We then drove back to the ship together and were welcomed by Oliver and Coni.
Coni: Will this be our new cook, he looks very dangerous?
Oliver: Yes, and he has such long hair.
Lenny: My name is Lenny. Hello you two sweeties, I'm pleased to meet you.
Oliver: My name is Oliver and this is Coni, we are looking forward to meet you too.
Lenny: Wow. A real ship and it looks good, I could hardly see it in the dark. What is it's name?
Dia: The name of the ship is the Black Pearl, but you should take a shower first, your body odor is quite strong.
Lenny: Is it that bad?
Everyone nodded their heads.
Lenny: Can you show me the shower?
Dafne and the kids went to the quarters deck with Lenny and I called Jack over and went with him and Wallace to the captain's quarters on deck.
Jack: And what do we do next?
Dia: We should look for a doctor before we head to the Grand Line.
Wallace: What? You want to go to the Grand Line, this is the first time I've heard anything about it. Do you know how dangerous it is there? There are said to be sea monsters everywhere and the sea is said to be completely unpredictable. Why do you want to go there, couldn't we just stay comfortably in the East Blue?
Dia: I want to go there because I want to be the strongest pirate women there ever was and because I promised it to someone and I'm a woman of my word.
Jack: This Grand Line sounds interesting, is it in the Pacific?
Wallace: What is the Pacific?
Jack: Did you seriously just ask that? Even a child knows what the Pacific is. Have you never seen a world map before?
Dia: Jack, we are not here on the planet you know, I transferred your spirit from another world.
Jack opened his mouth wide and showed me his set teeth in disbelief.
Jack: So you're saying this is another world? And everything here is new territory for me?
Dia: You could say it that way, yes.
Jack: Wow, that's excellent, new treasures that I have to steal and new oceans that are waiting to be conquered by me. Set sail, the world must know about me!
Wallace: So this guy isn't from our world? Are there pirates in other worlds too?
Dia: Yes, there are even space pirates in some of them.
Jack: Then off to the stars. We should move the stars so that they show the best side of me.
Dia: I think we won't do that, but we will sail to the Grand Line.
Wallace: Then Jack doesn't know anything about the One Piece?
Jack: What's that supposed to be?
Wallace: The One Piece is the greatest treasure in the world, whoever finds it will become the new king of the pirates. The last king of the pirates was Gold Roger, he sailed the entire Grand Line and hid the treasure on the last island of the Grand Line.
Jack: So it's a treasure, move, set sail! We don't have time forever, why are you two still standing here rooted to the spot?
Dia: That was Dafne, something must have happened. Quick, let's take a look!
We ran to the quarters deck and saw Dafne lying on the ground covered in blood and Coni and Oliver trying to help her.
Dia: What happened?
Coni pointed towards one of the quarters with her trembling body.
I walked to the quarter.
Coni: Don't go, otherwise you'll end up like Dafne!
I ignored what she has said and opened the door and a naked 2,30m tall muscled and handsome man with a 27cm long penis stood in front of me.
My face turned slightly red, when i saw him.
Dia: Why are you naked, Lenny?
Lenny, who had shaved and now had short orange hair and a small mustache, looked down at his body with his sky blue eyes.
Lenny: I was naked the whole time, my hair just covered everything.
Wallace also came into the room and pulled me out of it immediately when he saw Lenny standing naked there.
Wallace: Make him some clothes to wear! Quickly, before his thing sinks the ship.
I immediately created a white t-shirt, black underpants and wide-legged green jeans for Lenny and Wallace brought the clothes for him to wear in.
I went to Dafne and helped her sit up.
Dafne: It was so huge, I'll never be able to forget that picture again. Can something like that even work with a normal woman?
Dia: You shouldn't think about it, you should have your first experiences with normal men, I don't want you to die trying, after all you are an important part of my crew.
Dafne leaned into my arms and started crying and Lenny came out of his quarter with Wallace.
Dia: Do you see what you've done, old man? Poor Dafne and Coni will never be able to forget this sight and neither will I.
Oliver: I hope my penis will be that big too.
Coni: Keep dreaming Oliver, your little worm is smaller than my index finger, it's at most 2cm long.
Oliver: No, it's at least 4 cm long, look.
Oliver pulled down his pants and Coni blushed.
Coni: Well, then It's 4 cm long, but it's still small.
Oliver proudly pulled his pants back up and stuck out his chest.
Wallace hit Oliver in the back of his head with his fist.
Oliver: Ouch, that hurt, why are you hitting me, Wallace?
Wallace: Because a man doesn't put his best thing out just because he wants to impress a woman, where is your good behavior?
Oliver: But we always bathe together and she sees it anyway?
Wallace: Besides, size doesn't say anything about a man, only how he can handle it.
Oliver: Exactly, I'm great at peeing standing up, Coni! You're just jealous because you can't pee standing up.
Coni: Of course I can pee standing up!
Oliver: That's a lie, prove it!
Coni: Well, next time I go to the toilet, you'll watch me and I'll show you that I can pee standing up.
Dia: Aren't they both cute? They're both sleeping in my room tonight.
Jack: This crew is really fucked up.
Coni: You don't say things like that, bad Uncle Jack!
Jack: Only children aren't allowed to say that, I can say it as many times as I want. Fucked up! Fucked up! Fucked up!
I hit Jack on his ghost skull and he got a big bump on his forehead.
Jack: Why can you hurt me, I'm a ghost?
Dia: Because I'm the captain and Lenny, please cook something for us in the kitchen, everyone's probably hungry.
Lenny: I may be a bit rusty, so forgive me if I can't get my dishes back to their former quality right away.
Coni: Whatever, we're hungry, so let's do it.
We all sat down at the dining table and Lenny cooked a few dishes that he remembered from before His time on the Island. His mouth watered when he saw all these delicious ingredients stocked in the kitchen after years.
His food was delicious and the children stuffed their bellies and then let their bellies peek out from under their tops and unzipped their pants.
But Lenny, Dafne, Jack and Wallace also ate a lot and I brought in a keg of beer after dinner to celebrate our first day together.
Jack told a few dirty jokes and Dafne couldn't tolerate alcohol and after a short time, she was dancing on the table with Coni and Oliver and Dafne threw up over the railing at least 3 times that night.
When we all had enough of celebrating, we cleaned up and I took Coni and Oliver to my quarters and put them in their sleeping clothes and then laid down between the two and took them in my arms. They fell asleep after just a minute with their hands touching each other over my stomach and then I also closed my eyes to sleep.
The next morning I woke up and the kids were in my arms, I carefully pulled my arms out from under them and took off my clothes and went into my shower.
Oliver opened his eyes at my noises and stood also up. He walked across the room and took off his nightdress to put on his other clothes.
Then he saw a fruit lying on my desk and started to eat it because he was hungry.
I came out of the shower and saw him already halfway through eating the fruit.
Dia: Oliver, you know you're not supposed to steal anything from your captain? But you've probably already been punished for it.
Oliver: Why steal and why punished? The fruit tastes disgusting, you can have it back.
He held half of the fruit out to me and noticed that his hands turned green and little suckers appeared on his fingers and how his eyes could suddenly see in two different directions and a long green tail grew on his butt.
Oliver: What's happening to me?
Dia: You just ate a devil fruit, so you should eat it whole.
Oliver: Whaaaatttt? And how do I undo that?
Dia: Not at all, it turned out stupid for you. You are now a chameleon human.
Oliver: Can't I turn back into a human?
Dia: The man who used it before was able to transform back, eat the whole fruit, maybe that will help you.
Oliver ate the rest of the fruit and Coni woke up and saw a large chameleon standing in the room that was about the same size as herself.
Coni: Where is Oliver, did the chameleon eat him?
Dia: No, the chameleon is Oliver, he just ate a devil fruit.
Coni jumped up and examined Oliver all over his body.
Coni: He's so cute, do you have a devil fruit for me too, Dia?
Dia: Unfortunately that was the only one I had.
Oliver: Come on Captain, this isn't funny, how do I change back?
Dia: I have no idea, by the way, you can't swim anymore either.
Oliver started crying and Coni hugged him.
Coni: I think you're cute as a chameleon.
Oliver blushed all over and his skincolor changed to red.
Coni: Wow, you can even change your color.
Oliver turned back into his human form out of shock and Coni then held him naked in her arms.
Dia: It's okay, apparently you just need Coni's help. HA HA HA HA!
"That feels much better, by the way you're cute too Coni, but can you let go of me now," Oliver asked with completely red cheeks as he looked into Coni's eyes.
Coni noticed her situation and blushed and backed away from Oliver, but she caught herself shortly afterwards and also took off her clothes and changed into her normal clothes.
Oliver and I also got dressed and we all went outside together, but first Coni whispered in my ear.
Coni: Oliver said he thinks I'm cute, what do I do now?
"You can hold hands with him or kiss him," I whispered back.
Oliver: What are you two whispering? Do you have a secret from me?
Dia: Yes and only girls are allowed to know.
I looked Coni in her eyes and we both nodded to each other, then she took Oliver's hand and ran with him below the deck.
I walked along the deck and saw Dafne holding her legs through the railing and sleeping.
Dia: Dafne Dieckman! Wake up!
Dafne: What? Who? Ouch! Where does the railing come from and why am I not in my room?
She looked at me, jumped up and saluted to me.
Dafne: Captain, I can explain, I was cleaning the railing and then I hit my head and passed out. Exactly, that's what happened here, I swear it to you.
Dia: Come on, let's go get some breakfast.
Dafne followed me and we both went below deck and saw a chameleon hanging from the ceiling and an excited Coni standing underneath.
I ignored them both and went to the kitchen, where Lenny and Jack were already waiting for us.
Dafne: What was that chameleon in the kanon deck, did I miss something?
Dia: Oliver saw a devil fruit on my desk and then ate it. He is the chameleon.
Both of them also ran to our table and sat down next to me. Oliver transformed back and was no longer wearing his pants, underwear or shoes.
Lenny: Why aren't you wearing underwear, Oliver?
Oliver: I need others, my clothes got ripped when I transformed, when I transform my chameleon tail doesn't fit into my pants and I can climb better without my shoes.
Dia: I'll make you new clothes with an opening in a moment, but for now let's eat something and where's Wallace?
Coni: He always sleeps for a long time, we always have breakfast without him.
Dia: Okay, I'll make us a quick breakfast and then I'll make matching pants for Oliver so he doesn't have to walk around naked, which I'm sure Coni would like to see for longer.
Coni: Just a little and only because Oliver is really cute as a chameleon.
Dafne: Sure, only as a chameleon and that's why you're so red when you look at him.
Oliver: Leave Coni alone, or I'll lick you with my tongue.
Coni blushed and took Oliver's hand because she liked him protecting her, causing Oliver's cheeks to turn red.
After the little discussion, I set the table and created some breads, juice and spreads.
The children were given a couple of waffles and cocoa to drink and I made coffee for the others.
Lenny: Sleeping in a real bed felt so good, I feel like I could tear up trees.
Coni: Sleeping with the captain was nice too.
Oliver: I thought so too, it was much better than our broken church and there is still enough food here and we don't have to beg.
Coni and Oliver held hands throughout breakfast.
Wallace entered the room and noticed that Oliver had no pants on and was holding Coni's hand and got an angry face, but before he could speak I interrupted him.
Dia: Leave them alone Wallace, it looks worse than it really is.
Wallace: If my captain says so, then I'll leave them alone.
Oliver finished eating and jumped to the ceiling in his chameleon form and climbed into his cabin.
Wallace: What was that?
Dafne: That's why he didn't have any underwear on.
Wallace: I see, so I wasn't dreaming?
Dia: He ate a devil fruit in my cabin, I shouldn't have left it there in the open.
Coni: But I'll get the next one we find!
Dia: All we have to do is to kill a pirate whose devil power you want.
Coni: So I can choose one?
Dafne: I want one too.
Dia: First we have to find a devil fruit user.
Wallace: Can't we just use your compass for this?
Dia: You're right, I hadn't even thought of that. No matter, I'll go and put something on our little naked worm first.