Chereads / Welcome to Urdak / Chapter 14 - Master Sword

Chapter 14 - Master Sword

It's been a month at last, some things happened, first off, the Hyrules came back after a week, with the Master Sword, but the blade was not "On" it was sealed, and Link seemed bothered by it but he couldn't guess what it was, so I decided to lie again to help out

-…Is that the Master Sword?

-It is! Glorious isn't it?

Rhoam was very happy and Link had an awkward smile, I pulled no punches

-What a let down


-What?! Eric! That's the Master Sword! MASTER! What do you mean let down?!

-It's sealed

-Huh?! (X4)

Link looked at me and then spoke again

-…Please…help it

-Of course bro, for you? Anything

He handed me the Sword, I immediately felt a rejection from it, Rhoam couldn't understand but he trusted me, Zelda on the other hand

-How can you wield it?! Quickly give it back! Who knows if it hurts you for disrespecting it!!

-Relax Zelda, give me a second

The rejection was becoming worse

-JEEZ! I GET IT! I AIN'T YOUR MASTER! But as you stand you ain't helping him at all! Might as well be some scrap metal as you are!


-It's fine to want him to improve, but being cryptic only hurts his growth and wastes valuable time! What if shit goes down while he is wholly unaware of your predicament?! Speak up damn you! I know you are listening to me Fi!!

"The spirit of the Master Sword: Fi"

"60 (Master's best friend)"

The blade began glowing and then from it, Fi emerged, to the shock of the family and Leona, while Link smiled softly and thanked me with his eyes

-I apologize for this Lord Eric, but it was a necessary move

-I hope you can explain because without the blade's properties, my friend, nay, MY BROTHER, would have been in danger!

I said pissed off, Fi's expression didn't change but…


"65 (One who sees the truth)"

-Please quell your worry, master was well aware of my situation, even if he couldn't describe it, the Triforce would lead him


-I want master to have an ally that is not blinded by my history, that doesn't see me as an automatic victory, heroes don't succeed merely because of a weapon, instead, I wanted someone critical and rational by his side, I am delighted to see he has you

-Quite cold, but I ain't gonna question it, it's the will of Hylia right?

-Correct once again, the blade unfortunately has been sealed a long time ago, there are certain temples in the world that will allow me to regain my former power, but master, as skilled as he is, needs you to help him, one who has no fear of divinity or old legends, unfortunately master's family is far too superstitious to lead him to his heroic future

-I'll be damned

Both Hilda and Rhoam were shocked beyond belief while Zelda and Impa couldn't believe it, Link got close and looked at Fi

-Master…it's an honor to meet you, I am Fi, the spirit of the Master Sword

He nodded, to my shock, Fi's robotic tone softened when she looked at Link, her expression hasn't changed at all, but it's obvious she has a soft spot for him

-Then pray tell, where are those temples? What awaits us there? What must we do in them?

-They are located in different parts of this particular kingdom…should be…the kingdom of Aether right? Ruled by a council of individuals who are…"Better" than others and thus, lead the kingdom forward, am I right?

Well, oficial sources will claim that the king takes advice from that council, but I know a puppet king when I see one!

-You are

-How…sad, regardless, the temples are filled with monsters as trials that the Goddess Hylia has set for the hero and whatever companion he might have, however, I would recommend that Master's siblings and you lord Eric to accompany him

-So aunt Hilda and Uncle Rhoam cannot come?

-The behavior displayed by the two and their unwavering faith in Hylia and her relics makes them unsuitable for the nature of the tests, as such, I judge them to be a hindrance instead of help


Link got angry at her and spoke again, honestly this is the most I have heard him speak in a day

-My apologies master, I am merely stating facts based on my observations of their sheer belief and pushing their faith on you, while Hylia likes and cares for her believers, such devotion is more harmful than good, and is severely harming your sister's growth

-?! Wh-What do you mean spirit of the sword?

-Call me Fi

-I wouldn't dare!

-And there lies your problem Rhoam, hence why I believe that lord Eric is more suitable to help, he has no fear of the gods

-Fi, you got sidetracked, does it have to do with Zelda's Triforce piece?

-Her too?! (X3)


Fi nodded

-Indeed, as the one who inherited the Triforce of Wisdom, her religious ways and more importantly, the rituals to awaken her power are only harming her wisdom, locking her view to one that is heavily religious instead of neutral and truthful, her power will not awaken like that any time soon

-Were…were we wrong?


-There is a reason no one has awakened to their power for over 2 centuries miss Hilda, you were wrong in your approach and thus, no one could awaken

She is fucking ruthless all right

-I believe that her help and this journey will provide an opportunity for her to awaken her power naturally, finally, master's other sister, Impa has learned some incredible abilities from an ancient Sheikah master, her young age also makes it easier for her to let go of the heavy religious background you 2 provided

-Overall good, but you have yet to mention locations and trials Fi

-My apologies, the locations of the 4 temples that we need are in "Retirou", "Hegbar", "Laruto" and finally in "Death Mountain"


-Yes Lady Zelda, your hometown, I suggest that to be your first temple, it will provide the easiest challenge, but you will need to learn how to use magic

-But…my powers haven't awakened…

-Such a thing is irrelevant, haven't you learned "Inventory" from Lord Eric? I believe he can teach you offensive magic as well if my scans are not wrong

Zelda looked at me

-To be fair, you never asked

I said with a cheeky grin, she pouted at me as Fi then explained

-The temples are filled with monsters, any who can't fight is as good as dead weight and as such, should be discarded, at the end of the temple, an ancient evil that I had to seal awaits, the objective is to kill them so that the power of the seal is released and returns to me

-Finally! Someone who thinks to kill the big bad instead of sealing them!

-Tragically, the past was heavily superstitious and instead of finding a permanent solution to the ancient evil, they decided it was best to seal the evil using my power as a sacrifice, hence why I lost my luster

-Superstitions huh?


-Gotcha, do we have a time limit?

-No, the seals are not gonna break anytime soon, I am merely concerned at the "Irregular Gates"

-Then let's take it easy for now ok? Link, I am gonna train Zelda in magic, can you and Impa spar? We have never fought but I know she is strong

-Wait, are you serious?! Isn't this a very important task my boy!? We should deal with it at once!

Fi gave a sidelong look at Rhoam, he still doesn't get it…in fact…is she annoyed?


He thought just like me and shook his head

-We are being too disrespectful to the Goddess Spirit! Please be reasonable!

Now aunt Hilda is in it too…man, seems like Hylia will have to set her followers straight one of these days

-Nah, I agree with Link, no reason to hurry it up

-Why not?!

-Eric, you don't know what is at stake here! It's about the Master Sword! We have to do something!

I sighed and looked at Fi

-Do I tell them or you?


"70 (Perfect advisor)"

-I believe I would be too rude, please Lord Eric

-Aight, aunt, uncle, rushing this is a stupid idea


-Ya see, like Fi said, the journey will be dangerous and will take some time to complete, rushing in first with no preparation or strategy will only run the risk of Zelda or even us getting hurt

-Then don't take her!


-She has never fought in her life! Won't she just drag you down?!


Zelda looked hurt so I got close and placed my hand on her head and began patting gently

"Ability acquired! Headpat master (C-)"

What?… Whatever

-Wrong, she might be one of the most valuable members, once we awaken her power she will be able to stand by our side easily and even save our asses if things get complicated

-But now we know what we did wrong! We can awaken her power safely!

-It's too late


-Lord Eric is right, since your education has been so "Hylia and her followers" focused, you have glossed over the truth many times, giving everyone a biased view of the truth that affected her wisdom, the only way to correct it is with shock, the temples will show the truth of it all, even if it is ugly, she needs to see it to get rid of the erroneous knowledge she has


-Uncle, your ancestors and the ancestors of Laruto committed a lot of atrocities in the name of the Goddess, the truth is there, and I know you won't accept it

Stories still happen, one way or another in this world, Ridley still showed up to kill Samus's parents, Goenitz nearly had Leona go insane and nearly killed Maki, history will happen one way or the other, so it's only natural to assume that the Yiga, the Shadow Temple etc. All will happen here, one way or another, or maybe they already happened?

Either way

-Correct once again, as such, for the sake of awakening her power, she needs a fresh unbiased view on her ancestry, for as bad as it may be, it is necessary


-And to do that, she needs to be strong enough to defend herself, hence why Lord Eric is required

-So, sorry uncle Rhoam, we'll do things our way, you can't stop it

-…Were…were we really wrong?



-Fi, please specify

-As you command, I don't believe that you raised your children wrong, Master awoke to his power after all, it's just the religious aspect that unwittingly harmed lady Zelda, that is where your mistake lies

-Thanks Fi

-Was it really important?

-It was

Both Rhoam and Hilda looked at me in gratitude

-Thank you Eric

-Now, if we are done with all the heavy talk, do you have any questions?

Before anyone could start, Fi did

-As a matter of fact, first, how could you tell of my existence and Zelda's power?

-My ability, it's called "Appraisal", it allows me to see potential, secrets and important notes on people and weapons, what I saw in the Master Sword was a "Sealed" part next to the name and a "Spirit: Fi" since this isn't the only sword inhabited by one, same with Zelda, "Sealed" then "Triforce of Wisdom" hence why I knew

-Could you always see it?

-Yup, but I had no idea what the Triforce was until Link awoke it, you guys kinda left immediately afterwards so, couldn't confirm anything, now I could

-What about me! Do I have the last Triforce?

-…Sorry Impa, I don't see any seal in you


-It's obvious you don't, the final piece of the Triforce has been stolen by an ancient evil, no one can inherit it as long as said evil lives

-…What is that evil Fi?

-Calamity Ganon

Of course…

The Hyrules drew a cold breath, terrified

-S-So…the calamity…is real?

-Yes, and by my estimations, it will wake up around the next decade

-Shouldn't we hurry though?!

-Mister Rhoam, you are letting your fear get the better of you again, do your children look afraid?

Link looked determined, Impa looked ready, Zelda seemed pensive and I had a ferocious grin


-An ancient evil sounds like a perfect stepping stone for the future, wouldn't you guys agree?

Link nodded while Impa laughed

-I will never understand you boys, Calamity Ganon is quite the scary prospect

-You don't look afraid

-I am merely taking what Fi said to heart, besides, it's better than you with that scary grin

-Ah, sorry

Then we looked at Zelda, it was only then that I realized she was looking at me


-Eric, could you pat my head again?

-…Did you not listen to anything we discussed?

-I did, but we can discuss it later no? Please pat my head again


I did and she smiled gently, almost melting on me



-Regardless, I suggest that you all take some time to think about what I said, Master, call me out if you have any questions, Lord Eric, will we be able to count on your assistance?

-Any day Fi

-Thank you, I shall now rest, farewell

She disappeared inside the sword and I sighed

-Well, I will leave you all to talk, come on Leona, let's get back to controlling your Orochi Blood


-Eh?! No! Just a bit more please!

-We can continue at school Zelda, see ya all tomorrow!

The atmosphere was heavy, so I was glad to leave it