Chapter 9 - First Family Dinner 6

Green starter pokemon is very rare even in dukes family it is only given to Duke's son or very genius trainer based on contribution.

I think he got lucky or Duke specifically prepared green starters for him because he has lot of potential but it was surprise for all that he selected Piplup.

Well as I said I came early there was also reason to see the pokemons family members has this was first time I am attending after getting memory back and now I want to check all the pokemons as this thought was going to my mind I was observing each person and the pokemon entering the mension while standing in a corner with Meson.

"Hey don't watch like that it looks like your some guard looking for spies"

"Haha well but I like to watch different pokemons so I will compromise on that one"

"So when are you free we can play with my other pokemons as well"

Hmm.. So he has caught other pokemons as well. Well as Meson is 6 he is also attending academy I think he comes back for every family meeting.

"Ok we can play tomorrow when are you going back to academy "

"I will go back day after tomorrow"

As I talking with Meson I saw a cranidos following a 5 year old I think he is similar age as Reiss

"Lecon got a cranidos!! "

"Yes I think from some connections he got one isn't it cool"

Meson said looking at Lecon.

Lecon is in same batch as Reiss and he is also talented just second to Reiss but as he is part of side family it is difficult to get chimchar Or any other royal starter so they try to get other good starter from family or from some family connections.

As I observed the the cranidos I saw light green light emitting from it.

So it's Light green potential not bad.

As we were looking at him Lecon also looked at us then giving a smirk he walked away.

What's with that attitude even though he got rare pokemon which is rare to find and it has good potential also but it still worse than Royal starters.

Everyone present also looked at cranidos enterance and now Lecon has gotten a positive influence.

While there were some rare pokemons seen in the crowd most of the pokemons were common like buizel, drifloon, buneary, murkrow, glameow, pichu etc well they are obviously rare in wild but here it is common to see them.

As time passed while I observed most of the families and there children with pokemons I mostly understood the power levels.

So currently most children present here has light green pokemons as above green is the must requirement.

Most of these pokemons have 1 evolution like cranidos and these are the lowest families as the status goes up you will see light green pokemons with 2 evolutions or some strong pokemon with one evolution some even have green potential but they only had one evolution.

Now some influential side families are entering the mension.

I saw a boy with munchlax entering the room this boy was 7 year old but looked like 10 year old he was very fat and people can't find the difference between him and munchlax as they both entered while eating snacks.

I saw a green glow on that munchlax but it was very close to dark green.

"Munchlax looks strong than before" I said with amazment

"Well it has become a lot stronger, Lucan is the current top student in there batch, his munchlax is currently most powerful in there batch"

Well almost dark green glow that pokemon has very good potential as we were talking Lucan approached us with smile.

"Ah again together watching pokemons from corner don't you get hungry"

"Hi Lucan"


"Munchlax, Munchlax!! "

Munchlax greeted both of us I also greeted him with light punch on his belly. Munchlax tried to defend it but it's hands couldn't reach that point. This munchlax is very fat even compared to other munchlax.

I also greeted Lucan same way he also tried to defend but failed and became very sad.

Well this I way I greeted both in past also so why not now also it also looks fun.

They have very sad expression every time I greet them like this, they get reality check on how far they were.

"Rex looks energetic only around me as always"

Well these were friends before so I didn't tried to break friendship now I also enjoy little time I got with them.

"So how it's going" I asked him curiously

"Well same as always wake up eat and sleep nothing else"

"You forgot about the hard training part" Meson said as he is saying facts. Well that was true even though he is fat he is currently one of the most hardworking child from the family his pokemons also train very hard.

"Well I train here and there nothing to mention about it"

"Do how it's going saw any interesting pokemon"

"Yes we saw a cranidos it looks powerful also"

" Oh a cranidos I have only seen 3 in the academy "

As Lucan searched he also saw it.

"Hah Lecon that a arrogant guy got a good pokemon look how he is showing off the pokemon like he got some legendary"

"It's natural he wants more support from family" Meson added