Chapter 9 - Chapter 7 Jiang River

"You're really a lucky lad!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's amazing fortune, Jiang Zixuan couldn't hold back his laughter.

"It's all thanks to the blessings of our ancestors!"

Knowing that too much talk leads to errors, Jiang Chen responded vaguely to Jiang Zixuan's praise without going into details.


Although the Jiang Family were descendants of the Flame Emperor and carried the Sun God's bloodline, the Sun God Body was not common in their family.

Almost every ten thousand years, one would be born. As for two Sun God Bodies emerging at the same time, that was even rarer, happening just once in a million years.

But now, with Jiang Chen's bloodline awakening, this rare event happening once every million years was likely to reappear in this era.

This thought sparked excitement in Jiang Zixuan.

This was a sign of great prosperity!

Jiang Zixuan was also a Sun God Body, but not from this generation, he was a Sun God Body from tens of thousands of years ago.

Because he was a Sun God Body, he understood more than others how formidable this body constitution could be, with unlimited potential. Perhaps, in ten thousand years' time, the Jiang Family would produce a powerful figure capable of shouldering the responsibility of the Human Race.

Wait, something's wrong...

Ten thousand years...

Suddenly, Jiang Zixuan remembered something, his excitement drained away, and his face was replaced by frustration.

He suddenly realized that the young Jiang Chen seemed to be cultivating the Ancient Martial Arts.

At the time, this issue caused quite a stir within the Jiang family and it was then that Jiang Chen caught the attention of the family's key figures.

After all, anyone who dared to practice Ancient Martial Arts in this era appeared somewhat insane.

What a pity.

He thought he was witnessing the rise of a genius, only to discover that the destiny of this genius was already set in stone.

Those who practice Ancient Martial Arts, no matter how dazzling their talent, can only live for just over ten thousand years. Such a short lifespan makes one ill-suited to shoulder the great responsibility of the Human Race.

"Jiang Chen, what a pity!"

While looking at Jiang Chen beside him, Jiang Zixuan lamented with a sense of regret in his heart.



From the change in Jiang Zixuan's expression, Jiang Chen could roughly guess his thoughts.

However, he didn't bother to argue.

There's no point in arguing about these kinds of things, and he didn't need to prove anything.

Time would prove all.


To change the subject, Jiang Chen asked, "Elder, weren't you in Xianyang City studying the Emperor's heritage? Why did you…"

"Also, why did Xianyang City suddenly sink underground?"

Upon mentioning this, Jiang Zixuan's spiteful tone returned, casting off his earlier dejected look, and said indignantly, "You were lucky to leave Xianyang City early. Otherwise, I might not have been able to save you even if you had stayed."

The next moment, before Jiang Chen could ask the reason, Jiang Zixuan continued,

"We, including the First Emperor himself, were all fooled. Someone wanted to take this opportunity to wipe out all the remaining masters of the Human Race in one fell swoop."

"Fortunately, at the last moment, the First Emperor risked his life to stall the person behind the scenes, opening a path to life for us."

"However, while we managed to escape, the First Emperor..."


As he spoke, Jiang Zixuan heaved a sigh.

The First Emperor had undoubtedly fallen.

Considering Jiang Zixuan's words and the information he had gained from the black-robed elder's memory, Jiang Chen was able to make a rough guess about the situation. Nonetheless, his face revealed a look of shock.

With his mouth wide open, he uttered an incredulous "Aah".

Seeming to be reminded of unpleasant memories, Jiang Zixuan suddenly spoke in an angry tone, "Damn it, I don't know where this Immortal Person sprang from, but he actually took advantage of our inattention and stole the Emperor's inheritance."

Jiang Zixuan could not help but be angry. He had almost seized the Emperor's inheritance, but the sudden arrival of the Immortal Person completely disrupted his plans, causing him to miss getting the Emperor's inheritance by a whisker.

As for this, Jiang Chen was well aware that the Emperor's inheritance was stolen by the black-robed elder.

However, it was precisely because he had stolen the Emperor's inheritance that the black-robed elder was besieged by everyone, his body shattered and his Original Source dispersed. He couldn't even reconstruct his body.

Then, all the benefits were completely taken by Jiang Chen.

In other words, the Emperor's inheritance was now in Jiang Chen's hands.


Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen immediately put on a shocked expression. The matter of the Emperor's inheritance was too significant, he absolutely must not let anyone know that it was in his possession.

It was not that he did not trust his family. Rather, he was too weak. If this matter were known, he would certainly be pushed into the limelight and become the target of those with ulterior motives.

In this case, the Jiang Family might not be able to protect him.

Therefore, until he obtained the power to protect himself, Jiang Chen was determined not to let anyone know that he had the Emperor's inheritance.

"Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Perhaps feeling that it was inappropriate to discuss these matters with Jiang Chen, Jiang Zixuan shook his head and flew towards the Jiang Family with Jiang Chen.


The Jiang River was surging and incessant!

The ancient Jiang Family, descended from the Flame Emperor, was located on the banks of the Jiang River, silently protecting the land of the Human Race.


A red light streaked across the Jiang River, and landed in front of an ordinary village on the riverside. The light turned into two figures, Jiang Chen and Jiang Zixuan.

The village in front of them was called the Jiang Family Village, the secluded dwelling of the Jiang Family.

The two of them entered the village without a word and headed straight for the ancestral hall. On their way, they met villagers coming and going, with Jiang Chen politely greeting them.

These villagers were elderly members of the Jiang Family and also Jiang Chen's elders. When he saw them, he would naturally greet them.

As for Jiang Zixuan, he was grateful that these elders did not kneel in front of him.

He was the elder of the Jiang Family, a figure from thousands of years ago. In the entire Jiang Family, he was the elder. Most of those who were older than him were cultivating in the heavenly realm, while only a few were still on earth.

In other words, these elders were all Jiang Zixuan's juniors. When they saw him, they had to call him Elder.

Greeting them gladly, without even stepping forward to kick them a few times, was enough to make these old people secretly rejoice.

Not far from the village's entrance, the two soon arrived at the ancestral hall.

Arriving at the ancestral hall, Jiang Chen took the initiative to open the door, and after Jiang Zixuan had entered, he followed suit.


Crossing the threshold of the ancestral hall, Jiang Chen felt a moment of dizziness, and by the time he regained his senses, the surroundings had completely changed, as if he had entered another world.

This was a vast wilderness, seemingly infinite and boundless, filled with an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

In the middle of the wilderness was an extraordinarily radiant divine palace, its entire body glowing golden, looking like the sun.

This was the palace belonging to the Flame Emperor where the ancestors worshipped the Flame Emperor in ancient times.

Without a doubt, this was an extremely powerful treasure.