Chereads / The Nameless Angel in Naruto / Chapter 67 - #67 The Monster Cook

Chapter 67 - #67 The Monster Cook

Me and the others went on deck and we saw an island that was shrouded in mist and the outline of it looked like a huge petrified spider, the island wasn't particularly big and there were no trees to be seen on it. I took my compass out of my pocket and it pointed right to the island.

Dia: Our new cook must be somewhere on the island.

Jack: Captain, this island screams not to be set foot on, I say we just find a cook somewhere else and get out of here. Aye?

Dia: I say we look at the island first and then decide whether we should look for a cook somewhere else.

Dafne: Can I have the promised pistols before we set foot on this island? I would feel much safer with the weapons.

I held out my hands and 2 pistols formed in my palms. One was light silver and the other was dark black, their handles depicted 2 Victorian women and the names Ebony and Ivory were engraved on them.

Dia: These two babies in my hands are designed for rapid fire and close combat. Your bullets will reload automatically and the magazines will produce new bullets as soon as the old ones are used up. Their names are Ebony and Ivory, I hope you like them?

Dafne took both pistols from my hands while drool ran down her mouth. She lifted them both and immediately realized that they were both too heavy for her. Each weighed around 5kg and could hit its target at a distance of around 500m.

Dia: Of course you have to train with both of them before you can fully use them.

Dadne: I've never seen pistols like this before, they're an absolute masterpiece, but I still have to get used to their weight and you say they're designed for rapid fire?

Dia: You won't find better handguns in the world.

Wallace: And what kind of weapon do I get?

Dia: Can you even handle weapons?

Wallace: No, but what should I do if a monster appears on the island?

Dia: Then you hide behind us women.

Wallace: Come on, at least give me a dagger or something like that?

I reached out and created for Wallace a golden dagger with sand in the hilt.

Wallace: What's the sand for?

Dia: It lets the time run backwards for you, when you touch the button on the ground and automatically fills up with sand again after a while.

Wallace: He makes time run backwards! Thank you, I'll take good care of it.

Jack: Captain, what will I do if the ship is attacked?

Dia: You do what you can do best, you just talk your way out of it.

"Aye, Captain," Jack said with an annoyed look

I then created a dinghy for us and me, Dafne and Wallace lowered it into the water while Jack lowered the Black Pearl's anchor and was supposed to wait for us with the children.

Coni: Hopefully they all come back unscathed.

Jack: Hopefully not, then I'll finally be captain again.

Oliver: You're mean Jack, they'll all come back Coni, our captain is with them.

Jack: Scrub the deck if you're too bored, kids. Meanwhile, I'll be in my hammock drinking some rum and if you need anything, don't come to me.

Coni/Oliver: Aye.

Meanwhile the three of us went ashore in the dinghy. I created a small lantern and lit it so we could see in the thick fog.

Owl: Hoo, hoo!

"What was that?" Wallace asked as he fearfully held his dagger in front of him and stabbed the air with it.

Dafne: It was just an owl, you scaredy cat. That was an owl, right Captain?

Dia: There's a small cave ahead where someone is, come and let's take a look at it!

We were just about to enter the cave when I noticed that we were surrounded by animal skeletons and I took a closer look at everything with the lantern.

Dia: The animals received deep cuts before they died, we should approach the cave with caution.

Wallace: I don't want to die yet, I'm still so young and I still have my whole life ahead of me.

Dafne: Can't you just be quiet, I'm trying to hear something.

The next moment, a creature covered in orange hair from head to toe tried to cut Wallace from behind with two axes.

Dafne reacted in time and shot at the creature with Ebony, holding Ebony with both of her hands.

The recoil from her shot was still too much for her and she was thrown to the ground by her weapon.

The 2.30m tall beast tried to block the shot with one of its axes, but its ax broke and the hairy monster was wounded in the shoulder and thrown to the ground.

Dafne: Is it death?

Dia: No.

The beast got back up and clutched his wound and fled back into the cave. I didn't hesitate and ran after it and saw how it then repeatedly hit his head against one of the cave walls. The wall cracked larger and larger with each new hit from the creature's head.

Beast: One of your axes is broken, you idiot, idiot. The animals have now armed themselves against us. You should have expected that.

No, who should have expected that is you and not me.

You are our leader.

But you are our fighter!

The spiders must have gotten smarter and invented guns to defeat us.

No, someone must have helped them, maybe the giant crabs, we killed hundreds of them, Denny.

That could be the case, but we can't be sure, maybe it was the bats.

Exactly, they flew to nearby islands and stole the firearms there, Lenny.

Dia: Sorry, we are humans and not animals. I think there was a mix-up.

Creature: You led them to us, Lenny. She can't be human, she probably just wants us to let our guard down and kill us.

But she spoke, Denny.

That's a good argument, but perhaps the bats have learned to imitate parrots.

You're awesome Denny, I didn't think of that.

Bat! We won't let our guard down.

Dia: What do you think about looking at me without your hair on your face, I think that would make everything easier. I also have a lantern with me so you can see me.

Creature: How do we have hair in front of our eyes, Denny?

The creature freed its hair from its face and looked at me.

Creature: You are a woman!

She's pretty, we should take her into our cave, Denny.

No, she wasn't alone Lenny, you're such an idiot. After all these years we see another person and the only thing on your mind is having sex with her.

Dia: We came to the island because we are looking for a cook for our pirate crew.

Creature: We are cooks, or rather we used to be cooks. Do you have a ship?

Dia: Yes, it's a bit away from the beach.

Creature: Then you have two new cooks for your crew, the main thing is that we get off this island, the spiders are planning an attack on our cave soon.

Dia: How long were you alone on this island again?

Creature: Why alone? We were stranded here 20 years ago and have been living in this cave ever since. By the way, the toilet is behind us, you shouldn't look there.

Dia: Let me heal your wound for a moment and then follow me to my crew.

Creature: We'll do everything you say, let's just grab our ax quickly, because there are spiders everywhere outside the cave.

We left the cave and heard gunshots.


We both quickly ran to Dafne and Wallace.

Dia: What happened here?

Wallace: After you ran into the cave with the light, these spiders appeared everywhere and tried to kill us!

Everywhere were giant spiders that were 2m tall, lying on the ground with their legs pulled together on their backs.

Dia: You two have killed all of them?

Dafne: Mainly I killed them, while Wallace hid behind me because he's afraid of spiders.

Wallace: And what about the monster behind you that tried to kill us?

Dia: He will be our cook, he hasn't told me his name yet, but I think he will be a good member for our crew.

Lenny: That's right, I haven't said our names yet, my name is Lenny Lockwood and my friend's name is Denny Lookgood.

Wallace: What friend?

Lenny: Well, me, you little weakling. We almost killed you because we thought you were a bat imitating a parrot.

Dafne: Is everything okay with him, he seems confused to me?

Dia: He lived here alone for 20 years, we should teach him gently.

Lenny: What nonsense are you all talking about all the time, Denny and I have been through hell on this island, I'm just going to leave the island with him.

Dia: Lenny, this may sound harsh to you, but Denny only exists in your imagination.

Lenny: What are you talking about, he's just as real as you and me, right Denny? Denny? Where are you? Come back to me, they didn't mean it that way, you're my best friend. Come back. Great! Now I have to look for Denny, you did a great job! Denny, come here, let's leave the island together!

Lenny then searched the whole island for Denny and realized we were telling him the truth when he couldn't find him and started crying in his cave. I walked over to the 7-foot-tall, muscle-packed giant and touched his shoulder comfortingly.

Dia: We'll be there for you from now on, that's what Denny would have wanted for you, that's probably why he disappeared from your imagination, because he wanted you to be happy.

Lenny: You're right, Denny would have wanted me to leave the island and make new friends, but I had only him here.

He taught me how to survive on this terrible island and we grew stronger together.

I still remember how I got a fever and Denny stayed with me all night until I got better or how he explained to me that I was wrongly knotting my bone ax blades with the tendons of the animals. And all of these things only happened in my imagination?

Dia: The human mind sometimes lets us see things we want to see. It tries to protect our spirit from harm.

Lenny: But it was all so real.

Dia: We are real and now give it a go and come with us to our ship, old hairy man.

Lenny: Give me a moment, I'll come right away.

Lenny went to the stone wall and carved Denny's name into the wall with his axe.

Denny/ 1500-1520 R.I.P.

Lenny: Let's go, Captain.