Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 8 - Chapter 6: The Family of the Flame Emperor

Chapter 8 - Chapter 6: The Family of the Flame Emperor

However, though the method was there, the only ones among the human race who had been able to achieve this since the birth of Ancient Martial Arts were the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns. No one else.

Ten thousand years, it was too difficult to cultivate the realm of Great Dao Venerable.

Since the inception of the Chaos World, apart from those who were born as Dao Venerables in the Innate Realm, no one else has ever heard of someone achieving the realm of Great Dao Venerable in just ten thousand years.

The Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns were exceptions!

It was relatively easy to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal, but to become a Great Dao Venerable, it required the accumulation of time.

However, Jiang Chen was confident that he could cultivate to the realm of the Great Dao Venerable within ten thousand years and achieve a feat comparable to the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns.

Because he had the Dao Identifier!

The Dao Identifier could devour not only power, but anything conceptually existent, including knowledge, memory, and insights into the Great Dao, among others.

Just now, after the black-robed elderly man was devoured by the Dao Identifier, all about him was fed back to Jiang Chen by the Dao Identifier, becoming his nourishment for growth.

This was why Jiang Chen was confident he could cultivate to be a Great Dao Venerable within ten thousand years.

Merely relying on his own effort, not to mention ten thousand years, even a hundred thousand years would not enable him to cultivate into the Dao Venerable Realm.

But with the Dao Identifier, he could use it to plunder the power of others, making it his foundation, and allowing himself to grow rapidly.

Plunder the Heaven and Earth for his own benefit; ten thousand years would be enough for Jiang Chen to grow to the point of becoming a Great Dao Venerable.



"The First Emperor has actually fallen!"

After digesting the memory of the black robe elder, Jiang Chen couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

From the man's memory, he learned about what had occurred in Xianyang City during his absence.

The First Emperor had fallen!

He had died recently, under the divine punishment!

This news to Jiang Chen was nothing short of a thunderbolt on a clear day.

The invincible First Emperor, second only to the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns among the human race, his strength, thanks to the blessing of the human race's fate, was not only unmatched in the world but also on par with a common Quasi-Saint.

Such a person would never die so easily under divine punishment.

Something was definitely wrong!

Furthermore, as soon as the First Emperor had just fallen, a large number of immortal persons suddenly appeared and launched an attack on the stunned human masters, lifting up their butcher knives.

Judging by their actions, it was clear that they had premeditated this.

Getting to this point, Jiang Chen shivered, as though he understood something.

This was a conspiracy against the human race. Someone didn't want the human race to be too strong, so they took advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to wipe out all the human masters gathered in Xianyang City all at once.

Only if these human masters all died, would the strength of the human race plummet.

This point was confirmed by the background of the black-robed elder.

From that man's memory, Jiang Chen saw clearly that he was sent to Xianyang City by the order of some supreme being to assassinate the human masters.


The First Emperor thought he could defy the heavens, but he underestimated the power behind the scenes.

Thus, not only did he die, but the human masters he had gathered also had to be buried with him.


Understanding all this, without any hesitation, Jiang Chen immediately fled in the opposite direction of Xianyang City.

In the Chaos World, the only ones capable of killing the First Emperor would be the Saints and some legendary Great Divine Transcendents. Undoubtedly, these were people Jiang Chen could not provoke at present.

Hence, he couldn't go to Xianyang City. It was probably a death zone by now.

With Jiang Chen's mere cultivation in the Innate Realm, let alone stepping into it, he might lose his life mysteriously as soon as he arrived there.


Jiang Chen had just fled for about a hundred miles when he heard a rumbling sound from the ground in the distance. Looking back, he saw that after a moment of shaking, Xianyang City was sinking below the ground, quickly disappearing from sight.


Just as Xianyang City was about to sink, a few dozen rainbow lights suddenly shot out from the city and fled into the distance. Looking closely, one could see human figures within the rainbow lights.

These were the remaining masters in the city, unwilling to be buried with Xianyang City. Therefore, at the moment of its sinking, they escaped.

Everyone who had survived the great battle till now was undoubtedly a top master. Hence, their speeds were very fast, covering a hundred miles in an instant.

After escaping from Xianyang City, those masters scattered in all directions and flew away.

Coincidentally, the target of one of the red rainbow lights was the direction of Jiang Chen's escape, and it quickly arrived in front of him.

This red rainbow light was so eye-catching that Jiang Chen naturally discovered it immediately.

However, after seeing the red rainbow light, Jiang Chen, instead of feeling tense, exhaled as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

The master of the red rainbow light was none other than the elder of his clan who had brought him to Xianyang City—the Patriarch of the Jiang Family, Jiang Zixuan!

"Patriarch, I'm here!"

Seeing that the rainbow light was about to pass him by, Jiang Chen immediately shouted loudly.


"Is it Lil' Dust?"

"How did you get here, and you've broken through to the Innate Realm?"

Picking Jiang Chen up with one hand, Jiang Zixuan gave him a once-over and asked with some confusion.

He still remembered that when Jiang Chen left Xianyang City, he had just entered the late stages of the Post-Natal Realm. So, how could he have advanced to the Innate Realm in just a short period of time, and even transformed into the Sun God Body?

Could it be...

With a suspicion in his heart, Jiang Zixuan looked intensely at Jiang Chen.

As for his own transformation, Jiang Chen had thought of a suitable excuse long ago.

Therefore, in response to Jiang Zixuan's question, he answered very naturally, "While I was playing on Li Mountain, I accidentally came across some opportunities and awakened some of my bloodline."

As he said this, Jiang Chen activated some of the power of the Sun God Body, and a phantom of the Great Sun revolving around his body could be seen.

The image of the Great Sun revolving around him was the marker of the Sun God Body!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zixuan muttered to himself, "As expected!"

Their Jiang family, the descendants of the ancient Flame Emperor. The Flame Emperor was Shennong, the Earth Emperor among the Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns of the human race. At the same time, he was also the new Sun God of the Chaos World after Di Jun Taiyi.

In other words, the bloodline of the Sun God flowed within the bodies of the Jiang family.

This was also one of the reasons why Jiang Chen was obsessed with the Great Sun Golden Crow. Wasn't the descendant of the Sun God and the Great Sun Golden Crow a perfect match?

Similarly, the changes in his body could be attributed to the awakening of the bloodline.

The Jiang family had been passed down for such a long time and there had been too many cases of bloodline awakening. It was not surprising that it happened to Jiang Chen.

Moreover, the records of Ancient Martial Arts were buried in the past ages, but Jiang Chen could still find the cultivation method of Ancient Martial Arts, which had naturally something to do with the Jiang family.

Only a family like the Jiang family, with an ancient heritage that almost spans the entire history of the human race, would have records of Ancient Martial Arts and possess a complete heritage.