what it's like to be fucked by a powerful man."

"Concentrate on yourself." Calara urged him "We'll make it good for her."

Sparks looked back at him over her shoulder. "You made me look like this, now enjoy me." she gasped.

John pulled back most of his length, leaving only his head still encased by her snug little chute. Then he drove forward driving all the way inside her and slapping up against her taut rounded ass.

"Unnhhh!" Sparks grunted loudly.

John pulled back and then rammed forward again, beginning to pick up the pace with a steady rhythm as he pounded her perfect little ass cheeks.




Sparks moaned as John jack hammered into her, his hips a blur. Alyssa slipped her hand under the girl's belly so that she could stroke her clit, while Calara reached under her chest to squeeze and pinch her nipples.

Sparks wails turned into a long piercing scream as her ass clenched around John's cock in a death grip. Her ass pulsated around him clenching and unclenching as Sparks rode out a mind shattering orgasm. She collapsed on to the bed unconscious, her sprawled out body twitching reflexively.

"Who next?" Alyssa whispered to him.

John glanced at Calara, who shuddered with anticipation.

"Mmm, she really wants it too, don't you beautiful?" Alyssa to the Latina.

Calara nodded slowly but determinedly, as she stared at John with her lusty brown eyes.

John pulled out of Sparks, leaving her comatose on the bed and then moved up behind Calara. He nudged up between her tightly clenched coffee coloured ass cheeks, forcing the resisting muscles apart.

"Naughty girl." Alyssa chastised the brunette. "Making him work for it".

John pushed forward, his strong muscles driving his hips and Calara groaned as he sank all the way inside her tight, hot little body. She began to rock her hips back and forth ever so slightly, her ass wrapped tight around his shaft.

"I want the same as her." Calara hissed at him. "Fuck me until I can't take any more!"

John took hold of Calara's wrists, pinning her down on the bed under his weight. He loved how his lighter coloured hands looked where they were wrapped around her olive hued arms. He began to slowly stroke in and out of her, matching the tempo of the Latina's own hips, as Alyssa's furtive hand slipped under Calara's belly.

"Ooooohhhhh!" she moaned loudly as Alyssa matched them in the same languid rhythm.

John began to thrust harder, breaking the synchronisation of their hips as he thrust forward into her harder and faster. The young Latina's hot body was wrapped tightly around him and the sensations on his cock felt amazing as he plunged into her depths over and over again.

Calara was writhing around, desperate to move, but finding it impossible, pinned as she was under his heavy weight. All she could do was lie there and take it, providing a warm cocoon for his pistoning shaft as he fucked her long and hard. The total powerlessness combined with Alyssa's eager, slick fingers drove her over the edge. She began to wail as John power fucked her through her orgasm, her incredibly tight ass gripping him rhythmically as though desperate to urge him to unload in her coffee coloured belly.

John was relentless and kept up the pressure, not knowing where these reserves of stamina were coming from. Between him and Alyssa they made Calara come twice more, before she finally climaxed a final time with a piercing shriek. She collapsed, utterly spent and lifeless, reeling from the sensory overload they had forced her body to endure and drifting into unconsciousness.

Alyssa looked at John slyly and pulled her fingers out of Calara's sopping pussy. She rolled on to her stomach and arching her back to present her rounded bottom for him invitingly. John eased his way out of the exhausted Latina and then moved over to cover Alyssa with his body.

She spread her cheeks apart, revealing her anus and John pushed up against it insistently. The tight hole yielded for him willingly and he sank his entire length into her body in one go, forcing her to make room for him in her abdomen.

"Did you like your fashion show?" Alyssa purred to him.

John grunted his acknowledgement.

"Did I wrap your presents nicely for you?" She said seductively.

"You all looked fucking hot!" John growled.

"Mmm, I know what my man wants." She crooned happily at him.

She leaned back to kiss him passionately, before gently biting his lower lip and then releasing him.

"You can use me however you like, but I want you to promise me one thing." Alyssa said, holding his gaze with her deep blue eyes.

"Anything." John said.

"I want you to cum in Sparks. She doesn't count as being properly broken in unless you fill her ass with your spunk." She demanded.

"Done." John grunted.

Alyssa bowed her head and then moved her hands to cover his fists where they gripped the bed. John loosened his grasp slightly so that she could interlace her fingers between his.

"Do you remember when you first fucked me like this?" She murmured.

"Back on the Fool's Gold." he said, corkscrewing his hips to widen her out in preparation.

"My reward for getting my navigator's license." she smiled lazily, enjoying being stretched.

"You earned it." John said, pulling back almost completely out of her body before driving forward and knocking the wind out of her.

Alyssa could only gasp and moan as John picked up the pace, riding her young flesh with gusto. They heard a breathy moan from in front of them and saw that a pair of sparkling emerald eyes was watching them intently.

"Jade." John said.

Alyssa tried to speak, but could only groan as John thrust into her over and over again.

"Yes Master." She purred at him excitedly.

"I want to make Alyssa cum so hard she passes out, just like we did to the others." he said.

"Do you want to help me?" he asked her.

"More than anything Master!" she said, moving lithely to his side.

John rolled so that he was lying on the bed, with Alyssa spread eagled over him, his cock a blur as he drove it in and out of her tightly gripping ass.

Jade moved between their spread legs and lapped at Alyssa's clit, making her cry out with pleasure. The cries got louder as Jade brushed her hand against Alyssa's pussy, her fingers pointing together as she began to gently push them inside.

"Oh my god!!" Alyssa screeched as Jade elongated her arm and sinuously pushed deeper into Alyssa's pussy, her fingertips eventually brushing the girl's cervix.

Her hips jerked helplessly as John grabbed her tits, squeezing the taut flesh and pinching the nipples roughly. A long wailing orgasm overtook the poor overstimulated girl, but John and Jade were merciless, making her come over and over again as she experienced full double penetration for the first time. Eventually she collapsed backwards, her head lolling limply against his chest as she was rendered unconscious. Jade eased her arm out of Calara's pussy gently, kissing her one last time before moving out from between her legs.

John carefully rolled Alyssa on to her side and turned to see that Sparks and Calara had recovered and were watching him wide eyed.

"I need to come now." John said simply, moving up behind the redhead.

Calara spread the girls rounded cheeks apart and Sparks looked up at him lustily as he prepared to enter her again. John leaned down and kissed her gently, surprising Sparks who was expecting another rough session. She kissed him back sensually as John gently pushed himself back inside her again, his quad resting on her thighs.

"Thank you for letting me be your first." John said.

"First everything." Sparks said, smiling at him over her shoulder.

John began a nice steady, smooth rhythm, not designed for domination, this was just about bringing himself to climax.

"Oh that feels so good." Sparks purred.

"I want to feel you shooting inside me." she sighed happily, as John used her phenomenal young body to work himself closer to the point of no return.

Having held off for so long, John couldn't last long. He buried his face in her soft auburn hair and groaned as he began to cum. His hips rocked back and forward in a smooth motion as he used the girl's tight ass to milk him.

"Ohhh I can feel it" Sparks gasped, as long ropes of cum were fired into her depths. Her belly grew bigger as John continued to empty his four balls, massive reserves built up after the incredible stimulation over the last hour. The redhead's hips tilted up as her stomach filled out beneath her, cushioning her weight on its rounded surface. Finally done, John eased himself out of the girl and then rolled to the side, where he laboured for breath.

Sparks had moved her knees down to support her and she lay face down, her knees to either side of her enormously swollen tummy.

Jade moved down to John's ear and whispered quietly to him. "This one is hungry for more of master's cum. May this one drink from the girl?"

John had no idea what she meant, but nodded his agreement, knowing that Jade would never do anything to hurt any of his women. He watched as Jade moved around the bed, lithe and cat-like in her graceful movements. She knelt behind Sparks where she was raised up on her knees.

"What the fuck?" Sparks gasped in shock, her head jerking upwards.

John could see that Jade was holding the redhead's cheeks apart with her strong green hands and had leaned down to put her tongue to the girls ass.

"Ohh god!" Sparks groaned as Jade slipped her tongue inside her and then began to suck insistently, the tongue hollowing out like a straw.

"She's sucking it out of me!" Sparks moaned, as she turned to look at John, her eyes flashing with excitement.

Jade feasted hungrily, drawing out every last drop of spunk from the redhead's body. Sparks collapsed forwards and rolled to her side, so she could look at the green skinned girl. Jade's tummy was hugely rounded once more, as she had swallowed down John's entire load. She licked her lips contentedly and then lay down, her stomach repeatedly sending the curved rings to pulse over her body.

John leaned down to look closely at Jade, who was getting drowsy again as her body began to eagerly absorb his prodigious volume of spunk.

"How do you feel Jade?" he asked with concern.

"Amazzzing Masssterrr." she drawled, her eyelids heavy and a lazy smile on her beautiful dark green face. Her eyelids finally closed and she dropped off to sleep.

"Four for four." Calara said to him contentedly, with a well fucked smile on her face.

They cuddled up together and all of them were soon fast asleep.

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