Chereads / Welcome to Urdak / Chapter 10 - Triforce and Demons

Chapter 10 - Triforce and Demons

I could only smile bitterly at the many notifications that appeared as I fought Link

"Sword mastery increased! C- —> C"

"Sword mastery increased! C—>C+"

"Sword mastery increased! C+—>B-"

"Sword mastery increased! B-—>B"

"Sword mastery increased! B—>B+"

"Sword mastery increased! B+—>A-"

Somehow we pushed ourselves so far that our sword mastery exploded and the results are terrifying, I expected no less from my brother but…


"140 (Brother and Rival)"

Yeah, that is appropriate, I must admit though, that Spin Attack hurt like a bitch…still, it was an honor fighting Link, but I will win next time!

"You both became so strong in just one duel…"

[And I loved every second of it!]

"Legendary demon Hunter: Dante"

"50 (Awesome dude)"

"The Alpha and the Omega: Vergil"

"50 (Powerful individual)"


"95 (Incredible warrior!)"

"Orochi's Lighting: Shermie"

"40 (Handsome strong boy)"

"Psycho Soldier and Pop Idol: Athena"

"40 (Amazing sword fighter)"

"Child of Lighting: Riju"

"50 (The boy aunt Hilda spoke of?!)"

Yup! Showing off worked! Hah!

Link got close and offered me his hand, I took it

-Don't get too comfortable ahead brother, I will even the score real soon!

He smiled daringly, then we both laughed

-Ok, real talk, what happened at the end there? Your eyes suddenly became all shiny and stuff

He shrugged and that is when we noticed his left hand, his sword hand was glowing, he looked at it, allowing me to see too and I saw the legendary Triforce, the right triangle was lit up, Impa jumped up seeing that and Zelda followed immediately, both gasped as Impa said

-T-That's the Triforce! Link! You awoke the Triforce of Courage!!!

I analyzed him at once

"Link (Triforce of Courage)"

"Rank: B+"

"Age: 10"

"Strength: B+"

"Agility: B+"

"Magic: B+"

"Endurance: A-"

"Charisma: A+"

"Luck: S"

"Perception: A+"

Talk about an upgrade and a half!

He also freaked out and looked in shock at his sisters and at the Triforce, seeing as I am supposed to be the outsider here I asked

-Uh…guys, what is the Triforce?

-Ah, sorry, you don't know Eric

Impa coughed a bit

-In our hometown, there is a legend about a powerful artifact left behind by 3 Goddesses who helped in the creation of the world, their names were Din, Farore and Nayru

Din is power, Farore is courage and Nayru is wisdom in accordance to the Triforce rules

-Once they helped create the world, they left a solid golden triangle that contained a part of their power, once all 3 triangles were combined, the artifact became known as the Triforce, however, it is not a physical artifact, but an abstract one


-It is said back in our home that the Triforce can be inherited by individuals who fulfill specific conditions related to the Triforce piece, Link awoke to the "Courage" piece! He awoke to the legendary artifact! Father and Mother will be over the moon!!

She quickly hugged Link as did Zelda, he was clearly in joy, however, there is more to the story…Link cannot be by himself, Fi, the Master Sword must accompany him

-What can that piece do?

Zelda spoke up this time

-It is said that the Triforce of Courage awakens on those who have a kind heroic heart and a will of steel, those people are said to become great heroes in the future, they are the ones who will wield the Master Sword!!

-Master Sword?

-A sword from our hometown, in the temple of our goddess Hylia, it is a blade bound to a stone that cannot be lifted, it is said that the owner of the Triforce of Courage can claim the sword as his own!

-Holy crap…and what is so special about that sword?

-It is the "Blade of Evil's Bane"! A sword that can cut through any monster no matter how powerful! It can only be wielded by the hero! And now, Link is that hero!!

While no one around us understood, I smiled

-Damn, that's impressive…congrats Link!

I smiled at him and he smiled back with tears in his eyes, it must be quite overwhelming, but he will be fine, it's Link after all

-But don't think that this will be enough! I will catch up! No way you are leaving me in the dust with this new power!

He smiled joyfully


"190 (The brother who awoke my power)"

Heh, sick

Teacher Midos regained his senses

-Class is not over yet! Get back to it everyone! You 2!

Link and I looked at the teacher

-You are done! Rest for the love of Moloch!

-I am still good teach, Link?


-I don't think anyone else will want to fight against you…

-Now don't say that teach! I wanna go against Eric there!

Dante spoke up, I looked at him and he smiled lazily

-You seem like a fun time, can I have this dance?

-If you ask so politely, how could I say no?

We smirked at each other


"70 (This guy gets me!)"

-Since you are fighting him brother, I want to challenge the elf, dare you fight against me?

Link looked at Vergil and nodded

-Uh…ok! Red coat vs Eric first!

-The name is Dante profesor

Dante went and picked up a 2 handed longsword, reminding me of the Rebellion, I smiled as I picked up a new sword and we both faced each other down

-You'll forgive me if I am not into that honorable stuff, I just wanna get to the point

-Fair enough, when you are ready

I looked at the demi wolf who seemingly gave up on life

-Best of 3! Dante vs Eric! Begin!

Do I even wanna see this? It's gonna be a slaughter! This Dante kid saw how monstrous this Eric freak was and still challenged him?

Oh well, might as well just-



The second they began, they disappeared and clashed, so immediately I can tell that Dante must be at least B rank, still, against an A rank I don't see how he could…?!

Eric was losing in the strength department, so he was forced to move his blade around Dante's, flipping over him and landing a stab on his back, pushing him forward

-I take the first point Dante

-All right, all I gotta do is catch up then

The second round began with both clashing, however this time it was visible, Dante is not as fast as that Link freak, but he clearly is stronger than both freaks combined…guess that makes him a freak too then

Still, both seem to be having fun in this fight, is that what masters feel?

! Dante made an upward slash sending Eric flying and chased after him, Eric was caught off guard by that move and-?!

Wings! Demon wings!! That Dante freak is a half demon!!

-Must he show off like that? Brother! Get serious or you will lose!

-On it Vergil!

-Hell of a trick there Dante!

Dante flew above Eric and dropped with a lot of force on top of him, his blade slashing downward as they crashed and the arena was partially destroyed, these fucking monsters!!

As the dust settled, Dante got up first

-Second point is mine Eric

-Tch, I need another sword

-Yeah, me too, come on man

Both blades had broken, but I am going to believe them and tally 1-1 on the scoreboard…

Eric took his hand and got up as the both of them left the arena and picked up new swords, then they got back

-Ready for round 3?

-Obviously! Don't you dare hold back!


And again, this time I was ready and held onto the stage, hence I prevented falling, and as both blades clashed at an intense speed, I was caught up in the fight, one is eloquent while the other is relentless, it's hard to swallow that 2 boys are so strong, but I have to accept it, one is a half demon, the others is just a fucking freak

As their blades collided, I suddenly felt it again, that pressure, this time from Dante…could it be? Eric…is he the reason?


-Don't get distracted Dante!

His smile was obvious for all to see, he achieved A rank in swordsmanship, but our fight was far from over, I didn't want it to end, and the feeling clearly was mutual

-I haven't had this much fun since Vergil!

-And I against Link! You are awesome dude!

-As are you! Shall we finish this?!

-With Style!

We separated and once at the edge of the arena we dashed towards each other and sliced, then we reached the other side



I smirked


Sorry, I couldn't hold back

Dante's blade broke and he fell on one knee, his wings returning

-Tch…yeah…you win…

On cue, my blade exploded again, that's 3 in one day!

"You are too much master! Way too much! These are meant for novices! You guys are nearing master level!"

[Eh, whatever ]

I got close to Dante and offered my hand

-We HAVE to do this again

-You're damn right we do!

I helped him up and the wolf announced

-Winner! Eric!

We got off stage and I fist bumped Link

-I won mine, don't let me down bro


-These guys are something else Vergil, good luck

-I won't fail brother, just watch

Both got on top of the stage, Midos had to ask some of his assistants to repair it, and now that I noticed, no one is doing anything, the whole class is just watching our fights like they were some movie!

-I won't waste your time, we both are warriors

Link stared at him

-Words are unneeded, let our blades speak instead

Link smiled and nodded

-Vergil vs Link! Start!

This gon be good!

The second the ok sign was given, Vergil disappeared, leaving an after image of himself and appeared behind Link, his wooden katana clearly foreshadowing how deadly he will be with the Yamato

Link reacted perfectly and turned around, hitting the blade and forcing Vergil to step back, in that instant Vergil performed a Judgement Cut and a sphere appeared before Link, he noticed the danger and jumped back as the sphere exploded into blunt attacks, but due to that, Vergil appeared once more in his face and nearly landed a slash to his face, had it not been for Link matrix dodging that thing

Yeah, I saw it, his eyes turned golden again and he dodged perfectly, can he use it at will?

Both increased their speed even more, making it hard to keep up, but I could tell still that Vergil was faster, finally, Vergil and Link got one hit each at the same time, Link did a vertical spin attack and Vergil did a horizontal slash, both hitting

-Draw! 1-1!



-! You talk?!

Link spoke…oh he is totally serious now

The blade that link held was coated in energy, blue energy…is that…?

"His soul"

[He is using mana to coat his blade?!]

"The Triforce truly is fascinating, it is guiding his every move…the more he fights, the more he evolves…you got a magnificent friend master"

[Of course I did, but Vergil is still Vergil, younger or not, there is a reason he is called "Alpha and Omega"]

Vergil's demon wings emerged as well, he had a soft smile, resembling Link's

Without another word, the battle suddenly became a ranged one as Link launched sword projectiles from each attack and Vergil countered with Judgement Cuts, I had to raise a wind barrier to prevent any damage to the crowd

-Man! I haven't seen Vergil have this much fun in ages!

-Really Dante? Link hasn't been that serious ever either, the projectiles are new

-We are quite similar you and I Eric, we gotta start hanging out

-Wanna go get some pizza after class?

-Man you really get me! Your group coming too?

-Yeah, I think you guys will like them

-Sign me up!


"90 (New Great Friend)"

As we spoke, the arena was quaking and rumbling, both of these guys were completely transfixed in each other, until at last both charged their blades and rushed at each other, and that is when something unexpected happened

Link's blade broke while Vergil's didn't, Vergil stopped right before hitting Link's throat

-Your power is amazing, but you lack control!

The he sheathed his sword and then it exploded

-But you are a true warrior, of that I have no doubt

The he offered a handshake, which Link took smiling, a bit wounded from their fight

-It's over! Vergil wins!

-Hell yeah Bro!

-Amazing fight Link!

-That was awesome Link!

-You are incredible brother!

As we all gathered around them, Vergil looked at me

-It's just you and me now Eric

-I am getting excited here

But unfortunately…

-No! Enough! You guys won't fight anymore today!

-Eh?! Why!?

-You can't keep a warrior from fighting!!

-We are almost out of swords you 4!

We stopped complaining and looked at the rack, indeed, most of the swords we used are gone, there are no straight swords left…



-You guys are too much! You wanna fight?! Go to a dojo! You are not allowed to do it here! God the arena is totaled…

We were slightly awkward at that, so my group just sat down near one of the walls and we spoke, introducing each other, Dante and Vergil's wounds healed thanks to their devil side while I used heal, but Link was still hurt, so I was gonna heal him but-

-Umm! Excuse me!

We all followed the soft voice and saw Mipha standing there

-Can we help you miss Zora?

-Umm…Link! May I heal your wounds!

He blushed and only nodded, which caused Mipha to blush, I chuckled

-All right, go bro, come back once you are fixed

He got up and went to Mipha, before long, they returned and she introduced herself, asking to be our friend, we had no problem welcoming her

Like that, our group had expanded quite a bit, and it's only gonna expand more, still, it feels odd ya know? I am befriending these legends since I want them to help me when calamity arrives…but would I befriend them if there was no calamity?

Hmm…I want to think yes but…

Ugh, I shouldn't think like this, I care about these guys, so I should just focus on that

The rest of the day passed with no complications, though after we left, I invited everyone to pizza, which the entire group agreed…had to buy like 5 pizzas, but at least it made for a nice bonding moment for everyone

On the way back home, we separated from the rest and each went their separate ways, once back at home, Zelda and Impa rushed into their home and excitedly told both Rhoam and Hilda that Link awoke to the Triforce of courage, to say they were excited would be an understatement

So much so, that after thanking me for awakening their boy they told the family to pack up, they were going to claim the Master Sword at once, I was left dumbfounded, Rhoam promised me a gift for helping Link awaken and Hilda promised me whatever I could ever want if I help Zelda awaken

Leona and I left their apartment since they were clearly gonna be busy

After training with her, I called Samus and then Maki and Chizuru to tell them how the day went, and finally, I took a shower and prepared to sleep after preparing lunch for tomorrow, as usual though, Leona hugged me as we slept