The night air was cold but it didn't bother Prince Hagar as he walked through the white hall with all but a white pair of pants and white long sleeved shirt that were covered by a pale blue shawl. The breeze blew past his shawl and he smiled as it touched his hot skin, it was getting hotter as the day passed making him wonder if it was a fever or not. Yet that wasn't his main concern.
His main concern was the lack of panic he saw within the palace, it was as though if his royal brother had gone on a stroll than dead on Somar Mountain. Lord Draco more than likely had something to do with lack of concern over the disappearance of the Crown Prince. Typical.
He walked slowly letting each step seem as though if his pace was only to tax the time to pass but as he came to a hall lined to one side with tall arch ways open to the garden, he stopped. He sniffed the air allowing the fresh smell of pollen and dirt to fill his lungs, making him almost lethargic.
Prince Hagar's gaze remained on the garden as he said "I will be entering the garden."
There was a stretch of silence when Prince Hagar said "Try to make an attempt at concealing yourselves"
Prince Hagar entered the garden waiting for no reply, yet his ears still caught the whisper of Them "Yes, your Highness"
He twitched as he seethed "Necross"
The Necross were vampires born and raised in the monastery of the Blood Goddess the sister to the Somar wolves Moon goddess, with the sole purpose of guarding the young royals of the Empire. However little did anyone know Lord Draco was the one to first build this Monastery thirty eight years ago after the fall of the Lycans and his slow rise to power.
They were Lord Draco's greatest informants and even greater assassins, they were the ones to get their hands dirty for Lord Draco. Prince Hagar's brothers were more on friendly terms with their Necross but Prince Hagar lamented the hell out of his, enough so that he attempted many times to kill them himself.
He never succeeded in his weakened condition but his Necross got the point. He didn't want to know they were there and they didn't mind not having to save face pretending to care about a puppet of their master. He walked out from the roof of the hallway to the night sky above where the vibrant colors of light and dark shades of constellations could be seen, he sighed How beautiful.
His red eyes glanced down at the cobbled path before him that led through the grand gardens, he narrowed his eyes before glancing at the grass. He smiled "A walk in the gardens shouldn't hurt."
He took off his sandals and stepped upon the cool grass making him notice for the first time his feet had been hot. He sighed in relief as he looked for a tree to lean against, only to see a gnarled old oak tree that seemed to be shaped like a seat, he smiled as he settled himself upon it.
He leaned back closing his eyes with one leg propped for his arm to rest upon and the other outstretched to the other side of the tree seat, he sighed in relief. Maybe he would have peace.
"Prince Hagar?" a voice squeaked not too far away.
Or not.
Prince Hagar didn't need to open his eyes to know who that nervous voice belonged to. He sighed as he said "Leon."
Leon was attempting to whisper, however to call it whispering a person would have to be deaf. However Prince Hagar easily assumed Leon had begun whispering only because he had remained on the path, instead of stepping on the grass as Prince Hagar had.
"Your Highness! How did you get over there?!" whispered Leon loudly.
"I walked." stated Prince Hagar.
"You're not supposed to walk on the grass!" it was another voice but it was actually a shout instead of a whisper.
"Shut up, Alon! Do you want his highness to get caught?!" demanded Leon.
Unless you both shut up I will be. Though Prince Hagar but he did not voice his irritance as it would only seem to irritate his never ceasing dull headache.
"Prince Hagar, are you willing to be beaten as last time?" the mocking shout surprised Prince Hagar enough to make him open his eyes as he looked for the owner of the voice.
His gaze settled upon a pair of vampires standing next to Leon and Alon. He locked eyes with the pale blond haired vampire with red eyes like his own and made a half attempt at a smile "Not unless you tattle to the master will I get beaten. Isn't that right, Prince Evero?"
"Leave the puppet be" said the pale blond vampire to the light brown haired vampire standing next to him.
Prince Hagar felt rage hit his body willing him to leap out at his brother's throat but he remained where he was, he would not win this fight if it turned physical. After all it was known throughout the land Prince Evero was a prodigy at swordsmanship.
"Yes, leave me be. You wouldn't want to soil the master's precious puppet, Dorian." Prince Hagar said making the brown haired vampire scoff, Prince Hagar smile as he closed his eyes again.
"Precious? What's so precious about a puppet that can be tossed away as easily as the contents within the waste bins?" Dorian sneered at Prince Hagar who remained as ever placid.
"Have some respect for his highness, Dorian." Growled Alon, Prince Hagar could hear Alon take a step towards the two vampires and he smiled. How useful they were, friends.
"Yes, brother. Control your lap dog." Prince Hagar opened his eyes as he said this and when he did the moon that had been covered by a cloud came clear, allowing it to beam down upon his face making his red eyes seem to glow.
"How dare-" Dorian's growl was cut short as Prince Evero held his hand up "That's enough. His master will punish him."
Prince Hagar smiled as he watched Prince Evero lead Dorian to the hall Prince Hagar had exited, Dorian glanced back and Prince Hagar waved. Dorian had probably growled but as he was too far to hear, so Prince Hagar couldn't enjoy the torment he caused to that lap dog of his brother's as he left but Prince Hagar still felt joy within his heart.
"What a prick." said Alon as he looked back at Prince Hagar who was now sitting up "You alright your highness?"
Prince Hagar nodded as he stood "Alwa-" but he stopped short and slowly sat back down as the world began to spin, Prince Hagar felt his stomach begin to twist and he groaned. Immediately both Alon and Leon were next to him.
"Your highness!" they cried in unison making Prince Hagar recoil back as the noise clattered about in his brain.
"Silence." he growled as he rubbed his temples and immediately they stopped talking.
Alon watched as Prince Hagar's face began to get color and he said "We should return to your chambers, your highness.
Alon reached out to help Prince Hagar up but Prince Hagar swatted Alon's hand away and growled "You do not order me around."
Alon's eyes went wide as he rubbed his hand, just from a brief touch he could feel the heat radiating from Prince Hagar "You're burning up your highness!"
Alon was the only one brave enough to speak, let alone touch Prince Hagar's forehead, and it was something Prince Hagar found intriguing about Alon. Alon was always one to step out against Prince Hagar's orders if he thought it was worth the punishment.
"I'll call the imperial doctor!" Leon went to race away but Prince Hagar grabbed his sword belt halting him in mid run "No take me to my room, let no one know of this."
Prince Hagar knew that it would be impossible to keep the Necross from telling Lord Draco but he could try to stop the spread of his weakness from flowing throughout the palace. He could not seem weak to anyone, otherwise it wouldn't matter if his brother told Lord Draco he walked his happy ass all over the grass of the grand garden.
"Are you-" started Leon but Alon interjected "Just do as he says"
Leon didn't seem to want to but he grabbed a hold of one of Prince Hagar's arm and lifted him to his feet. With the help of Alon they slowly walked to the back of the garden where a group of bushes lined a wall. Leon left Prince Hagar's side to the bushes where he parted them to reveal a trap door. He opened it and they entered into the passage where white brick walls on each side made the world just a little easier to see. They climbed stairs and walked through the passageways until they came to a trap door with a golden handle.
Leon opened it and it let them into the dimly lit room of the royal chambers still as pristine as it had been cleaned since earlier that morning. Prince Hagar groaned as he flopped on the bed letting his legs hang over the bed and his feet touch the ground. Leon tried to lift Prince Hagar into a sitting position but Prince Hagar jerked and and leaned heavily on the bed post.
"What do you think you're doing?" Growled Prince Hagar weakly.
Leon looked nervously at Alon who quickly said "We need to take off the layers to let out some heat."
Prince Hagar glared at Leon but slowly took the toga off and weakly tossed it to the floor.
"There." He said gasping for breath as he mumbled "I need something cold…"
Alon quickly turned to Leon and said "Leon! Get some cold water in a basin!"
Leon quickly raced away to the servant quarters attached to the royal chambers. Which happened to be empty as Lord Draco had wished any word or anything he did to Prince Hagar to never be told to anyone. Another means of control thought Prince Hagar as he watched Leon disappear into the
Leon quickly returned with a small basin filled with cold water and Alon placed Prince Hagar's feet within it who groaned as the cold water hit his feet. Alon and Leon looked at one another before looking at Prince Hagar.
"What just happened?!" Asked Alon as Prince Hagar seemed to be more present to the situation.
Prince Hagar shook his head "I don't know."
"How irritating" said a voice from the shadows making Leon and Alon jump.
Prince Hagar laughed a coughing fit as he said "Enjoy the show?"
"Not particularly" the owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows. It was Lord Draco.
"Lord Draco" both Leon and Alon bowed making Prince Hagar just look at Lord Draco from where he laid, as Lord Draco seemed to be looking at his bare skin as though it was an inconvenience he was ill. Typical.
"Is something not going as planned?" said Prince Hagar sarcastically
"Not entirely. However it can't be helped in your weakened state." said Lord Draco as a matter of fact.
Prince Hagar laughed as he gasped for air that all of a sudden seemed hard for his lungs to grasp. Upon getting his breath he whispered "Blood would help with that."
"Not even if you were on the brink of death would I give it to you." said Lord Draco as he went to walk out the double doors, but he stopped short and looked back at Leon and Alon.
"Make sure he lives. I don't want these last seventeen years to be a waste." Lord Draco looked over his shoulder glowering at Prince Hagar "Especially if it's because of a fever."
Both Leon and Alon looked at one another as the two doors shut when suddenly Prince Hagar began to laugh, and as he laughed he said "Oh how I wish I could die Lord Draco. Oh how much I wish I could."
Slowly the energy in Prince Hagar faded and he felt exhausted "I'm going to sleep now."
"Yes your highness" said Alon and Leon as they stared at their friend in horror and pity.
Prince Hagar smiled as the darkness consumed him, letting his last thought flow through his mind of how fitting it would be for him to die. Oh how he wished he could, just knowing that if he did, that vampire's time had been wasted on something like him. It was enough to make his heart beat just a little better.