In the aftermath of Garba's failed attempt, LokiLaff, determined to thwart Sammy's cosmic journey, devised a new plan. He sought the expertise of Femi, a renowned Hausa assassin known for his deadly skills. However, there was a quirky twist – Femi couldn't speak Hausa.
On a moonlit night in Jesterville, Sammy found himself facing an unexpected visitor – Femi, the silent assassin, lurking in the shadows.
Femi, with a mysterious gaze, pointed to Sammy, signaling his intention to engage in a duel.
"Ah, another one? Seriously, guys, can't we settle this with a game of charades or something?" Sammy joked, raising an eyebrow.
Femi, unable to communicate verbally, gestured with his hands, attempting to convey his purpose.
"Oh, I see. You're the strong, silent type. Got it," Sammy chuckled, mimicking Femi's serious expression.
As Femi unsheathed his weapon, a traditional Hausa sword, Sammy continued the banter, "Nice sword! Do you give them quirky names like 'Chuckler' or 'Giggleblade'?"
Femi's stoic expression remained unchanged, but Sammy sensed a subtle acknowledgment in his eyes.
"Alright, let's dance, Femi. But before we start, how about a knock-knock joke to lighten the mood?" Sammy suggested.
Femi, perplexed but willing to play along, nodded cautiously.
"Knock, knock," Sammy began.
Femi gestured, signaling 'Who's there?'
"Olive," Sammy replied.
Femi waited for the punchline.
"Olive you, and I miss you!" Sammy grinned.
Femi, despite the language barrier, couldn't help but crack a faint smile. The tension eased momentarily.
"Alright, Femi, let's make this a dance of laughter and shadows," Sammy declared, adopting a mock fighting stance.
As the duel commenced, Sammy's agile moves and comedic distractions clashed with Femi's silent precision. Each clash of the blades echoed with a symphony of laughter and shadows, creating a surreal spectacle in the moonlit night.
Between strikes, Sammy continued his banter, "You know, Femi, we could've been great comedy partners. Ever considered a career change?"
Femi, unable to respond verbally, smirked in a way that conveyed a subtle appreciation for Sammy's humor.
As the duel unfolded, Jesterville's residents, drawn by the cosmic commotion, gathered to witness the peculiar showdown. Cheers and laughter echoed through the night.
In the divine realm, LokiLaff observed, frustrated by Sammy's ability to turn even a deadly encounter into a comedy routine.
The duel reached its climax with a dramatic showdown, leaving both Sammy and Femi panting. Sammy extended a hand, offering a truce.
Femi, after a moment of contemplation, accepted the gesture. The two adversaries, brought together by the language of laughter, shared a moment of unexpected camaraderie.
As Sammy and Femi parted ways, Jesterville returned to its usual laughter-filled calm. Little did Sammy know that LokiLaff, undeterred by yet another setback, was brewing a grander cosmic comedy—a comedy that would push Sammy's abilities to their limits and reshape the very fabric of the divine realm.
"Well I guess the gods didn't manage to shit on my cake this time." Sammy said jokingly