Chereads / Welcome to Urdak / Chapter 15 - Music Festival

Chapter 15 - Music Festival

A couple of weeks later, Zelda was learning magic on her own using my training method while Leona kept trying to control her Blood Riot, which thankfully was making progress, she actually stopped for one second when she heard my voice, she attacked immediately afterwards but hey! Progress!

As for music, we had the 3 songs ready and could practice perfectly, so, I am looking forward to the day, as of now, it should be past tomorrow, on a Saturday so everyone is available, of course I got extra tickets for them, a nice bonus for the contestants, or extra embarrassment, depends on their performance

So…yeah, this will be easy, free publicity I say!


[Yes Monica?]

"…Will you be ok?"

[What do you mean?]

"I have been poking around your memories and well…didn't you do something like this in your world?"

[It was a local thing, not a competition, more like something for a national holiday]

"I insist, will you be ok?"

[What's the worse that could happen? Whatever happens, happens]

"…Ok…but, if you need to talk, I am here"

[I know Monica, you are the only one I can be truthful to, so…thanks]

"…Whenever you want Master"

I appreciate Monica, but she is worrying over nothing, we will win, easy!

It's time! I can't wait to see how Eric performs! If the Lullaby he made for sis is any indication, this might not even be fair!

She has been training hard lately, her magic is impressive, Link has also been very focused training with the Master Sword, apparently he has a new training method with it so Father has been a lot more idle lately…as for me, grandpa Maz Koshia has been the same as usual, contacting me as I sleep and forcing me to train about 6 different techniques at the same time with a painful chop to the head with each failure

Ugh, enough about that! Why do I torment myself like this?! Today is Eric's day to shine! Let the whole kingdom see his brilliance!

We arrived at the local with Leona tagging along, she is still her usual quiet self but I have had a lifetime of practice with Link, so I can easily understand her by just seeing her face, and she is definitely excited too

This was taking place in a concert hall, I am rather impressed that teacher Lareta had such a big deal on her head, even more so that the minimum age of entrance is 10

As we sat on V.I.P. seats, I saw a lot of people, many bands too, most of them teenagers to adults…

No, no, believe in him, he could get the spirit of the Master Sword to come out and tell us everything we needed! He is a genius, it'll be fine

It took a while to even get the competition started, and even then, there were so many groups that I think it was about 2 whole hours of…mid tier music at best, I will be honest, the only good themes were covers of well known songs

Overall, boring, very boring, and I am not the only one who thought that, some people up and left outright, the place began looking a lot more empty

-Seems like it didn't go well huh?

-Dante? Vergil? Hey guys! How long have you been here?

-For a while now, it was too full so we didn't quite see you guys

Vergil nodded to acknowledge us and then their mother came as well

-Why hello, are you friends with my sons?

-Yes! My name is Impa, it's a pleasure miss…

-Eva, my name is Eva sweetheart, what about you 3?

-Oh, this is my little sister Zelda

She was nearly asleep unfortunately, the music bore her so much she actually was falling asleep

-My little brother Link

He raised his hand to greet her

-He doesn't talk mother, but he is a true warrior

-I see, what about the girl in blue hair?

-She is the one living with Eric due to some circumstances, her name is Leona

Leona on cue nodded

-Shy I see, it's a pleasure to meet you, please continue getting along with these 2

-Come on Mom! We ain't that bad!

-She obviously meant you Dante, she is just being nice

They began bickering and she gave a strained smile, annoyed, I can only feel sorry for her…they seem like quite the handful…

-Ah! You guys are here! This way!

I turned and saw Mithra, she was with what I can assume to be her mom and 2 other men…are those 2 her fathers? Well, the mom is a beautiful woman so I guess that could be the case…I should ask still to be safe

-Mithra! Hello, who you came with?

-Everyone, these are mom, dad and uncle!

-Hello everyone


-Would it kill you to say hi?

-Quiet you!

-Not now you 2, you are embarrassing Mithra

The woman suddenly said with authority and both men settled down…wow…she is impressive…

-Sorry about that everyone, I am Durga, thank you for being friends with my daughter

-Asura, her father

-You are impossible…I am Yasha, Durga's brother and uncle to Mithra, it's a pleasure to meet all of you

…Is it just me or…no, they are indeed somewhat similar to Dante and Vergil…

-Eric should be coming soon right Impa?

-Soon enough

-I can finally see this Eric, Mithra has not stopped talking about him for the whole month


-…I have to thank him too

-It was a good thing he found you, eh Mithra?

She blushed…wait…could it be?

-And now! Our final contestant! Everyone! Give a warm welcome to SAE!

-That's them!


Everyone stopped talking and got to watch the stage, there, Eric appeared with Athena and Shermie, the instruments had been set before hand…but why is there a drum set? Eric has the guitar, Shermie the keyboard and Athena the mic…what's it doing there?

They looked at each other and smiled bitterly, yeah, the place has been mainly vacated and the online reviews are not looking good…

-Shall we just get to the point?

-Indeed, whenever you 2 are ready!

Instead of loudly announcing who they were, Eric just started playing, and immediately, Zelda woke up

-You are stronger than all things that made you weak!

Suddenly, as the song began, it was as if a wave of air hit the entire stadium, the sleepy atmosphere was completely wiped out!

-So wake up, from long sleep!

Anyone who was bored or sleepy quickly got up and the ones who left began rushing back in full speed

Something about Athena's voice was hypnotic, she was so good it almost felt like I was being cheered to stand against the world itself since she was cheering for me

If it was that strong for me, the rest of the crowd stood no chance as they all began cheering


Truly…how ridiculous…how do you start and already crush the entire competition?!

Needless to say, the entire song had everyone enthralled and cheering, waking everyone up and even bringing back all who left, once the song came to an end, Eric spoke

-That woke ya all up huh?

-Sorry for the delay, but now we are here

-Let's make this a show to remember o~kay?


Gah! Why did everyone join in?! Athena what did you do?!

Eric suddenly switched his guitar for a bass in a swift move

-Ready for round 2?


-Good answer!

Another enjoyable rhythm began, both he and Shermie were playing their hearts out, and then Athena started singing again

-It's not a game-

Needless to say, this one also was incredibly well received too, a lot less heavy but all the more enjoyable since everyone already woke up, now I feel like dancing…actually, I shouldn't…there's enough in the audience

…Athena and Shermie look like they are having a lot of fun but Eric is not even looking at us, he has his eyes closed…wonder why?

-I'm just as real, I'm just as dangerous-

The song is pure quality though…they have already left everyone else in the dust, I must say, it was very nice of them to go last, no one would want to follow up this concert!

-Can't hold on or life won't change!

Can I just vote already? This is too easy!

Ah…yeah, the screens here allow one to vote, they are integrated to the seat and well…it's a landslide…the other bands have got some votes, but the VAST majority has already decided who won…

Once the song ended, everyone wanted to clap but Eric spoke up

-We got one more, want us to finish or keep going?


-You heard them ladies, enough for one more?

-You got it!

-I'll try my best!

-Good to hear, Aight everyone, let's end on a happy note eh?

?! A harmonica?!

What is he-


Wow…that's a start…he is on both drums and harmonica…how is he…

-Truth is elusive it's nowhere to be found-

-Yeah the truth can never be written down-

-It's not in any magazine you can't see it on-

-Your TV screen!

And they are singing together, Shermie and Athena make for a good duet though…ugh, I can see they already got diehard fans…

-One! That defines your world-

-Gives you truth and light!

And the crowd erupted again…I have to admit it, I thought Eric would carry the show but these 2 are amazing too…didn't Athena said she wanted to be an idol? That seems very easy now…

-Faith! In each other!

-Our souls, have got the same burning need!

I was just left in awe, Zelda and Mithra were cheering out loud in delight, needless to say Durga and mom joined in too…

Heck, everyone is enjoying themselves…even Mithra's father is bobbing his head…

-The shadow world! (X2)

And with some final notes from Shermie's keyboard, the song ended and the place exploded, I could only laugh, the difference was too massive…

Will they become famous after this? Will Eric become a band member?

I dunno, but I can't deny, I am very excited…?! Eric is…crying?

He doesn't seem to have realized it, but he looked our way and gave us a massive smile, then he joined both Shermie and Athena and they bowed, the cheering didn't stop, it only escalated, even when they went backstage, the people kept demanding an encore…

…Hah…you guys are really incredible…

"You ok master?"

[…Yeah…but why did I…]

"Maybe not the best idea after all, you and your sister always sung that song together after all"

[But…But I will see them again…so why…why?]

"…Sorry master"

[…I miss them so much…]

"…Unfortunately…even if you try to ignore it, your heart will catch up to you at some point"


Shermie and Athena were very worried about me since I have been crying for a bit now, and they can tell it's not because of joy

-…Sorry…sorry…I just…

Suddenly, both hugged me

-It's ok to miss them…

-Let it all out, don't hold back on us


I broke down, I have been able to keep my cool for over 2 years and yet…Shadow World…why did I pick that one? Why…Megan…sis…I miss ya…mom…dad…

Dammit all…

I was foolish…of course he was not okay…no matter how confident he is, me and Shermie could see our parents cheering us on, they were there…but Eric couldn't, and that must have broken him…he misses them, he doesn't show it…but I can feel it…I am not sure how…but this terrible sadness…it makes me want to cry too…

How could you live with such terrible sadness Eric?…

…I will be here for you…so cry as much as you want…

Until you feel better, I won't let go…no, WE won't let go…

…How odd…I can even feel Shermie's state of mind…what is happening to me?


"99 (Let me be here for you)"


"95 (Stop acting tough!)"


[I…I didn't quite expect…to still be so hung up on them…]

"They are your family after all"

[But I am going to see them again…so why did I break? I know they will be fine…Erizabeth is watching over them too]

"The heart is not logical master, no amount of reason will get rid of your longing to see them"

[…How unfair…]




[…Don't leave me…]


[Thank you…]

I must admit it took me a while to regain my composure, I was able to convince my own heart that we would meet everyone again, so for now, we should smile, we can cry once we are in our parents arms

-All better?

-Yeah…sorry about that…

-Don't worry! It's just your feelings, don't make it sound like you did something bad!

-…Thanks you 2…seriously…

-It's ok


Suddenly, teacher Lareta punched in and said

-They are clamoring your name out there! It seems they want an encore!

-An encore huh?

-We have one more but…

Both looked at me concerned, teach also saw that I was in not the best state

-Eric? Are you ok?

-…I am now teach, aight! People want more! Let's give them a final song to end this day with a bang!

Seeing I had cheered up, both girls nodded and we walked out

Last song is an explosive one, fitting to end things like this, they want an encore? Let's give them a hell of an encore!

We walked in again, the hall was freaking full, a vast contrast to when we first stepped in and almost half the people were gone, now it seems they came back with friends too

Hah! Let my face be known then! Let's dance people

-Seems like ya all couldn't hold back! You want one more that badly?!


How in synch, all right then! Let's play

-Then here ya go! Ready girls?!


-Let's do it!

Time to Pull the Trigger!

As me and Shermie began playing, Athena sang

-There ain't a perfect time for any big change-

…Time for the chorus!

-On your mark y'all get set then pull the trigger and Go!

-Make a move before they can make an act on you!

I honestly couldn't believe how well these 2 harmonize, the second the chorus hit, the place exploded once again

My part would come soon enough anyways, the fact that I have to handle the fast bits of the song is nerve wracking, but I sung these enough with my sis to know them by heart

Here we go

-Best to know, every path you go is a prototype, more room for growth-

Still, I can do it, I can't drop the ball at the 10 foot yard after all

As we reached the next chorus, I saw people just fucking dancing, the music of this world is sadly of low quality, since all games exist in reality, the games here are the same in gameplay, but poor in audio, worse still, the actual musicians? Yeah, the whole monster issue made them a whole lot less relevant, so no one has been on fire like we are, perhaps in the future but now? Yeah, we may be bringing a revolution here

The song was reaching it's end as it looped, but we stopped and received another standing ovation, I could see my friends down there, shame Mipha couldn't come though, apparently she had something to do today regarding her home, she ain't a princess no more but she is the daughter of the leader of her clan

When the voting part came, there truly was no suspense, the big screen showed a lot of bands but SAE fucking rose with about 98% of votes…now that I think about it, on the whole excitement of the occasion…I kinda forgot to ask what the prize was


[Yeah…I thought you were taking note]



I looked at the girls

-Say, any of you got a clue what we won?

-I thought you knew!

-Wait, so I wasn't the only one zoning out?


Why does this feel troublesome?

IT WAS TROUBLE! Turns out the winner earns a juicy contract for a fucking record company! And after Athena thoughtlessly blurted out I composed all 4 songs, they became like sharks who smelled blood!

To say that I rejected contract after contract would be an understatement but these guys were vicious! The contents became so absurd that at one point I was able to earn more than the fucking owner! Hell they were giving me SHARES of the damn record studio!

-Umm…why not try Eric?


-I mean…isn't this a good chance? Like this, your future is secured!

-I mean…yeah, but I don't wanna be an artist! I am a warrior! I will fight monsters, I can't afford to waste time in a job I have no real interest in ya know?

-Aren't you deadly efficient? Look here

Shermie pointed a sector of the contract, it read that I only had to make at least 1 song per month for the contract to remain valid and I could request any artist I wished, which again, exaggerated treatment


-You did make 5 songs in the span of a week, if these guys heard Daredevil, they would absolutely lose it



-Look, just modify the contract so that these guys here leave you alone for most of middle school and high school, I don't mind recording more songs for you ya know?

-…I guess it's possible but…

-Umm…I will help you too!


-I really like your songs! Even if I am not the biggest fan of rock, I had a lot of fun just playing with you 2…

-Me too, it would be too sad for SAE to end after one performance don't you think?

Tch, can't say no if they ask like that

-Fine! Let's review this contract

-Yes! Thank you girls!!

Ugh, Monica, help me out here please

"At once!"

Thanks to Monica, I was able to modify the contract to the point that it's barely a problem, I have a whole discography in my head of thousands of songs, so it should be fine to work for these guys, at least now I can make my own money…though there was an issue

-Perfect! Sir, Maam!

He referred to Rhoam and Hilda, the Hyrules were the ones who came to congratulate me first after all…still, this is gonna be awkward


-If you could review the contract, your son is very bright so I believe you will not find a problem

Both looked awkward and Rhoam said

-…Eric isn't our son, he is like one but we are not his legal guardians

-Eh? Then, where-


-Gah-what about-

-I don't have any family left sir, and I don't have any legal guardian either

I could see his face twist, he knew he just stepped on a massive landmine, feeling pity, I decided to help him

-Can I select a representative? An adult to sign for me?

-Ah! Yes! Yes! Please!!

I looked at Rhoam

-Uncle Rhoam…could you?

-You want me to be your legal guardian?

-…No, I…I don't want to have any other parents…but, you are like family to me, my uncle…you are the only person I can trust to do this for me…


"120 (I am this boy's family!)"

-Leave it to me then

Shermie and Athena also received a contract, they were told that if they desired to go pro once they graduated, they would always receive them, which essentially just completed Athena's dream of being an idol


"130 (Dream maker!)"


"100 (I want him to smile)"


"Seems like your early breakdown awoke something in her"

[…This won't be an issue right?]

"Master, you don't need to worry, in this world, you will face no complications"

[Why the specification?]

"Pay it no mind master, trust me"


I trust Monica after all, no more words are needed

When we left, all our friends jumped us, some congratulations and some simple nods of approval, though again, things got complicated when Mithra hugged me



"120 (He's incredible!)"


"-10 (How brazen)"


"Calm down master, any father would react poorly seeing his daughter hug a random man, even if you only are a boy, just remain friendly and kind, his impression of you will improve"

[Right, thanks Monica, I nearly freaked out there]

"That's what I am here for"

I calmed down and returned the hug

-My my, it's a pleasure to meet you Eric

Durga came close so I played the easiest card when meeting a mom

-Ah, yes! It's a pleasure Mithra's sis!


"60 (What a cute boy)"


"0 (At least he is polite)"

Ok, keep going!

-Oh, I am not her sister, I am Durga, her mother

-Mother! Wow! You look like her sister aunt!

-Hm~ thank you, you are quite the smooth talker

I tilted my head feigning confusion



"65 (How precious!)"

-So, you are Eric

Asura drew close, as usual, he has a frown on his face…I have yet to see him smile at all

-Yes sir! Mithra's father I presume?

-Indeed, my name is Asura

-A pleasure sir Asura!

I gave him my best disarming smile


"30 (What the?!)"


"Seems like he can't believe your smile is so pure, now he is at a loss at what to do"

Right, he was hopeless when it comes to kids

-Uncle Asura?

Strike while the iron is hot though!


"50 (U-Uncle?!)"


-The mighty Asura met his match huh?


"40 (This kid is interesting)"

-Shut it!

-Don't take it to heart Eric, he is just hopeless when it comes to kids

-Is he? I mean, he and aunt Durga must be wonderful since Mithra is!


"80 (My, my)"


"60 (Kid has good eyes)"


"125 (Eek!)"

[I feel like your way of informing me things has changed Monica…]

"Do forgive me, this is the result of your magic upgrading, still not enough for a voice though…"

[One step at a time, relax]

-You are good at talking it seems



"50 (Too pure, no wonder Mithra likes him)"

-No matter, you should be proud, your band performed incredibly

-Thanks uncle…ummm…

-Ah, Yasha, my name is Yasha, I am Mithra's uncle

-A pleasure uncle Yasha!

Like that, I was able to get a good impression on these 3, I hope I can continue…

-Hm, I wish to ask you something

-Do tell uncle Yasha!

-Mithra has spoken about you for a whole month now


-So I wanna know, how did you 2 meet? She keeps telling me you approached her but I know that isn't the truth


-It would hardly be my place to tell you uncle Yasha, if Mithra has no desire to tell you, then her wishes come first, please forgive me!

I bowed my head


"130 (Eric…)"


"80 (My worry was meaningless, he will treat her right)"


"60 (Not bad boy)"

-I see, then I won't pry

-! Umm…uncle!

-Yes Mithra?

-I will tell…but…let it just be us ok?

[There was more than what we saw huh?]

"Elementary was quite cruel for miss Mithra"

[…Should I have broken the legs of those bullies?]

"You would have scared her, it wouldn't have worked"


Asura and Durga picked up on that too and while Durga seemed worried, Asura seemed ready to skin a bitch, Yasha merely asked one more question

-Did he help you?


-All right, let's talk about this later

They ended the conversation there, still, I got the good impressions, in the future, it will be possible to get these 2 monsters to help me out, if I can befriend them, bonus

After that, I went to see Dante and Vergil who also introduced me to their mom

-So we finally meet Eric, Dante and Vergil have said a lot about you

The ol' reliable is always the right option

-Eh? You guys had a sister?


"40 (Smooth)"

-What? No dude this is our mom!

-What is with your mothers and why do they all look like your sisters?!

-I feel like we are missing context…

-For another day perhaps Vergil, what did you guys think?

-That it was too boring till you guys showed up

-Did you really write the songs yourself?

-Of course I did aunt…eh…

-Eva, my name is Eva, and you are quite impressive

-Not as impressive as the half demons here, come to think of it, we have yet to settle our score, right Vergil?

-I feared you had forgotten

-Oh Vergil, you know you are not allowed to fight back home

-! Mother please! The school has banned us from practice! The only place left is our home!

-Come on mom!

Heh, never thought I'd see them like this, kids will be kids I guess

-Since I can't go there to fight, can I at least visit to play?

Eva smiled at me

-Of course sweetie, any day

-Thanks aunt Eva!

Well, that should give me an excuse to visit them at any point now

We made some small talk but nothing else that could be considered substantial, so after that, the event came to an end and we went back home, I was honestly in the mood for a nap after today…cause I am bloody exhausted…

However, as we were heading back home, outside, I met Mithra



She is trembling

-Hey, what's wrong?

-…Can…can you be with me as I tell my parents how we met?


Not sure why she is worried-what the fuck am I saying? She is ASURA'S daughter! Of course she is terrified! If Asura decides it, a bunch of people are gonna die!

"You will have to play peace maker"

"Yes, you might have to say some compromising things, but the other option is bloodshed that Mithra doesn't want, and her wishes come first right?"

[Are you sassing me?]


[…I'm proud of you]

"Of course you are…how is teasing you this hard?!"

I told everyone to go ahead of me, I would work my way back myself, Leona was really reluctant but Impa helped me out and they left, knowing that I would be fine on my own

I followed her to a parking lot, seems like Yasha drove them in a simple Sedan…does Asura drive? I can see him on a motorcycle but…

-Eric? What brings you here?

-You see aunt Durga-

-I want him here!

-…If you insist

-Mithra, what happened?

She was clearly afraid so I grabbed her hand, she looked at me and I smiled

-Don't be afraid, I am here


She took a deep breath

-He saved me from being bullied

The fucking ground began quaking and I felt an atrocious presence surround us

"That's…way worse than I expected"

Asura's eyes were glowing red, but I could see they were gonna go white at any point, not that Yasha and Durga were any better, hell, I thought Durga was the sweet one here! No wonder she and Asura fell in love! Christ, this pressure is suffocating me!

Mithra is trembling too, so seeing what was going on, I spoke up


The pressure reduced a bit and they looked at me

-I am delighted you are ready to break a damn continent, but Mithra is kinda terrified here so how about you relax a bit huh?!

Durga and Yasha regained their sanity, but Asura was not any better


-Chill out uncle Asura! You are the most terrifying of the 3!!



Throwing all my chips to the wind, I stood defiantly between both Mithra and her overgrown ape of a father


"85 (He's brave)"


"70 (Even grown men fear Asura when he loses it…)"


"95 (Good! Show me how you will protect her!)"

Ah shit! That came in handy!

"Be ready master, it seems Asura has decided to test your will!"


Time to fire back


I didn't back down at all from his wrathful gaze, I responded it with my own



My words made him react and his eyes returned to normal, that is where he saw Mithra was terrified and hiding behind me



She jumped out and hugged him, he must have realized he fucked up and apologized



-…Eric, could you tell us what happened?

-Depends, will you explode again?

-…I'll try not to

-No wonder she didn't tell you! If you blow up like this at even the most minor of stories it makes it very hard to talk at all!! Jesus!



-…I don't know what to do when she cries…

Ok…keep going

-…So all I can do…is punch whatever made her cry

-But that scares her

-…Then what am I supposed to do?

Good, this is my chance!

-Well…how about this? You relax, listen to her, you don't need to worry anymore, listen to whatever makes her sad, be there to listen to her alongside aunt Durga, while, you, you let ME punch whoever makes her cry



-Oh my


"100 (I can trust him with her)"


"100 (He has my approval)"


"100 (He calmed that idiot down with reason, I'll trust him)"


"150 (Thank you…)"


-…I understand


-I will be more calm from now on, so don't be afraid to tell me anything


She hugged him

-It is true that we got too angry, sorry baby…


Now I see an adorable family hug…getting a bit jealous here

-Then Eric, can you tell us what happened?

-Yeah, Mithra, you don't mind?

-No, go ahead please

-Ok, so on the second day, I went to the bathroom when I heard whimpering, then I heard some girls saying mean thing in the girls bathroom, and especially insulting her beautiful eyes, so, privacy be damned, I barged right on in, told them exactly what I thought of them, using…less than palatable words and finished off with releasing my bloodlust, likely giving them nightmares for weeks

-What had they done to her?

-I found Mithra wet and crying, a cruel prank I imagine were they dropped a bucket full of water on her head, am I right?

Mithra nodded, Asura made an ungodly effort to not explode again

-Did you hit them?

-Uncle Yasha, I am a firm believer in gender equality and would not hesitate to show them pain, but I also believe in second chances


-Third chances however are up to God, I merely arrange the meeting for them

Durga and Mithra were left surprised while Yasha and Asura smiled at me

-Well said

-You arrange it…I like it, still, did they bother you again?

-No! In fact after that, they avoided me with all they had…besides, I spent most of my time with Eric, and those girls were terrified of him

-I see…sorry Mithra, for making you think you couldn't talk to us…

-It's ok, I got to meet Eric…so it's not all that bad

-I do have a question though


-How did you get in that situation on the second day? I mean, you are such a sweet girl, how could you get their hatred so fast?

-...….Actually…it wasn't the first time


-It started in elementary

Durga hugged Mithra tighter while holding Asura's arm to make him relax

-Back then huh?

-…They always said it was my eyes…that I was a freak because of them…


-It actually made me hate my eyes…I thought that the color was all that mattered and it made me a freak…

-What about now?

-Now? I love them…they are beautiful…just like yours

I smiled

-That's the spirit

-....So beautiful...…


"Pay it no mind master, shall we go? I believe we are done here"


-Hah, ok, anyways, I gotta go, I believe my part here is done, right?

-Are you sure? Wouldn't you like to join us for dinner?

-Thanks aunt Durga, but I am sleepy, so I am gonna go hit the sack, I'll see ya at school Mithra!

-Good bye!

I left and got home within 20 minutes, I did notice that aunt Hilda was recording the whole thing so I will ask for the video of our performance later and send it to the Kagura twins and Samus

Once home, Leona greeted me with a hug, soon after I took a shower, then we went to sleep