Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 4 - Chapter 2: Overwhelming Karma

Chapter 4 - Chapter 2: Overwhelming Karma

At the dawn of the creation of heaven and earth, the Chaos Treasure Chaos Bead and the Pangu Axe shattered one after another.

After they shattered, though their main bodies evolved into various kinds of innate treasures, some fragments still fell into the River of Time and Space.

And over the long years, no one knows whether it was a coincidence or the arrangement of fate.

Two fragments of the Pangu Axe and fragments of the Chaos Bead met, and under the influence of the Power of Space-Time, they fused together into a Mirror of Tao.

What is a great fortune?

This is!

This Mirror of Tao, fused from pieces of two Chaos Treasures, absorbed a strand of the Power of Space-Time during the fusion process.

As a result, this treasure was born with extraordinary power.

However, this Tao Mirror, before it could display its own elegance, suffered a significant blow and level drop due to the backlash of the Power of Space-Time while traveling with Jiang Chen through time and space.

But, no matter.

Even if the level of the Tao Mirror has dropped, it still has more than enough power to deal with the fallen Golden Crow.


... ...


Under Jiang Chen's urging, the Tao Mirror flew out from his Sea of Consciousness, hung above his head, and enveloped him with strands of mysterious power.

In an instant, Jiang Chen felt a cool sensation flowing through his body, and the surrounding heat dissipated instantly.

The Great Sun Golden Crow may be powerful, but how could it compare to the Tao Mirror?

With its protection, Jiang Chen can remain unharmed.

"Let's go!"

With the Tao Mirror above his head, Jiang Chen took a step, walking directly on the fiery lava as if on solid ground.

Hoo~ Hoo~

Braving the heat, he quickly reached the end of the lava river.

It was a golden world, where the Primordial Sun Qi pervaded the void.

Without exaggeration, even an immortal would not be able to withstand the raging Primordial Sun Qi here and would be burned to ashes.

But Jiang Chen is fearless!

The Tao Mirror trembled lightly, releasing a tremendous suction force that swallowed and refined all the wandering Primordial Sun Qi in the air.


Afterwards, a scorching current descended from the Tao Mirror and surged into Jiang Chen's body.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's blood boiled as if it were burning, generating a massive surge of energy that rushed out of his pores.


The energy flooded out of Jiang Chen's body, swirling behind him like a tide, making a deafening roar.

The tide-like energy is a sign of the mid Post-heaven Realm.

Jiang Chen had made a breakthrough!

But the changes are not over yet.

Even more energy surged from Jiang Chen's body, making the energy behind him more turbulent, like a raging sea, setting off huge waves.

Eventually, it resembled a pillar of scarlet smoke, reaching up to the sky.

A scarlet smoke that resembled blood energy, the late post-heaven realm!


As the smoke rose and twisted in the air, it eventually took the form of a great dragon, which was about ninety-nine feet long, coiling above Jiang Chen's head and roaring upwards into the sky.

Blood energy resembling a dragon, full mastery of the Post-heaven Realm!


Once the surrounding Primordial Sun Qi was almost wholly swallowed up, the Tao Mirror, still unsatisfied, trembled a few more times but then fell back into calm.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, waking up when his guidance no longer provided the energy.

"Post-heaven Complete Fulfillment!"

"What a wonderful fortune!"

Clenching his fists, feeling the surging power within him, Jiang Chen's face couldn't hide his excitement.

He had not seen the corpse of the Great Sun Golden Crow yet, but he already made noticeable gains. His realm directly upgraded from the early stage of the Post-heaven Realm to the Complete Fulfillment stage, saving him countless years of hard cultivation.

If he saw the remains of the Great Sun Golden Crow, wouldn't he directly ascend to immortality?

Thinking of this in his heart, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be more hopeful about the corpse of the Great Sun Golden Crow.



Without the obstruction of the Innate Sun Qi, the journey was much easier.

Soon, Jiang Chen arrived at his destination, the source of the hot spring, the burial ground of the Great Sun Golden Crow.


It was a golden sea of fire, entirely composed of dazzling Sun True Fire. The flames seemed to be able to incinerate everything, even the void was ignited, spreading frightening fluctuations.

The Sun True Fire, one of the ten Innate Divine Fires from the Prehistoric World, was the bane of all evil Yin attribute. Its power was strong enough to destroy the heaven and earth.

From afar, Jiang Chen could feel a terrifying heatwave coming towards him. If it weren't for the guidance trembling at the critical moment, releasing a thread of an enigma power to protect him, the heatwave could have melted him on the spot.

Seeing this, instead of being afraid, Jiang Chen was even more excited.

The more potent the power of the Great Sun Golden Crow, the more significant the benefits he will receive afterwards.

How could he not be excited?

In such a state, Jiang Chen excitedly made his way into the sea of fire one step at a time.


In an instant, the sea of fire began to boil, evolving all sorts of creatures, including Fire Ravens, Fire Snakes, and even Fire Trees, all of which rushed towards Jiang Chen.


But unfortunately, with a lash, the guidance exerted a massive suction.

Those fire-defying creatures that were heading towards Jiang Chen were pulled by this force before they could get close to him, being sucked into the guide and being devoured and refined by it.

The level of guidance was way higher than the Great Sun Golden Crow; hence, the sea of fire had no resistance against it and could only be devoured.

After an unspecified period, a dazzling sun appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, quietly laying there, releasing endless light and heat.

The sea of fire and everything Jiang Chen had experienced before were all formed by the leaking power of the sun before his eyes.

And this sun was the Great Sun Golden Crow, an Innate deity born from the sun.

"Is this the Great Sun Golden Crow?"

"It's indeed mighty!"

Looking at the sun in front of him, Jiang Chen was very excited.

This was his opportunity!

Moving closer, Jiang Chen got a clear look at the entirety of the Great Sun Golden Crow.

Just like the legends, it took the shape of a crow but had three legs and golden feathers that were dazzling and radiant, revealing the demeanor of glamour and nobility.

This was the three-legged sacred bird, the Great Sun Golden Crow, the progeny of the first sovereign of the Prehistoric World, and the prince of the Great Ancient Heaven Court.

Even though it had perished eons ago, standing before it, Jiang Chen still felt his insignificance.

The mere trace of aura naturally radiating from its corpse could easily annihilate him; the gap was indeed too vast.

Luckily, Jiang Chen had the guidance; otherwise, even if he knew the whereabouts of the crow's corpse, he would not have had the chance to witness it.


"What's that?"

As Jiang Chen was observing the Great Sun Golden Crow, he suddenly noticed that an opaque layer of dark red blood Qi was swirling around its corpse.

The dark red colour, contrasted by the golden light, was exceptionally eye-catching.