As the divine feast continued, the time came for Sammy to showcase his celestial companion, Blazeheart, the 8th Tier Flame Lion. Eager to impress, Sammy stood and theatrically gestured toward the entrance.
"Ladies and gentlemen, gods and goddesses, behold the star of the show—Blazeheart, the one and only fiery feline sensation!" Sammy announced, expecting the majestic creature to materialize.
To his surprise, nothing happened. No fiery entrance, no celestial roars. A hushed silence fell over the divine gathering.
Aruara, the mother of all gods, raised an eyebrow. "Sammy, where is this magnificent beast of yours?"
Sammy, scratching his head nervously, replied, "Uh, Blazeheart, buddy, this is your cue. Time to shine, or in your case, blaze!"
Aruara, her smile replaced by a curious expression, leaned in and whispered to Sammy, "You do realize you cannot simply 'call out' a Tire 8 magical beast, right?"
Sammy, perplexed, asked, "Wait, there are tiers for magical beasts? What is Blazeheart, like a Tire 7 or something?"
Aruara, with a slight chuckle, began to explain, "Magical beasts have different tiers, ranging from the weakest, Tire 1, to the strongest, Tire 9. Blazeheart is an 8th Tier magical beast."
Sammy, absorbing the information, quipped, "So, my not-so-little lion is a Tire 8, huh? No wonder he's got some serious attitude."
Aruara continued, "Only a few gods possess a Tire 9 magical beast—Zeus, Buddha, Hades, Obatala, and Rah and me of course as you must have guessed. The rest can tame up to Tire 8 or lower."
Sammy, seizing the opportunity to showcase his wit, asked, "Why can't you guys just, I don't know, create a Tire 9 beast and be done with it?"
Aruara, with a wise smile, explained, "Magical beasts aren't 'created' by the gods; they formulate alongside us. They're beings of balance and magic, not mere creations."
Realization dawned on Sammy, "So, me having Blazeheart messes with the cosmic balance or something?"
Aruara nodded, "Indeed. Having a Tire 8 beast in possession offsets the divine equilibrium. Now, we must see if Blazeheart will willingly align with any of us."
Reluctantly, Sammy agreed, "Fine, but I won't force him to do anything he doesn't want."
Just as they discussed, a ripple in space and time formed, and the massive fiery paws of Blazeheart emerged. The atmosphere shifted as the celestial lion made its presence known.
Aruara, with a hint of awe, approached Blazeheart, "Will you align with any of us?"
The lion's response echoed through the divine realm—a resounding refusal. It seemed Blazeheart had a mind of its own.
Respecting the creature's decision, Aruara returned to her cheerful demeanor. "Well, Sammy, it seems your fiery friend is quite adamant. We shall respect its choice."
As the divine feast resumed, Sammy couldn't shake the lingering sense of awe and respect for Blazeheart's independence. The mother of all gods, while smiling, had shown him a glimpse of the intricate tapestry of the divine realm—a realm where even the mightiest magical beasts had a say in their destiny.
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