Scary how life can be
Sometimes you are surrounded by happiness
While other times you are engulfed by the overwhelming sense of sadness
Of course, we can't change the nature of life
Someone once taught me that,
Life has its own shares of ups and downs
You can't alter it
But what you can alter is your perspective
He said,
I like it when my life has its ups and downs
I asked why?
He replied with a smile
Would you rather live a constant life or a life that has ups and downs?
He preferred the latter one because he liked the exhilarating thrill of it
He said it shows how fun life can be
And he liked it how it is
While I was the complete opposite
I liked my life in a straight line
With nothing but happy times
But he made me realize that to learn the value of life
You need to experience some pains too
Scary how someone can change your perspective so much....