Chereads / From the healed me to you / Chapter 43 - Currently

Chapter 43 - Currently

Currently I've been resonating with quotes that I see

Whether it be good or bad

But, I've never related to a quote quite this much

A quote that says "sometimes love isn't enough."

That's funny because love is something that I've been looking for my whole life

Love is something that I believed that would fix biggest of arguments

Love would be something that would heal everything and make everything right

But now, things seem different

Maybe it's because I'm getting older or

Maybe I just want to avoid taking responsibility for my actions

Love isn't really enough sometimes

Sure it may seem perfect at times

But it really isn't enough

Some days it hurts you so much to the point that you aren't able to do anything but think about it 24/7

You walk on eggshells around it

It challenges your boundaries

It drags you out of your comfort zone

Sadly I was one of it's victim

I hurt this precious one and I can't even go back

Sometimes love isn't really enough or maybe it is, but I was too immature to see it....