It was a beautiful night we had. The most stellar sex I have ever had was with him. And now I was waking up in his arms wrapped around me. The sunlight seeped through the blinds and its warmth spread slowly in the room. I snuggled onto Harvey and took a deep breath of his woody scent.
Maybe because I moved too much, I woke him up accidentally. He groaned a bit and opened his eyelid which still looked so heavy. A smile spread on his lips while his fingers brushed my caramel blond hair.
"Hey, Baby." He said with his gentle voice.
"Have a good sleep?" He asked me again.
I nodded. Of course. It was the best sleep I've ever had. Partially I was too tired because of our endless sex. And the other was because I felt strangely safe and comfortable on this bed with him. Sleeping with his arms hugging me tightly. Almost as if Harvey had become the haven for me in only a few hours.