Sabina was greeted with the receding sun light as she exited the cave to find Sakara sitting before the entrance waiting for her.
"Beta Nix-" however he was cut short when he was barreled into by a ball of brown fur sending Sakara flying into the deep snow next to a pine tree not too far away from the Alpha's den.
"Sabina! Are you okay?!" Omaris shouted as Sabina smiled noting Sakara had disappeared into the snow. She slowly turned her gaze back to Omaris to see he was looking at her nervously as though she had received the clan punishment of treason, which in severe cases was being kicked out to the life of a rogue.
Sabina sighed "Omaris, you should be more conscious of others."
Omaris looked over his shoulder to see Sakara appear out of the snow glaring at him. Omaris looked at Sakara for a long moment before he asked casually "You okay?"
Sakara growled "Yes bu-"
Omaris turned back to Sabina "See he's fine."
Sabina laughed as Sakara stared at his brother in disbelief as he shouted "Hey!"
Omaris ignored Sakara's outburst as he asked Sabina "Sabina, where are you going now?"
Sabina looked at the sky to see the sun was going to be setting behind the ravine outcrops and she smiled "I'll be turning in for the night."
"So soon?" asked Sakara as he quickly deserted his snow hole to stand beside his brother.
Sabina nodded "I am a little exhausted after this morning's hunt"
Sakara's and Omaris's intense concern seemed to wear her out a little more as their eyes seem to bore into her soul, she sighed as she asked "Can't I be tired?".
They nodded but as she made her way to her den they followed closely, and she shook her head smiling. They reminded her of those few months of their childhood she could only claim to have seen. While those in the clan did not understand why she would treasure such moments, she did.
They had been born rogue pups and she refused to see them as anything other than a blessing to the clan. Besides they had only been deemed rogue pups after not only one but two wishes from selfish wolves.
Her den was a large hole beneath a birch tree that she had dug out herself upon joining the Petra clan, as the caves already dug out were far too small. She was ready to plop upon the dirt floor of her home when she found Beta Cinis standing next to it with a piece of meat in his mouth.
"Beta Cinis" Sabina greeted him by lowering her head below his and the other two copied her quickly.
Beta Cinis placed the meat upon the ground and smiled "Beta Nix, you had said you were retiring early so I grabbed a bite from this evening's hunt"
Omaris scoffed while Sakara made a low growl. Sabina blinked several times as she listened to the very loud conversation that was taking place between the three males around her. She could have swore she was going to drown in the testosterone.
"Thank you, Beta Cinis" was her only reply as she walked over to the meat and picked it up.
Beta Cinis leaned down at the same time and their fur brushed sending chills up her spine, in response there was a series of low growls behind her and she sighed. These kids were too hyped up.
She knew that the new moon brings the more animalistic tendencies in the wolves out, as she had experienced it herself. However as she was more experienced in controlling these urges, she felt as though she was the meat she now had in her teeth, surrounded by a bunch of rogues.
Sabina would have hoped Beta Cinis would be a little more mature as he was a year older than the other two, but she could see that wasn't the case.
"I am going in. Good night boys." She lifted her head as she looked at Sakara and Omaris before turning to Beta Cinis as she lowered her head again as she said "Beta Cinis".
He nodded to her smiling as she went to enter the tunnel and she couldn't help rolling her eyes, the testosterone on the air was suffocating. She laid down stiffly upon the dirt floor of the cave when Omaris's voice echoed down her tunnel "Do you want company Sabina?"
Sabina laughed "No."
She could hear a laugh next to the tunnel she assumed was from Beta Cinis and she shook her head as she began to eat.
The young.
Sakara glared at Beta Cinis is who smiled smugly at his brother and him after brushing the fur of Sabina's cheek.
What an asshole.
Omaris's fur stood on end while Sakara couldn't help but let a growl escape his lips only to stop, upon Sabina turning to look at them.
"I'm going in. Good night boys." she sighed.
They both smiled until she respectively lowered her head to Beta Cinis "Beta Cinis"
Sakara could feel a growl at the edge of his tongue again but he held it back. Even though Beta Cinis and Sabina were named Beta, they did not have equal status as Beta Cinis was Alpha to be. As such she treated him as though he were Alpha, to instill in the younger generations to respect the Alpha lineage.
It was a dumb way to look at things in Sakara's opinion but then again he mostly just hated the fact Beta Cinis enjoyed the attention from Sabina.
She disappeared down into her cave and a moment later Beta Cinis turned his attention upon them and smirked "Why are you guys here?"
"None of your business" retorted Omaris as he took a step towards Beta Cinis.
Beta Cinis laughed "What? Don't like the fact she respects me more than you?"
"She has to, you dull prick." growled Sakara.
Beta Cinis narrowed his eyes "Maybe you should too."
"I should what?" the hair on Sakara's back began to stand on end.
"Have some respect for me as well." Beta Cinis's blue eyes began to gleam at the chance of a fight.
Sakara breathed in deeply when Omaris stepped forward again "She likes us better. After all I have actually slept in her cave, have you?"
Omaris didn't mention that it was because he fell into the river and almost drowned. Omaris had refused to return home thinking their adoptive mother would have skinned him alive, so Sabina had allowed them both to sleep in her den during that night. But Beta Cinis didn't need to know that.
Beta Cinis's eyes narrowed again "No, I haven't." the wolf seemed to be thinking for a moment when he asked "How long ago?"
Shit was the only word that came to mind as Sakara looked at his brother whose words stumbled out of his mouth "ei-gh-t…years ago"
Beta Cinis laughed as he sneered "Will she today, I wonder?"
Omaris bit his lip but said "She will"
Sakara felt this verbal battle was going a little far, as he could feel a bet coming on. He bumped Omaris but Omaris only glanced at his brother before returning his gaze to Beta Cinis.
Beta Cinis sneered "I bet she won't let you"
Omaris puffed out his chest "I bet she will"
"Prove it." challenged Beta Cinis.
Sakara bumped his brother again but just as before Omaris ignored the warnings, and stepped over to the cave entrance as he said loudly "Do you want company Sabina?"
"No" she laughed and Omaris's face fell.
Beta Cinis laughed and began to walk away as he said "See you later, rogue boys"
Sakara growled. Asshole.
Sakara turned to leave only to see Omaris was staring at the cave entrance. Sakara walked up beside him "Omaris, don't be mad at Sabina. She didn't know about the bet."
Omaris shook his head "Even if she did she wouldn't take my side."
Sakara nodded as he too knew this about Sabina, she wasn't one to take one side or the other but as he stood there he smiled "But she wouldn't take Beta Cinis's side either."
Omaris smiled too as he looked at his brother "Very true."
"Lets go eat, huh?" Sakara motioned towards the meat pile which was hidden by the bushes and trees.
"Yeah, lets go" said Omaris as they both walked away from the cave's entrance.